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Discover the Secrets to Dominating Search Engines with SEO Course

Unleash the Power of SEO: Master the Art of Dominating Search Engines

By Ubuy AcademyPublished about a year ago 5 min read


Search engines have become an integral part of our lives as whenever an individual wants to look for a product or search for any query, the first place they go to is search engines. This can be proved by the fact that there are almost 3.5 billion searches on Google every day, which in turn shows why pursuing an SEO full course to learn how to target search engines is a must.

According to a survey, almost 45% of marketers get the highest return on investment through organic search (i.e. non-ad search results) on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). But how do you use organic search to grab the attention of the audience? This is where SEO comes in, as it involves various techniques to make use of search engines and generate traffic.

Now let's go through the fundamental aspects of SEO and understand how pursuing an SEO learning course can help you rank higher on different search engines.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Let's say you have opened a business recently and the products or services you are providing are top-notch, but you don't know how to reach out to potential customers. In such a scenario you just have to stop relying on traditional marketing forms and enrol for a SEO marketing course to make your business visible to the world.

Search engine optimization is the process of optimising your website and its content in such a way that it becomes relevant for search queries related to your business. This process not only improves the visibility of the website but also drives traffic to it, which leads to boosting sales. SEO can be divided into three subcategories, namely:

On-page: This sub-part covers all the aspects of our website, such as content quality, keyword density and much more.

Off-page: Here, all the aspects that occur outside your domain are covered, such as link building, guest posting and much more.

Technical SEO: Optimising the website, improving user experience and various other things come under technical SEO.

Major Aspects Taught in an Advanced SEO Course

  • Keywords

Keywords are phrases used in your content that help search engines understand what your content is about and then show it when any user searches for a related query. There are various types of keywords that can be used in the content to show your intent, namely navigational, transactional, informational and commercial keywords. The most significant part of any SEO learning course is keyword research, where marketers tend to find all the keywords related to the content they want to publish.

  • Link Building Training

The process of building backlinks for your domain to improve authority and visibility is known as link building. It is one of the most prominent off-page techniques used for increasing referral traffic to your website. Some common examples of link building are guest posting, sharing infographics, forums, business profiles and many more.

  • Competition Analysis

Monitoring the digital presence of your brand's major rivals for the purpose of gaining insights is known as competitive analysis. This is done to understand how your rivals are executing their marketing strategies and how you can look for gaps you can exploit. Majorly it helps in improving your website by trying out new strategies.

  • Content Optimisation

Optimising your content is one of the strategies of on-page SEO, where you make your content as search-engine-friendly as possible. Content optimisation can be done in various ways, such as ensuring the presence of relevant keywords, including meta titles and descriptions and forming content in a well-defined structure so that search engines can easily index it.

  • Google Algorithm Updates

Pursuing a technical SEO course lets you understand how Google algorithms work and also helps in staying in touch with the latest updates for Google algorithms. This, in turn, helps in tailoring the marketing strategies as per the Google algorithms for better recognition.

Tools You Need to Master in Technical SEO Training

Every SEO marketing course makes use of the following tools for different purposes, as without these tools, there is a lot of waste of time and effort for marketers.

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Semrush
  • Ahrefs
  • Yoast SEO
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Bing Webmaster
  • Screaming Frog
  • Google My Business
  • Google Trends & Many More.

Website Ranking Factors You Need to Keep in Mind

Approximately there exist at least 200 ranking factors in the Google algorithm; however, Google has never been upright about exactly what matters more for rankings. All of these factors have been deduced by performing market research to find the effects of different actions on rankings. There are two major subcategories of these factors, namely on-page and off-page, as different factors affect different aspects of your website.

On-page factors

These ranking factors are mostly available on your domains, as on-page SEO involves optimising your web pages. Some of the important on-page ranking factors are:

  • Meta title and meta description
  • Images
  • Rich snippets
  • Content
  • Heading tag
  • URLs & more

All of these factors are evaluated by the crawlers sent by Google to evaluate your web pages and then index them accordingly. Additionally, the crawlers also check how relevant your content is and if your website is providing a decent user experience or not. An on-page SEO course can help you understand the purpose of managing these factors and assist in improving user experience.

Off-page SEO factors

Off-page factors include elements that aren't present on your website but do affect it indirectly. Some of the important off-page factors include:

  • Number of backlinks
  • Brand mentions
  • Social signs & more

These factors are taken into consideration by crawlers as they help define the authority of your website.

What are the Best Practices for Indulging in SEO?

Lastly, to wrap it up, let's take a look at a few SEO best practices that are guaranteed to make a difference.

Perform keyword research - Even if you know what the target keyword would be, still perform keyword research.

Have patience - SEO strategies don’t work like magic, so you have to wait for the results to follow.

Create quality content - Whatever business you are in, keeping your content’s quality in check is a must.

Repurpose from time to time - Repurposing old content is needed to prevent that content from going stale.

Measure your efforts - Regularly monitor the results of the applied strategies to get to know what works for you or your brand and what doesn’t.


Overall it can be said that pursuing an advanced SEO course can open up a new career path for you in the field of digital marketing as you get to learn all the major concepts and tactics for optimising your website as per the search engines. However to master SEO it is important to learn through practical training as a dynamic field like digital marketing can’t be learned just by grasping the theoretical aspects. This is why whenever you choose an institute for SEO marketing course make sure you are getting hands-on training along with a professional certificate after completion of the course.


About the Creator

Ubuy Academy

Ubuy Academy is an IT training institute in Jaipur where students get to choose from a broad selection of IT courses that assist them in building a career in the ever-expanding IT industry.

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