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By jer JerPublished 4 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

People talk about how we should look back on History to learn From our mistakes but how far back should we look? Should we look back to the 1800s the 1900s and as history develops and as we grow as a culture should we look back on the same mistakes with fresh eyes. Chief Stephen Knockwood talks about the Negative impact on First Nations people due to colonization that we see as wrong as a culture. Should we continue to look at this issue that happened so many years ago and how it impacts the people today or should we look at other issues that came from colonization that impact the people today? Therefore we should embrace this source to a certain extent because with the recognition of the negative impact that has been caused due to Eurocentrism, Mercantilism, and paternalism.

Due to the introduction of a Eurocentric belief system, there have been many forms of maltreatment that have come of it due to the perception that people who are not European or less than others or there's something about them that needs to be fixed this ideology caused many issues in our society and it's still an issue that needs to be discussed to this day to properly rectify the damage that it is done to many cultures throughout our society. This key aspect of globalization brought many things to the table. The eurocentric view created a more developed economic system. Well enslaving and using people and their resources from other countries to fuel economical gain towards Europe. We can see examples of this land use and use of resources through the fur trade and the colonization of Canada along with the trauma that was caused to the indigenous population. Society needs to rectify the mistakes of the fur trade. I'm making sure that the first nations are respected and providing water to all of the reserves. Eurcentrism also helped to fund the slave trade in the idea that an Africa lots of people would trade slaves for textiles Alcohol Tobacco and food From the Europeans. Eurocentrism caused a lot of trauma in many different groups of people due to the colonization of land and the trading of people for goods. Eurocentric belief system had both a negative and positive impact due to the fact that it fueled many different economies as well as creating an ideology formed around the need to make all economic systems the same which negatively impacted the First Nations and other groups due to The change in values.

Mercantilism is a concept that came specifically from European countries. It was the idea that the king or queen or Whichever Royal figure existed in the country would have to receive a share of whatever goods were brought back to the country whether it was currency such as money or if it was material goods. Due to the level of consumerism and greed that mercantilism invoked Royalty as well as the people searching it for goods This caused many battles or wars over said materials that were seen as extremely valuable. Which in turn caused much death and pain to the populations of people that were unequipped to handle the conflict with the Europeans. The death and pain that mercantilism caused created a lot of fear and other societies. All the pain and fear that mercantilism caused also created a blooming economic system and was the grounds to create capitalism and a free economy based on the idea that the goods that one collects that same individual should be able to reap the full reward of the materials that they sell. Mercantilism had an impact on how European economic values Change the values of the overall populations in other countries because of their perception of how the economic system should work. As paternalistic views were the one to make this belief system of economics more fortified and other societies.

A parentalist Viewpoint is the belief that one culture needs to take care of the other because the other culture is unable to properly manage themselves.Is glaringly obvious that the Europeans had this view towards the First Nations. You can see this through the design and invention of residential schools. Residential schools were the European viewpoint on how to properly educate the First Nations in order to make them behave in a manner that the Europeans perceived as civilized. This Parentalistic view caused the First Nations people to change immensely as a society with both their practicing of their culture as well as their economic values. Since the Europeans had this perception of the world that they needed to make people more like them, it caused many different cultures to take on their perception of reality and create the economic systems as well as the belief systems that are seen in modern day culture.

The amalgamation of different values and belief systems that we can see through mercantilism, Eurocentrism and paternalism.In conclusion this wide range of different behaviors ultimately was the cause for Colonization and had an impact on the groups that were colonized not only Socially but economically as well. This drastic shift in many societies created are belief systems and values that we have today as well as our economic system.


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