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Health benefits of cucumber

By Kpochi AmosPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Cucumbers and salads are inextricably linked. Experts consider it both a fruit and a vegetable because it belongs to the same plant family as pumpkin, squash, and watermelon, namely the Cucurbitaceae family.

Cucumbers are long and slim, and come in a variety of colors. Because of the presence of aldehydes, they have a characteristic mild melon-like flavor and scent. Cucurbitacins in cucumber skin cause the little bitterness.

Nutritional Information for Cucumber

Cucumbers have 96% water content. They are excellent for cleansing and hydration. Cucumbers include a lot of phytonutrients and vitamin K. They also contain a lot of pantothenic acid and molybdenum. Copper, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin B1 are also present.

Cucumber Health Benefits:

  • Beneficial for Hydration and Detoxification:

Cucumbers contain 96% water. Cucumbers contribute to the body's daily water demand, keeping us hydrated. This is especially useful during the summer, when we tend to become dehydrated quickly. Cucumber also functions as a coolant, keeping us cool in the hot heat.

Cucumber and mint detox water successfully eliminates toxins from the body, promotes hydration, and results in numerous health advantages.

  • Blood Pressure Control:
  • Cucumbers are high in potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber. These nutrients have been shown to reduce blood pressure and consequently the risk of heart disease.

    Cucumber juice has also been shown in studies to help reduce blood pressure in elderly adults who have hypertension.

    • Men's sexual health benefits:

    Cucumbers are an aphrodisiac, according to the Produce for Better Health Foundation; the vitamin C and manganese in these green veggies are recognized for improving both your vitality and your sexual drive.Not only that, but vitamin C helps improve circulation and blood flow, which can benefit men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

    Cucumber has been shown to help improve and lessen the effects of erectile dysfunction in males with low blood pressure. A simplified version of this process is as follows: citrulline turns into the amino acid arginine, which then transforms to nitric oxide, which helps blood vessels to expand and relax, allowing healthy blood flow to the penis.These qualities explain why cucumbers are so beneficial to sexual health.

    • Breast cancer prevention

    A case-control study that compared the diets of breast cancer patients and a healthy control group of women discovered that the breast cancer patients consumed much less vegetables, including cucumbers, than the control group. A Greek study also discovered that women with breast cancer ate much fewer cucumbers than women who did not have breast cancer. A Swiss study also found that eating cucumbers, among other fruits and vegetables, was related with considerable breast cancer prevention.

    Cucumbers grown organically are preferable to cucumbers grown traditionally. Cucumber skin is the most nutritious component of the cucumber (followed by the seeds), yet standard cucumbers are usually coated with wax, which can retain pesticide residue and other pollutants. As a result, conventionally cultivated cucumbers should always be peeled to remove the majority of the cucurbitacins. In one study, non-organic greenhouse cucumbers were found to contain unacceptable amounts of cadmium, lead, and chromium.

    Cucumber Recipes Made Simple

    You may be wondering how to incorporate cucumber into your normal diet now that you are aware of its health benefits. We've got you covered with simple ways to incorporate cucumber into your diet below:

    • Salads are the best way to incorporate cucumber into your diet. You may keep it simple with sliced cucumber with spice and a squeeze of lemon, or add it to a veggie salad with your favorite dressing.
    • Smoothie/Juice - Using a blender or juicer, puree cucumbers with ingredients such as mango, coconut water, and honey. This delicious drink contains all of the advantages of cucumber and coconut water.

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