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Children and Environment

To face the challenges of the new century to teach others what children are learning.

By Elayer For AllPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Children and Environment from Elayer for All

Education is about changing the child's attitude. In this regard, when an environmental lesson is applied at school, the child realizes what he has learned as he grows up and tries to incorporate it into his life.

Whether engaging in any subject or the teacher is engaging in a specific education process for the child, it should not only be beneficial in the employment sector.

The curriculum also implies that the child should have access to learning experiences through organized and unorganized activities within and outside the school.

The curriculum requires qualitative learning, not quantitative learning.

In this regard, it is natural to wonder whether our curriculum provides opportunities for children to incorporate their primary experiences and life experiences into the surrounding environment.

What ideas should a school's curriculum help children to have?

  • To face the challenges of the new century to teach others what children are learning.
  • Promote sensible and responsible attitudes to improve the health and behavior of children and the desired values, attitudes, and hobbies
  • To respect differences and celebrate diversity.
  • To get busy with natural resource protection; To develop skills.
  • To increase sensitivity to violence and abuses of any kind.

In this regard, creating a sustainable, thriving, environmentally sound environment where opportunities for community participation in education, discussions, and analysis can be facilitated is the process of learning.

The green curriculum helps children to have and follow these ideas.

Watering Lesson:

  • Immediately after the work, hand-washed, brushed, etc. the taps must be properly closed.
  • Use less water for bathing, smaller buckets, and smaller ones to save water.
  • If the water is leaking from the tap, don't just wait, let's try to stop it.
  • If the pipe is leaking, ask the elder to repair it.
  • Clean all the utensils at the beginning of the wash, without cleaning one by one.
  • Take as much water as you need for drinking.
  • If possible, reuse the water.
  • When washing a car, bike or any vehicles, let the water in the bucket instead of using the pipe.
  • Try collecting rainwater and use
  • Don't play a water fighting game.
  • Motivate to save water for your family, neighbors, and even friends.

Air pollution prevention practices

  • Motivating to use Cycle more.
  • Demonstration of sustainable, safe use of LPG.
  • Convince the effects of air pollution through simple experiments.
  • Summoning and demonstrating smoke detectors.
  • Demonstration of smoke from vehicles, usually from the piping to paper.
  • Information on the odors emanating from the burning of plastic and their effects on the poisonous substances.
  • Informing the effects of burning firewood.

Hobbies to moderate electric energy consumption.

  • Turning off the power when not in use, such as a TV or computer, Lights and Fans.
  • Thinking to use natural air, light, and energy as a solar panel, solar water heater.
  • Don't use unnecessary power lamps and fans.

Finding and Using alternatives:

Almost all things have an alternative we just need to explore, expand and enrich.

  • Advising parents to use the LED lamp and lights.
  • Use stairs instead of a lift, escalator.
  • Open the windows and let the A.C. Turn off or switch off.
  • Do not heat the food repeatedly.

Activities to preserve soil essence

  • Knowing Construction of Organic fertilizers
  • Introduction to natural farming method
  • The use of chemical fertilizers is the key to knowing the outcome of plastic use
  • Identifying biodiversity and its coexistence in a defined area of ​​land on school premises.

This green wrap can be a good prelude for children to adopt the assertiveness and cleanliness they advocate.

Environmental life is characterized by air, water, soil, energy, hygiene, folk variety, and folk rituals. To be aware of these must go through our learning process. There are also many strategies that can be adopted to get out of the classroom and expand the environment.

Just remember that, whatever we have today and tomorrow it's all because of nature, for nature, and by the nature.


About the Creator

Elayer For All

 Edu - Tech - Learn- Invest - Grow

Follow ElayerForAll on Vocal Media, Medium and Quora to read stories, lesson and articles.

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