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Fit Found Me Fitness Motivation And Education

fit found me fitness motivation and education

By Get Fitness Published about a year ago 8 min read
fit found me fitness motivation and education

This article will discuss some beneficial strategies in classes to increase students' motivation in Physical Education and, therefore, their active participation.

As an introduction, motivation in Physical Education is a primary aspect in classes to favor correct development, resulting in students' meaningful and functional learning.

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However, as Robinson (2009) indicates, boredom and little motivation to learn are some of the main problems of the educational system today.

All of this causes indiscipline, disruptive student behaviors, discomfort among teachers, low academic performance, etc.

Considering these aspects, a question arises: could demotivation in Physical Education sessions cause the high rates of obesity, overweight and sedentary lifestyles among the child and youth population?

It is indeed quite complex to give a clear and forceful answer to this question since it is necessary to take into account various variables such as the socio-economic context of the educational center, the previous experiences of students in Physical Education or in physical-sports activities that they have practiced previously, the role of the teacher, the contents treated in the subject, among other variables.

In this study that analyzed the relationship between motivation and weight in overweight and overweight adolescents, it was observed that non-obese adolescents show greater intrinsic motivation towards physical activity than those who are (10).fit found me fitness motivation and education

Another study in our country showed how adolescents' gratifying experiences in Physical Education classes are associated with a greater affinity and taste for physical activity, increasing motivation in Physical Education (11).

Likewise, various studies have shown the relationship between motivation in physical education and different consequences, such as more significant effort in physical education classes and intention to be physically active after high school (4), fun in physical education (6), more extended time of extracurricular sports (8), etc.

fit found me fitness motivation and education

11 Strategies to increase motivation in Physical Education

Next, some strategies will be highlighted to increase motivation in Physical Education in the group of schoolchildren.

All these strategies for motivation in Physical Education try to throw ideas to the teachers of Physical Education to put them into practice in their daily work with students (1,2,3,5,7,9).fit found me fitness motivation and education

Propose a wide variety of tasks or activities.

Proposing different games or activities that include a common goal but that their realization is other will help increase motivation in Physical Education.

For example, if we want to work on aerobic capacity, perform a session based on games that involve tiredness in the students (take games, the fun of the ten passes, etc.).

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Then a circuit could be carried out by stations proposing cooperative objectives (among the 5 of the group, you have to make more than 50 jumps to the rope in less than 30 seconds).fit found me fitness motivation and education

Another day, we could work on the aerobic capacity applied to some collective sport (if it is an alternative sport, much better), etc.

That the activity to be carried out involves a challenge for the student individually

To promote motivation in Physical Education, it is essential that each student feels that in each session they are improving compared to the previous found me fitness motivation and education

To do this, the teacher will have to increase the complexity of the task depending on each student's individual progress.

For example, in a juggling session, start by proposing that you juggle only with two balls.

In the case of students with a higher level, we will propose that they juggle with two balls but cooperate with another classmate so that they do not fall, and even try to juggle with two balls but with one hand.

Make use of cooperative activities or games.

These activities leave aside the competitive aspect, seeking group cohesion and for students to interact with each other to achieve realistic and achievable goals. All of this favors motivation in Physical Education.

For example, we make a circle and have to try together that the ball does not touch the ground; we can vary the part of the body to hit the ball (foot, head, hand, etc.). Another cooperative activity is to get a ring through everyone without letting go of our found me fitness motivation and education

Allow students to make certain decisions in the sessions.

Our teaching style will determine this aspect; in this case, they will have to style where the protagonist is the students, as can be the case of problem-solving.

However, students must be very clear about their roles within this context of leadership, but certain teaching styles will favor motivation in Physical found me fitness motivation and education

For example, we can give students freedom about what type of activity they want to do for the content that has been proposed to them, but in no case will we allow them to be the ones who decide the final grade.

Rewarding rather than punishing

When it comes to motivation in Physical Education, it is much more pleasant to receive positive phrases from the teacher, such as:fit found me fitness motivation and education

We must avoid those phrases or reprimands in the form of punishments.

For example, it is preferable to reward those students who arrive on time for class or are always willing to pick up the material after the sessions rather than punish those who do not.We must establish the rewards at the beginning of the course, reaching an agreement with the students; this will avoid conflicts between them.

fit found me fitness motivation and education

The card economy system works very well in this context, so for students who have more positive points at the end of the term, the teacher can give them certain rewards, for example, choosing the sport they want to do in the next session.

Use of positive feedback frequently

Something essential that will help us increase motivation in Physical Education is the promotion of positive feedback, that is, to convey to students that with effort and persistence, it can be improved.

This will help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and the fear of making mistakes. You have to make students see that the best way to learn and improve is to make found me fitness motivation and education

Therefore, the teacher has to encourage positive feedback through verbal language (Perfect!, You are improving a lot!, Don't worry, next time it will be great!, Correct, that's it, you have it!) and not verbal (with a wink, an "OK" gesture with your thumb, nodding with your head, smiling, etc.).

Reward appropriate play actions.

That student who shows fair play, for example, if he involuntarily shoots down another classmate and automatically helps them get up, would be optimistic that they will be rewarded for motivation in Physical Education.

It can be motivated using positive feedback or through the card economy system, already mentioned found me fitness motivation and education

In addition, these actions must be noted by the teacher in his anecdotal record, using them as indicators for evaluating students as vital aspects that are reflected in the criteria and evaluation standards included in the curricula.

Avoid results-oriented behaviors

You have to focus the tasks on the process and not the result; for example, teachers should avoid saying phrases such as: "You have to put a basket" or "you have to score a goal."

This type of behavior can cause a decrease in self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-improvement, as well as produce demotivation and disinterest in the subject, especially in students with fewer skills and abilities for sports.

fit found me fitness motivation and education

Make flexible and heterogeneous groupings.

It is often appreciated in Physical Education sessions that when any activity is carried out in groups, students are usually grouped for reasons of friendship, sex, or by the level of motor ability.

This means that the components of the groups are always the same.

Therefore, the teacher must eradicate this aspect, for example, by making the groups alternately or grouping them through a game.

It would be the case of that activity in which all the students move through the space, and at the teacher's signal (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...), they are grouped with the colleagues closest to them.

Use private and meaningful evaluation.

This aspect seems complicated due to the limited practice time that the subject of Physical Education has and the large number of students per class that there usually (an average of 25 students per class).fit found me fitness motivation and education

Therefore, we must look for our strategies so that when a student makes a mistake, we do not yell at him in public, but for example, when he passes by our side, we tell him briefly and concisely what he needs to improve.

This isn't very easy to do with every one of the students in the group, so in each session, we will focus on some of them.

Also, we must remember that when the student no longer makes the mistake we were referring to, we must provide him with positive feedback, which will cause a feeling of satisfaction when he sees that he is improving.

Provide confidence to the student, encouraging them to learn positively.

When it is observed that the group of students masters the task that has been proposed to them, we must try to impose a greater degree of difficulty on found me fitness motivation and education

This should be accompanied by motivating phrases to increase motivation in Physical Education, such as:

  • You took it the first time; the following exercise will be great for you!
  • Physical Education in Primary
  • fit found me fitness motivation and education


In conclusion, it could be said that the use of strategies that promote the fit found me fitness motivation and education, especially intrinsic education, in students is essential to able to achieve meaningful and functional learning by students, giving rise to their integral development in all areas of human behavior (social, motor, affective, biological, cognitive).

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Get Fitness

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