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Habits of a successful student

Habits of a successful student

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Habits of a successful student
Photo by Vigneshwar Rajkumar on Unsplash


Sleep is arguably the most valuable asset we have in our lives. Without sleep, we would not function properly and could die. When we are sleeping, our bodies produce hormones that regulate blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. These hormones are released at night when we are asleep. In contrast, they are not produced during the day when we are awake and therefore are not present in our bloodstream. Well, if we do not get enough sleep, our body’s production of these hormones decreases. As a result, we may experience high blood pressure, insomnia, depression, anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and fatigue. Getting adequate amounts of quality sleep helps boost your immune system and ward off illnesses. A good way to ensure that you get the proper amount of sleep is to establish a bedtime routine. Once you fall asleep, make sure that you don't wake up until morning. If you wake up for any reason, wait 15 minutes before getting out of bed again. If you find yourself waking up frequently throughout the night, try having a cup of hot tea or coffee. It may help put you back to sleep.


An exercise is a great tool for maintaining your fitness level, as well as enhancing your performance while studying. There is no doubt about it; exercise releases endorphins—the brain's natural painkillers. Endorphins give you feelings of happiness and relieve stress. Physical activity produces chemicals called beta-endorphin, dopamine, serotonin (a mood booster), and adrenaline (which gives you energy). Studies show that people who exercise regularly tend to achieve higher grades than those who don't. Regular exercise keeps your mind alert and focused throughout the day, leaving time for study. Also, physical activity increases your stamina and endurance, making it easier to sit down and stay alert for long periods. Just remember to keep it fun! Don't overdo it!


Maintaining a balanced diet is the best way to make sure that you do not become ill and that you can perform optimally in class. Eating right means consuming a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, lean meat, beans, nuts, and whole-grain bread. Healthy nutrition includes taking in smaller meals and snacks rather than three large ones. Limit fast food, sugary treats, processed meats, and fried foods. Try to eat a well-balanced meal every few hours. Keep a food journal to record what you ate each day so that you can compare your intake with recommended guidelines. Include protein at every meal, and drink plenty of water. Drinking lots of water helps you feel full faster, reduces cravings and excess weight gain, and is beneficial for kidney, liver, and pancreas functioning.

Stay organized:

A clean desk and neat filing system are keys to success in school. Make sure to organize everything neatly and correctly. Having things organized makes them much easier to


The ability to focus at any time is critical for academic success. Many students who have poor attention skills often struggle academically due to a lack of concentration during class. To stay focused, make sure to get enough sleep each night. Also, try to avoid caffeine use before school begins. In addition, avoid alcohol consumption before studying. A good way to increase focus while studying is using white noise machines, or ear plugs, to block out distractions. Most importantly, do not procrastinate!


A good organization helps ensure that all necessary materials are easily accessible throughout the day. Make certain to bring pens, pencils, paper, books, study guides, and other essentials to class each week. Also, keep all notes or homework assignments written on sticky notes and attach them to your notebook. You should also create a folder system for storing your notebooks each day to help organize them easier. Lastly, if you find yourself running late and forgetful, set a timer or alarm clock to remind you to complete homework assignments.

Time Management:

To manage time effectively, divide tasks into separate categories. Set clear rules about how long you should spend on each task. By setting boundaries around different activities, you’ll know exactly how much time you have left over to relax and enjoy the moment. Try to break down larger projects into smaller parts to give yourself more time to complete the project successfully. Remember, time management takes practice. Once you learn to control your time management efficiently, you’ll realize just how valuable your time is.


Prioritizing tasks is essential for being productive. When you begin working on a new assignment, always ask yourself whether the activity is worth your time or not. If you don’t think the task is worth your time, then skip it and move on to something else instead. Also, prioritize work based on importance. Write down lists of the most important things that need to be done first, followed by those that require a moderate amount of effort, and finally those that require little.

Relaxation/Relaxing Activities:

Stressful situations, such as deadlines, tests, and family obligations, can be difficult to overcome without proper relaxation techniques. To reduce tension and anxiety levels, take advantage of free time during the day. Try listening to music, reading a book, watching television, or hanging out with friends. Spending some quality time alone may allow you to release pent-up energy and feel rejuvenated.

Reward Yourself:

Sometimes, it can be hard to reward yourself after completing an especially difficult task. Instead of rewarding yourself immediately after finishing a task, save the reward until later, when you’re feeling relaxed and comfortable. Make sure to choose a reward that makes you happy and doesn’t cause additional stress. Treat yourself to something small, such as wearing shoes you want to wear, eating breakfast in bed, or going out to dinner with friends. These rewards are sure to put a smile on your face as soon as they arrive.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.

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