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Daily Thoughts of a College Upperclassman

Kinda an Adult, Kinda Still a Kid

By Anne Published 6 years ago 3 min read

The transition from teenager to young adult was always a part in my life I looked forward to. Becoming an adult meant more freedom, independence, and living a life I have created for myself. However, in my later years of college, the anxiety level about becoming a "real adult" was at an all time high. There are thoughts that plague the minds of myself and my friends, almost too often:

  1. Cooking everyday is so exhausting. I cannot do this for the rest of my life. How expensive is a personal chef?
  2. Why did I ever think I could have my own child before the age of 26? I can barely take full care of myself. Not to mention, I breakdown at any slight inconvenience, and children can cause a lot of inconvenience!
  3. Wow groceries are expensive. I guess this is why my mom's receipt from the grocery store is always over $300 just for a weeks worth of food.
  4. How long before vegetables go bad? Is mold the only indication? Can I get really sick if I eat these?
  5. I’m really turning into my parents, ugh. Did NOT see that happening, especially not this soon.
  6. Was the country always in this much turmoil?
  7. Why is my first thought every morning about coffee? How long can I use coffee as a meal replacement before I substantially effect my health?
  8. Why has coffee become the highlight of my morning routine?
  9. Getting ready to go out takes way too much effort. Whoever invented dressing up for parties and bars was totally seeking attention. Can we all agree to make wearing sweats out a thing?
  10. Imagine being on an actual regulated schedule like in high school? I'd be so much more organized and rested and healthy and in shape...
  11. How did I go to school for eight hours a day when I can’t even get through an hour long lecture?
  12. Why do I need to pay so much money to take this class? This is not even remotely related to my major, and I am pretty sure this information is completely irrelevant to life.
  13. Are people not from my home state really THIS different from me?
  14. Most adults are really just older-looking people who still act like children.
  15. When did my body change this much?
  16. Jersey Shore was really the most defining aspect of our generation.
  17. How did i ever have time to watch TV?
  18. Being in your 30s must be so weird.
  19. What’s the first sign of old people aging?
  20. Why do I have to pay to get in somewhere and then still have to pay for drinks when I get inside?
  21. Being on the brink of adulthood is extremely nerve wracking and intimidating.
  22. When do I have to figure out bills and taxes and credit scores?
  23. It’s scary how selfish people can be.
  24. Common sense apparently is not very common.
  25. $500 is not a lot of money.
  26. Actually being 21 makes life so much easier.
  27. Why is general respect between people so rare?
  28. I wish I appreciated high school more.
  29. 97 percent of my curriculum from 1st-12th grade is useless in college.
  31. How did I have time for everything I wanted to do in high school when I was in school eight hours a day?
  32. Is it actually unacceptable to drink before 5 PM?
  33. Are people still completely financially dependent on their parents?
  34. Who decided it was smart to go out at 11? I wanna be in bed by 12:30.
  35. I hope I get a job after this.
  36. Is a five year plan actually realistic? Five years ago I thought I would have a job lined up, plans for my own place and have written my own book. None of those are even close to happening, so why come up with a five year plan when I don't even know what my next five days will look like?
  37. Do I actually have an accent? How do people notice it so quickly?
  38. Adult life doesn’t seem that appealing anymore. I could easily trade some of my freedom and independence for less responsibilities and obligations.
  39. The advice given to me by older family members turned out to be right. All of it. Dammit.
  40. Will I subtly notice wrinkles and other signs of aging and be able to intercept them or will I wake up one morning with a droopy face I can't fix?

Here's hoping that all of us who are thinking these thoughts, maybe dwelling on them more than we should be, can navigate through adulthood and may have some of our thoughts or questions answered. It is a slippery slope ahead of us. There will be a lot to figure out, a lot to learn, and a lot of big changes, but we will be able to handle them nonetheless.


About the Creator


blogger, content creator and mama

find me on socials: @paranneting @anamesa_anne


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