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Daily Affirmations that Works

Affirmations to Boost Yourself Forward

By Blessing NwonyePublished 11 months ago 3 min read


1. I am a unique person, I have a purpose in life and it is to bring joy and happiness to the world.

2. No matter what has happened in the past or how difficult life may seem right now, there is always hope for tomorrow.

3. I am worthy of love and compassion. When others have a problem, they should look to me for help when they need it.

4. My life is a gift from God that should be used to benefit others and myself.

5. Every day, I am getting better, I deserve to be here, I am at peace and I make the decisions.

6. I am a magnet for attracting positivities, and I am a force the world needs.

7. I choose not to judge myself but instead to forgive myself and I am doing the best I can.

8. I am the greatest version of myself and I deserve to be honored, respected, and revered.

9. My mind is a powerful tool that can help me achieve whatever goals I put my mind to.

10. I am beyond worth, I am beautiful just the way I am, I deserve the best and even more.

11. You have huge potential and we believe in you, we promise to listen to you as you set your goals and make plans to accomplish them. Keep up the hard work, you’ve got this.

12. My body is amazing and it deserves to be taken care of properly.

13. Today, I’m going to do what makes me happy and let go of the things that make me sad.

14. I choose to be kind to myself. I know that my feelings are valid, even if others don't agree. I know that I am worthy of self-care and I choose to feel good every day.

15. No matter what I'm going through I can choose to stay calm. I will invest time in learning how to be kinder to myself.

16. My relationship with others is based on mutual respect and understanding.

17. I am confident in myself and my place in this world

18. I am strong and beautiful, I am worthy of respect and admiration.

19. I am content with who I am and where my life is going.

20. I am a unique being, with many strengths to offer the world.

21. I will not let anyone make me feel bad about myself

22. I have the power to create a world of good in my life and the world around me.

23. Today, I choose me

24. I am growing every day.

25. I send love to my fears and doubts.

Defining Your Self Worth 


1. My greatness exits here and now

2. My strength is greater than my struggle

3. My soul is radiant, my body is strong, and my mind is brilliant

4. I can release negative thoughts and feelings that do not serve me

5. Nothing about me is a mistake

6. I am worth something, I am valuable.

7. I am a fighter and I will fight for the things I believe in

8. I have a beautiful heart and that is what makes me beautiful

9. I can make a difference in the world and I will use that power wisely

10. I am at peace with myself

11. My family and friends enjoy spending time with me

12. I will not waste time on people whose company I don’t enjoy

13. I am not afraid of the unknown

14. I don’t have to apologize for my emotions and attitudes

15. I am a unique person, there's nobody else like me

16. I am worthy of success

17. People value my work my time and my love

18. I deserve to be paid well for my skills

19. I am surrounded by grace and positivity

20. Everything is possible for me

21. There's nothing I need to change about myself to be loved and accepted

22. My future is bright

23. I deserve to relax

24. I look fondly upon memories of my past

25. My future is positive

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