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Class in Session - The Major Rules of Writing

An overview of basic writing rules, and the correct method to compose an article. A modern-day view of what makes a piece of writing great with clear examples.

By Jason BoldPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Writing is an art, and if you write well, that’s swell. But there’s a learning curve here. When we were at school, or university even, writing had many levels. So, in order to grasp what makes your writing stand out, there are some basic writing rules.

The English language is graceful, but so is every other language. Thus, whatever you’re writing it must mean something. This is because writing is all about communication and that is quite crucial indeed.

There are so many types of writing. For instance, you can write to describe something, like the day you’re having. Other times you’ll be able to write to argue, like a debate. Therefore, writing should translate to important matters as such.

As a student of elementary, middle, or high school, you learn the learning mechanisms. Then once you do, it’s time to earn those marks right. Afterward, when we join university, we have our presentations, reports, thesis, and dissertations too. At this point in our lives, writing must become second nature.

Seems like we’ve got a general initiation out of the way! Now, let us dive right into this article that will explore essential writing tips. Try your very best to abide by the upcoming form of practice as much as you can. Hope it helps!

How to Determine Good Writing

  • Express yourself clearly

There are times when we talk, we wander off into various topics. That’s perfectly fine. But in writing, it’s wise to make a point. Make sure to constitute something that makes sense and is valid. It is vital that you don’t stray away from the main aspect of something. This is because your readers might get confused!

So, express you in such a way that your message is concise is grasped clearly.

For instance, let’s say you are given a topic about canines. Then, you should accurately describe the very essence of dogs. Explain what particular aspect you enjoy about dogs. You can also write about their appearance and overall cuteness too. Don’t write about cats or other animals, then everyone’s going to think, “uhm what’s he on about”?

Writing rules don’t have to be profound or ground-breaking. Mostly it starts the small and easy steps.

  • Address your target audience

When you write an email, you fixate on the person who you are sending it to. When you write an article about the stock market, you write about the stock market! It’s that effortless, and definitely far from rocket science.

Try to comprehend the subject matter, so that you can compress it in easy words to inform your audience. A question may arise, a statement to be formed, or a product, to be pitched, nevertheless, plan! That’s right folks, plan your writing tactic, and execute it in such a way that it’s believable and consumable.

  • Avoiding jargon may do better than harm

When you study business, there are terms like ‘synergy’ and ‘hierarchy’ that mean something different in the corporate world. While that’s absolutely fine to use in journals or a thesis paper, it’s best to avoid them.

It’s not a cardinal sin to use jargon, in fact, some readers may appreciate it. But here’s the catch, most of your readers may not even be from a corporate background. In that case, if you do use jargon, or don’t, ensure that it has been explained thoroughly.

  • Read your reading out loud for clarity

Ladies and gents, when you write something, make sure it makes sense! Sometimes, musicians do this. When they write lyrics, they sing them to make sure it's catchy and have rhythm. When an author writes something, it is best to read it out loud so that there’s clarity.

Do you know what can help? Having a trusted person to provide insight on your writing after hearing it correctly. This way, it can assist writers all around to receive feedback, and grow as a professional.

Paraphrasing in Writing

There are programs aiming at checking grammar and detecting plagiarism, then there’s paraphrasing. The definition of paraphrasing is that it takes a piece of writing and transforms it with synonyms and changes the sentence structure.

There are many tools for paraphrasing nowadays, but one of the most notable ones is ‘Paraphrase App’. This software is a genuine paraphrase, that you can use right now, free of cost.

Wondering how paraphrasing will take place? Well, the tool uses artificial intelligence to analyze the text and come up with the best rewritten format. The original message is in place, but the tone and word structure will be altered.

If you’re aiming to check what your writing sounds like with a different tone, how about trying out ‘Paraphrase App’? It can paraphrase about 1000 words at a time! Pretty cool huh?


Dear writers, readers, and friends all around. Writing is quite essential in today’s world. No one wrote the book of ‘writing rules’, it was developed by various people over time. But there are some basic writing rules, and I hope these writing tips were helpful and useful.

Our growth as writers and academic professionals is to always keep writing and revising our content. It is essential that our practice is intact, and we never lose sight of it.

Sometimes it's a great idea to use apps like Grammarly to check your writing and ensure it stays top-notch. Other times, when you want something to sound a specific way, but want the help of AI, then Quillbot can do the trick. It can rewrite your content, with synonyms and a change in structure. Ah, isn’t AI in writing just great?

But, always, and I mean always, stay original.

One more thing dear writer, never make an attempt to steal another author’s rightful information! But if you want to use that data for academic reasons, use citations, or ask for their rightful permission. Thus, believe in your own strengths, and move forward!


  • Q1 - What subject matter connects to writing?

Ans - Writing connects with the subject matter of communication.

  • Q2 - State two basic types of writing.

Ans - The most fundamental writing aspects come in form of describing something (descriptive) and taking a side over two topics and basing an argument (argumentative).

  • Q3 - Why is your expressing yourself important in writing?

Ans - Expression in writing is vital because it needs to make sense and is valid.

  • Q4 - How does a writer address their target audience?

Ans - Plan your writing tactic and execute it in such a way that it’s believable and consumable to people.

  • Q5 - Why should you avoid jargon in writing?

Ans - Because it may sound unclear to many readers. But, explaining it might help.

  • Q6 - State a realistic method of evaluation to allow a piece of writing to make sense.

Ans - To read it out loud, preferably while someone hears it, or yourself.

how to

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Jason Bold

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