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Convert images to Base64

Why is it good and how to do it?

By László CellárPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Convert images to Base64
Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how to optimize the load time of your website? One technique that can help is converting images to Base64. In this article, we will discuss what Base64 encoding is, the advantages and disadvantages of using Base64 encoded images, and how to convert images to Base64.

What is Base64 Encoding?

Base64 encoding is a method of representing binary data in ASCII text format, such as pictures. This means that images can be integrated directly into HTML or CSS code instead of being stored in separate files and loaded via HTTP requests.

I have already discussed the meaning of Base64 and the concepts of encoding and decoding in detail in my previous article, so if you want to learn more about this topic, I recommend that article as well.

Advantages of Using Base64 Encoded Images

Using Base64 encoded images on a website has various advantages. One of the primary benefits is that it can reduce the number of HTTP requests performed by the browser when a page is loaded. This is because the picture data is directly integrated in the HTML or CSS code rather than being loaded via a separate request. This can help a page load faster, especially if there are a lot of little images to load.

Another benefit of utilizing Base64 encoded images is that it improves user experience by lowering the number of broken images on a page. When an image is loaded through HTTP, there is always the possibility that the request will fail, resulting in a broken image. When an image is embedded directly in the HTML or CSS code using Base64 encoding, the image cannot fail to load.

Images that have been Base64 encoded can also be used to create responsive designs. It is critical to ensure that images are appropriately sized and scaled for different screen sizes and resolutions when designing a responsive design. It is possible to manage the size and scaling of images by embedding them directly in the HTML or CSS code using Base64 encoding.

Disadvantages of Using Base64 Encoded Images

There are, however, major disadvantages to using Base64 encoded images. One downside is that the encoded image data is bigger in size than the original image file. This is because Base64 encoding encodes data with 6 bits per byte, whereas binary data utilizes 8 bits per byte. There is also some overhead associated with Base64 encoding, such as padding. As a result, a Base64 encoded image can be 33%-36% bigger in size than the original image file.

Another problem of utilizing Base64 encoded photos is that search engines may not index them. This means that Base64 encoded photos on your website may not surface in search engine results.

How to Convert Images to Base64

You can use an online program named [Base64 to picture Encoder] to convert a picture to Base64. Simply upload your image, and the tool will encode it in Base64. The encoded data can then be copied and pasted into your HTML or CSS code.

There are several online applications, this is the one I use the most, but you can find more with these search keywords: Base64 to Image or Base64 Image Encoder.


In conclusion, converting photos to Base64 can be a good strategy for improving website load time by lowering the number of HTTP requests. However, there are certain drawbacks to consider, such as larger file sizes and lower search engine exposure. When determining whether or not to utilize Base64 encoded photos on your website, consider these factors.

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