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Dropping Out of High School? Here's How You Can Still Make it in the Tech Industry

Discovering the Opportunities and Strategies for Succeeding in the Tech Industry Without a High School Diploma

By Career CoachPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Dropping Out of High School? Here's How You Can Still Make it in the Tech Industry
Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

Finding a job in the computer industry can be a challenging task, especially for those who have not completed high school. However, there are still many options available for individuals who are willing to put in the effort to gain the necessary skills and experience.


One option for high school dropouts is to pursue vocational training or certification programs in specific computer skills. Many community colleges, technical schools, and online education providers offer courses and programs that can help individuals gain the knowledge and skills needed for entry-level positions in the computer industry. Some popular options include certifications in computer hardware, networking, and programming languages such as Python or JavaScript.


Another option is to gain experience through internships or entry-level positions. Many companies are willing to hire individuals without formal education if they have relevant experience and skills. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door and learn on the job. It's also a good way to gain a reference for future job opportunities.


Another option to consider is getting in person coaching sessions. There are many classes conducted by both private and public colleges. There are also companies that provide such job focussed training course.


Finally, consider self-teaching. With the vast amount of free resources available online, it's possible to learn many computer skills on your own. Websites like Coursera, Khan Academy, and Codecademy offer a wide range of online courses and tutorials on various computer-related topics.


For those who want to gain a basic understanding of computers and technology, there are many easy computer courses available. Here are a few options to consider:

Introduction to Computers: This is a basic course that covers the fundamentals of computers, including hardware, software, and basic operating systems. It's a great starting point for those who have little to no experience with computers and want to learn the basics.

Microsoft Office Suite: Microsoft Office is a set of popular software programs that are widely used in both the workplace and education. Courses in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other programs will teach you how to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations and make you more proficient in the office environment.

Digital Literacy: This course teaches you how to use the internet and common digital tools effectively. You'll learn how to navigate the web, use social media, and understand the basics of online security and privacy.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT is a trendy topic and a great way to learn about technology that is changing the world. IoT courses will teach you about the basics of connected devices, sensors, and the underlying technologies that make them work.

IT Support: IT Support classes teach you the basics of troubleshooting and maintaining computer systems. You will learn how to diagnose and solve common technical problems, which can be a great skill for anyone interested in working in a technical support role.

All these courses can be taken online, in-person or through a combination of both. They can be a great way to gain a basic understanding of computers and technology, and can be useful in many different fields and industries.

There are many easy computer courses available that can help you gain a basic understanding of computers and technology. From introduction to computers to IoT, these courses can give you a solid foundation in the field and open up new opportunities.

In summary, while having a high school diploma may open more doors, it is not a requirement for finding a job in the computer industry. With a combination of vocational training, hands-on experience, and self-teaching, high school dropouts can gain the skills and experience needed to enter the field.

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Career Coach

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