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Dear Parents, we're tired too.

Childcare and Covid

By Melody MoonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Dear Parents, we're tired too.
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

This is a frustrating time for everyone. We are in a pandemic and no one knows how long things will be the way they are.

Temperature checks at the door, curbside child drop off/pick up, always wearing a N-95 mask for staff while parents and school-aged students have to wear some sort of face covering, being strict with symptoms and illness. This is all part of our new normal for God knows how long.

School has started. We started taking in school aged children to supplement the funding we’ve lost. They come in with their masks and chrome books. The youngest is in virtual kindergarten and just turned 5 while the oldest is almost 10. You can see the effects this is having on our kids’ mental health. They’re not engaged, they’re frustrated to the point of tears. One boy was so frustrated, he slammed his chromebook shut and simply said he wasn’t going to do it. So the teacher let him have a mental health day. We can’t force these kids to learn. If they’re not engaged, they’re not going to learn. They’re feeling a lot of big emotions they’re too small to handle on their own. They’re having tantrums and outburst because they feel lost and of course we can’t blame the teachers. For nearly all of them, it’s their first time doing remote learning and they’re trying their best.

Some of the employees are starting college this week. Once their shift ends, they either run to their university, which is across the street, or they get their laptop & headphones and go into the break room to prepare for their zoom meeting. They’re balancing a full time job while being full time students and guess what? Their university just confirmed 2 positive Covid cases on campus.

The Pre-K teacher turned into the school age teacher due to low staff. Her training and degree have not prepared her for this. Nothing has prepared any of us for this. She is struggling, she is frustrated, she has left her shift in tears because she feels like she is failing her students. She doesn’t know what she’s doing but no one else on our team is better qualified to be the school-age teacher.

Admin is trying their best to bring in more employees. They’ve been doing interviews left and right. They’re stressed right now. Previous staff left because they don’t feel comfortable working during a pandemic. They’re immunocompromised, they don’t want to risk bringing anything home, they don’t feel safe, whatever the reason, we’ve lost staff. Admin is trying to find certified teachers to help with the school aged children but who knows when the position will be filled.

We’ve also lost children. Prior to the pandemic, our center had 60-70 kids total. Now we only have 25 on a good day. Our center is a small nonprofit so the lost of children results in the lost of funding. Luckily, we were able to qualify for the Paycheck Protection Program so the employees could be fully paid. We’re thankful that we haven’t had to let anyone go or furlough anyone.

Parents, we hear you every morning and afternoon. You ask why you/your child has to wear a mask if drop off/pick up only takes a minute. It’s a rule we have in place to keep everyone safe. You complain but we won’t apologize for caring about your safety. You want to come in and talk to the teachers, see the classrooms, see what your child is doing in class, but you have to stay in the courtyard. Only people allowed inside the building are staff and children. Again, it’s a rule that we are required to reenforce for everyone’s safety.

An infant failed their temperature check and we had to tell mom that we couldn’t take her in. She tried to show us a doctor’s note, saying that her fever was due to teething but regardless of the reason, we had to turn her away. Mom was upset, demanded to speak to the director of our center. “Don’t you know I’m essential? I have to go to work!” Mom exclaimed. We’re essential too. We’ve been open this entire pandemic. Taking your daughter in with a temperature above 100.4°F would have put the other babies and our staff at risk and that’s the last thing we need.

We know parents don’t like the new rules put in place due to Covid. It’s inconvenient, it’s a hassle, it’s annoying. Trust us, we know. Our hands are getting dried from all the hand washing and some of us are getting headaches from breathing in Purell all day. Most of you have been understanding and shown compassion. Which we greatly appreciate. Then there’s some of you who have tried to argue with us, saying the new rules were a waste of time, an inconvenience, we go back and forth until we tell you that you are always welcome to unenroll your child from our center if that’s how strongly you feel about it. You are always welcome to keep your child home or find alternative care for them if our safety precautions are that much of an “inconvenience” to you.

A dad came in to drop off his 5 year old to the school-age classroom. His son didn’t have a mask. After taking the child’s temperature, I asked him where his mask was. His dad asked in disbelief, “Does he really need to wear a mask?” Yes, he does. The rules have not changed, we’re still in a pandemic, your son needs to wear a mask to enter the building otherwise we can not take him in. I bit my cheek and simply said, “Yes, he does.” Muttering, you went into your car and got a small cloth mask. You gave it to your son and looked at me to say, “I’m tired of this bullshit.” Before walking to your car and driving off.

We’re tired too. Our administration team is tired, our teachers are tired, our support staff is tired, our kids are tired. We’re all tired. Myself and the other staff members are trying our best to make this as bearable as we can. We’re all going through a tough time in our careers and personal lives. We’re doing everything we can to make this easy and painless while ensuring everyone’s safety.

Just please be patient with us.

Sincerely, An early childhood educator + full time college student.


About the Creator

Melody Moon

A childcare teacher and a college student trying to figure out life :)

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