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How many calories do I need each day?

Factors affecting calorie needs

By highe protien dietPublished 6 days ago 4 min read

Determining the number of calories you need daily depends on a group of factors such as age, gender, weight, height, and level of physical activity. Knowing your daily calorie needs can help you achieve your nutritional goals, whether you are looking to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain your current weight.

Factors affecting calorie needs

Several factors play a role in determining the number of calories the body needs daily:

Age: Calorie needs vary with age, with children and teens needing more calories to support growth, while adults may need fewer calories as they age.

Gender: Men usually need more calories than women due to greater muscle mass.

Weight and Height: People of greater weight and height need more calories to maintain basic body functions.

Physical activity level: Physically active people need more calories to support their activity than people whose physical activity is limited.

How to calculate the number of daily calories

To calculate the number of calories you need daily, you can use the Harris-Benedict equation, which takes into account your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and level of physical activity:

BMR (for men)=88.362+(13.397×weight in kilograms)+(4.799×height in centimeters)−(5.677×age in years)

BMR (for men)=88.362(13.397×weight in kilograms(4.799×height in centimeters−(5.677×age in years))

BMR (for women)=447.593+(9.247×weight in kilograms)+(3.098×height in centimeters−(4.330×age in years)

BMR (for women)=447.593+9.247×weight in kilograms+3.098×height in centimeters−(4.30×age in years)

After calculating the BMR, it must be multiplied by the physical activity factor to obtain the total daily calories:

Sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise): BMR x 1.2

Moderately active lifestyle (light exercise/sport 1–3 days per week): BMR x 1.375

Moderately active lifestyle (moderate exercise/sport 3–5 days per week): BMR x 1.55

Very active lifestyle (strenuous exercise/sport 6–7 days a week): BMR x 1.725

Very active lifestyle (very strenuous exercise/intense physical exertion + physical function): BMR x 1.9

Use online calorie calculators

If you want to simplify the calculation process, there are many calorie calculators available online that can estimate your daily calorie needs based on your personal input.

Adjust calories to achieve specific goals

Once you know your daily calorie needs, you can adjust your intake to meet specific goals:

To lose weight: Create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than you need daily. It is recommended to cut about 500 calories per day to lose about half a kilogram of weight per week.

To gain weight: Increase your calorie intake by eating more calories than you need daily. About 500 calories can be added daily for healthy weight gain.

To maintain weight: Make sure you eat calories equal to your daily needs without increasing or decreasing them.

Tips for maintaining weight using the appropriate number of calories

Maintaining the ideal weight after reaching it is a challenge for many people. The balance between calories consumed and calories burned is the primary key to maintaining weight. In this article, we will provide a set of tips for maintaining weight by using the appropriate number of calories.

1. Know your daily calorie needs

The first step to maintaining weight is knowing how many calories your body needs daily. You can use the Harris-Benedict equation or online calorie calculators to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and multiply it by your physical activity factor to get your daily calorie needs.

2. Monitor calorie consumption

Food logging: Use food logging apps to track what you eat daily and ensure you don’t exceed your calorie needs.

Read nutritional labels: Make sure to read nutritional labels to know the amount of calories and ingredients in the food you eat.

3. Eat balanced meals

Protein: Eat sufficient amounts of protein at each meal to maintain satiety and muscle mass.

Healthy carbohydrates: Choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Healthy fats: Eat unsaturated fats found in fish, nuts and vegetable oils.

4. Practice physical activity regularly

Cardio exercises: Do cardio exercises such as walking, jogging, or cycling to enhance calorie burning.

Strength exercises: Strength exercises help build muscle and increase basal metabolic rate, which helps burn more calories.

5. Control portion sizes

Eat small portions: Eat smaller amounts of food to avoid overeating.

Use measuring tools: Use food measuring tools such as cups and spoons to measure portions accurately.

6. Drink sufficient amounts of water

Drink water before meals: Drinking water before meals helps increase the feeling of fullness and reduce the amount of food eaten.

Avoid soft drinks: Stay away from soft drinks and high-calorie drinks.

7. Get enough sleep

Good sleep: Make sure to get 7–9 hours of good sleep daily, as lack of sleep can negatively affect weight.

Sleep regulation: Maintain a regular sleep schedule to maintain hormonal balance and improve metabolism.

8. Avoid stress

Stress management: Use stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to help control appetite and prevent emotional eating.

Recreational activities: Make time to engage in activities you enjoy to relieve stress.

By following these tips and adjusting your calorie intake appropriately, you can maintain your ideal weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Focusing on eating balanced meals, getting regular physical activity, and getting adequate sleep are essential steps to maintaining your health and weight in the long term.


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highe protien diet

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    highe protien dietWritten by highe protien diet

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