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Hello Drupal 10 :)

Guide on Drupal 10 releases, new features, and upgrade to 10 in easy ways.

By ManojPublished about a year ago 4 min read
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Drupal 10 is the latest version of Drupal, an open-source content management system (CMS) used to build websites and web applications. Drupal 10 is built on top of Symfony 5, which is a modern PHP framework, and it also include some new features such as:

Media Library: Allows users to manage and organize multimedia files in a more intuitive way.

Workspaces: Allows users to create and manage multiple versions of content, making it easier to collaborate on content creation and editing.

Layout Builder: Allows users to create custom layouts for pages and content without needing to know how to code.

JSON:API: Allows for easy integration with other systems and services, such as Headless CMS and decoupled front-end frameworks.

Accessibility improvements: Drupal 10 includes a number of accessibility improvements, including enhanced support for keyboard navigation and ARIA attributes.

Improved performance: Drupal 10 includes a number of performance improvements, such as caching and optimization of the core codebase.

Improved security features: Drupal 10 includes a number of security features, such as improved password hashing and the inclusion of the Symfony Security component.

Decoupled Menus: Decoupled menus in Drupal 10 refer to the ability to separate the menu management functionality of Drupal from the front-end presentation of the menus on the website.

Project Browser: In Drupal 10, the Project Browser is a feature that allows users to browse and discover projects (modules, themes, and distributions) that are available on It can be accessed by going to the "Extend" section of the administrative interface and clicking on the "Browse available projects" link. The Project Browser allows users to filter and search for projects based on different criteria, such as keywords, categories, and version compatibility. Users can also view project details, including information about the project's maintainers, usage statistics, and release notes.

Automatic Updates: Drupal 10 includes automatic updates for core software and contributed modules and themes. This feature allows administrators to configure their sites to automatically check for updates, download and install them, and apply database updates as needed.

To enable automatic updates, you need to configure the Update Manager module.

The Update Manager can be configured to check for updates at specific intervals, and can be set to automatically download and install updates when they are available. It can also be configured to send notifications when updates are available or when updates have been installed.

It is important to note that Automatic updates are only available for the contributed modules and themes, not for the custom modules and themes. And also it is recommended to test updates on a development environment before apply on production.

Drupal 10 also drops support for some older versions of PHP and deprecated modules, so it may require some updates and migration steps for existing Drupal site if planning to upgrade.

Why do you need to upgrade to Drupal 10

There are several reasons why you may want to upgrade to Drupal 10:

Security: Drupal 10 includes a number of security improvements and features that help to protect your website from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Performance: Drupal 10 includes performance improvements that can make your website faster and more responsive, which can improve the user experience and increase engagement.

Accessibility: Drupal 10 includes accessibility improvements that can make your website more accessible to users with disabilities.

New features: Drupal 10 includes new features such as Media Library, Workspaces, and Layout Builder, which can help you create more engaging and dynamic websites.

Better Support: Drupal 10 is the latest version of Drupal and will continue to receive support and updates from the Drupal community. Upgrading to Drupal 10 will ensure that your website will continue to receive security updates, bug fixes, and new features in the future.

Better compatibility with other systems: Drupal 10 includes JSON:API, which allows for easy integration with other systems and services, such as Headless CMS and decoupled front-end frameworks, this can open up new possibilities for your website.

It's important to note that upgrading to Drupal 10 may require updates to your website's modules and themes, and may also require some changes to your website's codebase. It's recommended to work with an experienced Drupal developer to ensure a smooth upgrade process.

Upgrade to Drupal 10 in Easy Ways

Upgrading to Drupal 10 can be a complex process, and it is recommended that you plan and test the upgrade in a development environment before applying it to a production site. Here are a few general steps that can make the upgrade process easier:

  1. Plan ahead: Before upgrading, make sure to check the version compatibility of all the modules, themes, and distributions that you are currently using on your site. You may need to update or replace some of them before upgrading to Drupal 10.

2. Backup your site: Before proceeding with the upgrade, make sure to create a backup of your entire site, including the database and files.

3. Test the upgrade: It's important to test the upgrade on a development environment before applying it to a production site. This will allow you to identify and resolve any issues before they affect your live site.

4. Use the Upgrade Path module: The Upgrade Path module can help automate the process of upgrading your site. It can check your site's current version and dependencies, and provide a list of recommended actions to take before upgrading.

5. Follow the official documentation: The official Drupal documentation provides detailed instructions on how to upgrade a site to the latest version. It is important to follow the official documentation as closely as possible to ensure a successful upgrade.

6. Hire a professional: If you're not confident in your ability to upgrade your site, you may want to consider hiring a professional Drupal developer to help with the process.

7. Update your custom code: It's important to update your custom code to be compatible with the Drupal 10 version, this includes your custom modules, themes, and libraries.

It is important to note that upgrading to Drupal 10 may require significant work and testing, and it's not always a straightforward process.

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