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How Do You Know If You Are A “Good” Writer?

Some of these metrics might surprise you.

By Aaron DrottsPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Image taken from Pixabay

Have you ever wondered if you are a good writer? Do you have trouble writing essays, research papers, or even short stories for school? This is a common struggle that many people face. If this sounds like something that plagues your life as well, then read on! In this post, we will be discussing five ways to know if you are a good writer. They may not be obvious at first glance so keep reading to find out more about them!

Want To Improve Your Writing?

There are many ways people can write well, and there are many genres within writing. The first way to tell if someone is a good writer is by comparing their writing to what other writers have written in similar genres. For example, an author’s work should be compared with those who write in his/her genre (ex: fantasy) as opposed to those who write in another genre (ex: non-fiction). This comparison allows for a reader to rate the writing against other writing and measure the author’s writing ability against other authors.

The second way to tell if someone is a good writer or not is by considering what they have written as opposed to how they write. This minor distinction makes a minor difference, but it still needs to be noted as part of an evaluation process. The first factor that matters when considering how well one writes has nothing to do with the actual text itself, but rather which publication house/magazine/website published the article/story/book and who wrote it and what their background is. Those who are published by reputable publishers tend to be better writers than those who publish on blogs other self-publishing websites. This is because publishing companies have a reputation to uphold and want to profit off of good writing. They also have strict guidelines about how their work should be written, so the quality is always consistent with previous publications. Many published authors write for magazines that specialize in their genre or relevant topic, which means that if you wish to become a good writer you will need publications from reputable publishers in your field of expertise.

The third way one can tell if they are a good writer or not is by looking at what has been said about them and by whom. Being called a talented writer does not make it true; it all depends on who’s it and why they’re saying it. Different organizations and publications hold different weights in the public eye, so to receive praise from a popular magazine or newspaper is more impressive than receiving it from an unknown source. It also depends on if the writer has been praised in written form (publication article, interview transcript) or in-person (interview, conference). Professional writers who are well-known typically have their work published frequently and any praise they receive comes directly from published material; whereas those that do not write for large magazines/newspapers/websites will be interviewed by known sources such as Publishers Weekly rather than having praise about them plastered all over the internet.

The fourth possible way to tell if one is a good writer or not is by looking at the products they’ve made. The products of writing are stories, poems, articles, essays, etc. Good writers always create new works while lesser-known writers usually do not write on their own free will; typically they only write when it is necessary for work, school, or even personal reasons. Most professional writers have many publications under their belt and some even have books published under their name. Writer’s workshops are another way to get recognition as a writer because most group projects require written pieces that need to be graded by peers — each peer grading you contributes to your reputation of being an effective writer with a unique style and quality. Many of these workshops also publish things like portfolios of students’ best work or work that is considered to be the best in the class.

The fifth and final way one can tell if they are a good writer or not is by looking at their own work. The most effective writers look critically at their own writing, whereas lesser-known writers typically do not care about editing their work beyond what is required by an employer or school assignment. Most published authors spend days or even years perfecting their writing before it is ever submitted for publication; so when someone has written so much without having anything published it means they don’t take themselves seriously as writers, but rather people who like to write (which isn’t necessarily bad). Those that enjoy writing typically don’t produce high-quality written works.


If you are wondering if you are a good writer or not, the best person to assess your own skill is yourself. Use official sources like magazines and newspapers when looking for praise, look carefully at your published products in addition to what others have said about them, be critical of your own work in addition to how much work you actually publish, and pay attention when someone points out flaws in something that has been written (like this article). If you use all these factors when assessing your own skill then no writer will ever be able to fool you by acting like they’re good writers when they really aren’t.


About the Creator

Aaron Drotts

Digital Marketer | Lifelong Learner | AmeriCorps Alum

I love writing about all the beauties seen and unseen in this world.

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