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What you can't learn from CBT centers

By Elaigwu IsaiahPublished about a year ago 13 min read


Contrary to what most people think, ANYONE (Even the class dummy) can actually pass JAMB Without spending a penny on runs or expo...

And without studying like it's their dad that owns the national library?

Yes, very possible.

You can pass JAMB without studying as hard as everyone else.

In this tutorial I will expose you exactly how to pass JAMB in a smart way.

No! it is not by studying hard but by studying SMART.

The strategies I'll expose to you in this tutorial are the same strategies used by previous candidates to crush JAMB with a score as high as 320.

Beyond revealing to you how to pass JAMB with complete ease... This tutorial will answer these frequently asked questions

Is JAMB difficult?

What is a good jamb score?

How many questions are in JAMB?

What is the duration of JAMB exam?

Without wasting any more time, let's dive into how to pass JAMB without stress.

1. Act wise: choose the right course

Whatever course you register for in JAMB will determine whether you will pass JAMB without stress. Often, most first-timers say "I want to study medicine that's what my dad wants me to study"

"I want to study pharmacy that's what my mum wants me to study"


Is your mum going to write JAMB for you? or your dad sit in that exam hall with you?

This is the reason most people write JAMB 3,4,5 times, they want to please Daddy and mummy... Yet time is ticking.

The number one mistake that many candidates make is that many candidates make mistake in choosing the wrong course during registration


Your course determines your subject combination and it is the sum of your scores in a subject that determines your JAMB score.

So, how can you choose a course that doesn't include your favourite subjects in it's JAMB subject combination and you expect to pass JAMB easily?

Let's look at it logically...

You know you hate calculations but biology is your favorite subject so why would you choose to study chemical engineering?

The JAMB combination for chemical engineering is English, physics, chemistry and maths.

Let me show you how hard you'd have to study...

Biology, your favourite subject, is not even in the combination for chemical engineering.

Physics and maths have so many complex calculations and you're not good at any calculation.

On the other hand, what if you choose to study let's say, geography which would definitely require your favourite subject—biology— as one of the JAMB combination?

First, you won't need to study too hard to score up to 80 and above in biology because it is already your favourite subject.

Second, that course that requires your favourite subject we also require your second and third favourite subject in it's combination for example...

GEOGRAPHY requires English, agriculture, biology and maths for jamb.

If your favourite subject is biology how hard will agric or chemistry be?

My advice to you is that you choose a course that has more of your favourite subject in it's jamb subject(s) combination because you'd simply score higher in the subject even without study studying them too hard.

2. Target A High JAMB Score

Norman Vincent Peale said "shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars."

Because you want to pass JAMB without stress doesn't mean you should settle for less. No, that is not what this tutorial is you preparing for.

So, after choosing your course, the next step is to set a high target score. Look beyond the average JAMB score of 200.


The jamb score of 200 is the highest cut-off mark for admission in any tertiary institution in Nigeria.

But let me shock you..

Most universities especially federal universities divide JAMB scores mercilessly to determine their departmental cut-off Mark.

For example,

UNILAG divides JAMB score by 8 which means that if you were a UNILAG aspirant with the jamb score of 200...

200 ÷ 8 = 25

Imagine what you would have to score in post utme Plus your 25 to meet UNILAG cut-off mark for your course

That is why is JAMB score of 200 is very risky.

Now, another risk is that with just 1 wrong answer, your 200 falls below the official jamb cut-off Mark of your desired School.

So, you must target a higher score than average JAMB score.

300 is not too much if you envision 300 and you didn't hit it, you can at least fall on 280 or 260 you will be very safe.


So, what JAMB score are you targeting?

Is it at least up to 280?

3. Split Target Score

No task is particularly difficult when you divide it into smaller chunks.

300 or 280 might seem out of your League, but when you divide it among your four subjects, you'll find out it is not so big.

So, after targeting a high score your next step to passing JAMB without stress is to breakdown the score into smaller portions.

Let me show you...

You have four subject combination for your course in JAMB right?

Now take that your targeted high JAMB score and divide it by 4.

Let's say your target score is 300

300 ÷ 4 = 75

That means you just have to score 75 in each of your JAMB subjects.

That is...

Considering our earlier example of geography

Jamb subjects Jamb score

English 75

Agriculture 75

Biology 75

Mathematics 75

Total 300

It may not be easy to get the same score across all your JAMB subjects because your strength in each of them is different.

So, let's break it down even further.

Take out some scores from those subjects you're not good at and add them to the ones you're good at.

Jamb subjects Jamb score

English 69

Agriculture 80

Biology 85

Mathematics 66

Total 300

So, take your target high JAMB score and break it down to smaller scores for each of your subject according to your strength. That's the way it will be easier to achieve your aim.

Do this... now set your target jamb score.

divide it among your subjects.

copy it out and paste it where you'll see it daily.

4. Don't read too wide

If you want to pass the next JAMB without stress then don't read too wide.

I repeat "don't read it too wide"

Greg McKeown said "focus is more important than intelligence"

Of course, this is a controversial secret that many jambites don't know or choose to ignore.

Let's use biology for our example.

1st term in SS1, let's say you did at least 10 topics in biology.

Add that to the next 10 topics in biology for 2nd term in SS1 and next 10 topics in your 3rd term. That's 30 topics in biology for SS1 alone.

Now add that to the next 30 topics in biology for SS2 and the next 30 topics in SS3. That's 90 topics for you to read in biology alone.

Assuming we use 90 for all the subjects in your JAMB subject combination

90 × 4 = 360

Can you cover 360 topics within a short period of time for JAMB?

That's brain overload!

What happens when a car is overloaded... it slows down.

Imagine what will happen to your brain.

This is why JAMB gives subject syllabus which contain topics where your jamb questions will unfailingly come from.

Instead of Reading wide to cover all the topics from your SS1 to SS3, read smart by covering only those topics recommended by JAMB in their syllabus for each of your subjects.

Take note...

JAMB syllabus gives you the first expo on the exact topics that your questions will come from.

Go online and search Google for jamb 2023 syllabus. You will find series of results where you can download the syllablus for your subject combination and focus 100% on the topics in that syllabus.

That's where all the questions will come from.


5. Get recommended textbooks

On getting the JAMB syllabus, go to the bottom of the syllabus.

You'll see a list of textbooks recommended by JAMB for you to study on that subject.

Those textbooks where recommended because JAMB has confirmed them to contain the right information on all the topics that appear on the syllabus.

And you only need one of those textbooks.

So how can you get it?

• Buy from a book shop.

• Borrow from a friend or teacher.

• Find and read one in your school library or any public library near you.

Read with any of the recommended textbooks.

However, if you have different text books with good explanation but not on the recommended list, that's still OK.

6.Start studying immediately

They say...the earlier the better

Don't wait until JAMB registration or a month to JAMB before you start studying. That would be already too late.

This tutorial is only for candidates who wants to pass JAMB the smart way.

Smart people start early!

Lay your bed while the sun is still shining. Don't wait until dying minute...or you'll die.

Don't wait until injury time... otherwise you'll be injured.

Be wise...act wise

Start studying early!

After sharing your target score, your next step is to start studying immediately.

Remember those Friday assignments in school that you often keep till Sunday night or even Monday morning?

Remember how bad your handwriting was during the assignment rush and how you even failed questions that you'd have answered correctly on a good day?


Dying minutes come with extra tension, and preparing to pass JAMB under such tension will make you study HARD with frustration because they will be just too much to study in a little time.

But you can reverse the case.

When you start studying for your JAMB as early as NOW, you will cover more of the syllabus with ease and even save yourself some free time to relax during the rush hour of dying minutes.

Devote at least 8 hours studying time a day for the remaining months to your JAMB exam because the earlier you start, the easier it gets and the lesser the tension.

7. Study at your best time

It is not enough to just start studying, it is appropriate to study at your own time.

Read for JAMB at your best time because it increases your ability to understand better.

And even those frustrating JAMB topics will look friendly at your best reading time.

If the mornings are your best time... then take advantage of the mornings. Especially when you are up from sleep.

8. Study your favourite subjects more.

Earlier in step by step 3, you divided your target high score among the different subjects.

Now, understand this...

The score assigned to each subject determines the amount of time you will need to FOCUS on that subject.

Considering, our initial example of Biology...

The favourite subject of our biology expert could be...

1st - Biology

2nd - Agriculture

3rd - Mathematics

JAMB subject combination for geography which was suggested for our biology expert is...

• English

• Agriculture

• Biology

• Mathematics

Our biology expert does not like calculation, so his major weakness is mathematics.

So, you should pay attention to improving in mathematics, right?

That's very wrong!

It is easier to get better at what you are ALREADY good at, than trying to improve on what you were NEVER good at.

Focus on your strengths (not your weaknesses).

Read more of your favourite subjects and less of your weak subjects.

I ask, you what subject are you good at in your JAMB combination?

9. Crush Use of English.

Use of English is compulsory for all JAMB candidates, no matter your course of choice.

And may not be your favourite subject but use of English is one of the easiest to score high in jamb if you know the format.

They always have questions from the JAMB novel, comprehension, lexis and structure and orals.

Since it is compulsory and quite the easiest, a high mark in English can shoot your overall JAMB score to the skies.

I recommend you get A to Z in English language by Dele Ashade.

it's majorly for Jambites.

10. Use past questions.

Past questions are the real expo.

JAMB has been conducting the unified tertiary matriculation examination (UTME) for over 40 years now and has accumulated more than 3,000 past questions on each subject so far.

So if you’ve ever thought that jamb repeat questions, you are absolutely CORRECT.

Though their repetitions are not often verbatim.

The questions can be reframed or option reshuffled.

Either way...

JAMB repeat 75% of their past questions every year.

This means that 35 out of every 50 questions in your JAMB has been asked before in the previous JAMB.

So why JAMB syllabus gives you the first expo on the exact topic that your questions will come from...

JAMB past questions give you the next expo on how those questions will look like and how often some questions on a particular topic are repeated.

And here's a smart way to prepare for the repetition this year.

• pick pass random 5 years of jamb past questions each.

5 from 1998 - 2008

5 from 2008 - 2018

Then 2018 - 2022

• study these years of jamb past questions and you will get their trick.

11. Practice JAMB CBT

JAMB gives you only 2 hours answer a total of 200 questions.

Let's break it down

2 hours for 200 questions

1 hour 400 questions

30 minutes for 50 questions

That means you only have 30 minutes to finish Each of your subjects.


Let's go further...

30 minutes for 50 questions

15 minutes for 25 questions

0.6 minute for one question

That means for the two hours to be enough for your 200 questions you have to answer each question in less than 1 minute

Is that even possible?

It is very possible if you practice JAMB CBT.

What is jamb CBT?

CBT is an acronym for computer-based test.

Therefore, JAMB CBT means that all the questions in your jamb will be asked and answered using a computer.

Interesting, right?

But there's a disadvantage to this, and that is, the time is automatic and every second pass can never be recovered.

No extra time, no "sir please, 5 minutes more".

Practicing JAMB CBT will help you learn how to manage your two hours effectively during the exam.

So, how do you practice JAMB CBT?

You have a smartphone download JAMB prep _ it's a free offline CBT practice app.

Note: other CBT apps may ask you to pay a fee before accessing some features But JAMB prep is completely FREE.

And you don't have a Smartphone?

No problem.

Here is how you can practice JAMB CBT without a phone or app.

• Get the JAMB past question on your subjects.

• Get a timer (could be a wrist watch or a wall clock)

• Open The past question to the year you wish to study.

•Give yourself 30 minutes for each subject


This requires discipline.

Remember that the goal of practicing JAMB CBT is to perfect your time management skill.


Whichever option is used to practice with, try to finish the questions on or before the time allotted.

If you don't meet up with the time why practicing, you can keep trying... until your speed improves.

Remember practice makes perfect.

12. Attend JAMB CBT Training

If you don't know how to use the basic computer components _ the monitor keyboard and mouse _ I can guarantee you will not pass your JAMB exam with ease.

As you already know JAMB is completely computer-based, so it is essential that you know how to use a computer .

Also, take note...

Practicing jamb CBT with a smartphone is not the same as CBT training.


Your phone has a keyboard and a screen, but it does not have a mouse which is an essential part of the product that you will use for your JAMB exam.


For your CBT training you didn't need to learn about Microsoft word, powerpoint, Excel, corelDraw... and all those things.

All you need is the basic knowledge on how to use the computer screen, keyboard and mouse.

However, if you are already conversant with the computer part I have mentioned above, you're good to go. Otherwise, go for JAMB CBT training.

13. Seek for help

Studying on your own is often the best, but sometimes you may encounter some stubborn topics that will prove difficult to understand on your own.

What do you do then?

You can consult a friend who is better in that subject or find a teacher that you can ask for help. You can also use YouTube.

A teacher is often your better option and one of the best places to find your JAMB subject teacher is your JAMB lesson centres.

You may choose to enroll at a JAMB tutorial centre.

14. Join JAMB study group.

Beyond going for jamb tutorials, you can join study groups especially if you are the kind that can't study alone without distractions. (some people are like that)

Studying in group will also help cover more in the jamb syllabus because you'll be exposed to areas that you might not have read. And the fun of friends will keep your memory fresh on those topics.

Note_ when choosing a study group, go for a group of people with like minds as yours.

Candidate that want to pass jamb without stress.

15. Write JAMB mock

JAMB mock exam is usually written a week or two before the main exam.

And this is done to get you completely set for the JAMB exam.

JAMB mock questions are drawn (at random) from previous jamb questions

This means that you'll be exposed to past questions which are likely to be repeated in the main exam.

JAMB mock exam is done with all features of jamb CBT including "timing"

Therefore, this is a safe ground to test your knowledge, speed, accuracy and time management skill.

And due to its CBT nature, the JAMB mock exam also provide you a first-hand experience on how to use the computer for the main JAMB exam.

So, it is strongly advised to go for JAMB mock especially if you couldn't complete the past questions, couldn't go for CBT training, or didn't practice JAMB CBT.

16. Visit your JAMB center beforehand

Once it is a week to the exam you'll be told to print your examination slips on which you will see the centre that JAMB has assigned to you for your exam.

You are advised to visit your JAMB centre before your exam day to get familiar with;

• directions to the exam centre.

• what bus and route to take.

• the time taken to reach the centre.

• alternat

high school

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    EIWritten by Elaigwu Isaiah

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