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what should we be doing after we are done with school???

By Harriet surePublished 8 months ago 3 min read

What should we be doing after school?? Well, I am also clueless so clueless. But let's try and figure this out.

I am a recent graduate of cooperative management and i specialized in finance . Trust me when I say that I have applied for thousands of jobs without any success even remote jobs . Saying that I am stressed out would be an understatement .

So, I am drowning in the uncertainty of life post-graduation. Armed with my degree and dreams of conquering the financial world, I had imagined myself landing a high-paying job at a prestigious firm the moment my diploma touched my hand. Yet, reality had a different plan.

In the weeks following my graduation, I found myself in a disorienting abyss. My days were filled with scrolling through job listings online, attending endless networking events, and sending out countless resumes. Yet, the elusive job offer remained as distant as ever.

My friends had moved on to exciting new beginnings, and each day, it felt like I was drifting further from my dreams. "What am I doing wrong?" I'd often wonder, and the frustration gnawed at my self-confidence.

One morning, while sipping a lukewarm cup of coffee at my kitchen table, I received a message from my friend Emily, who had also graduated but found a job in finance right away. Emily invited me to a local cafe to catch up.

As I sat across from Emily, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. Emily was thriving, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as she talked about her new role at a financial consultancy firm.

"Isabel, you seem a bit down," Emily said, her voice filled with concern.

I sighed and decided to open up. "I just can't find a job, Emily. I've sent applications everywhere, attended every networking event, and nothing. I feel like I'm stuck."

Emily smiled warmly and leaned in. "You know, when I first started, I felt the same way. But then, I realized something crucial – I was too focused on the 'I.'"

"The 'I'?" I asked, puzzled.

Emily nodded. "Yes, the 'I.' I was so absorbed in my own struggles and my desire to succeed that I forgot about the bigger picture. It's not just about 'I,' it's about 'us,' and the relationships we build."

Emily went on to explain that her breakthrough had come when she had reached out to a classmate's cousin, who worked at the firm she was now employed with. That connection had opened doors she never knew existed.

Inspired by Emily's words, I decided to shift my perspective. I began to reach out to my fellow graduates and rekindle connections I had made during my years at university. I attended alumni events, seeking not just job opportunities but also genuine relationships.

One evening, at an alumnus gathering, I struck up a conversation with an older finance professional named Richard. We talked about our shared interests, and that was all. I felt that nobody understood me ,All I wanted was a job or someone to guide me ion how to get a job.

Or better even I needed a connection to the job.I know that that could be too much of me to ask but ...please God.

so walked out of the meeting and went back home .My introverted self-closed my doors and sank myself in sorrow .at this point i could see that the world was coming to an end . I think I was just depressed, I still am if you asked me .

I guess we all just have to wait for our Gods timing is the best.

I really hope that patience pays...

I guess that we all wait....


About the Creator

Harriet sure

Embracing the Quiet Journey

Hey there, I'm Harriet, and I'd like to welcome you into the world of an introvert's life. As someone who thrives in the quieter corners, I am here to share my daily life stories.

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