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Chapter 5

New Rules for Holy Living

By Creative LinePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Chapter 5
Photo by Nong V on Unsplash

The miraculous opening and closing of

the Red Sea was only the beginning of God’s

powerful way of providing for his people. As

the nation of over two million people made

their way through the desert of Sinai, they

quickly finished the bread and water they

had taken from Egypt. When they were

thirsty, God provided water. When they

needed food, God sent bread from heaven

each morning and quail in the evening.

When God’s people were attacked, he gave

them victory in battle. God promised to be

with his people … and he was. He did far

more for them than they could ever imagine.

The great mountain rumbled and boomed like an


The smoky skies clapped with a thousand thunderbolts.

“HELP!” the people cried out as they ran for cover.

“SETTLE DOWN! SETTLE DOWN!” shouted Moses.

The people gathered below the mountain, ready to listen to

their leader. Moses stood high above all the people so they

could hear his voice.

“I’ve been on the mountain with God for forty days and

forty nights. He gave me special rules for us to live as his holy


Moses held up two stone tablets and read the rules to the


God is number one.

There is no other god

except our God.

Praise God every day

and only worship him.

There is nothing else worth worshiping.

Always use respectful words

when you speak about God.

Have one special day a weak

to rest and praise God.

Honor your father and mother.

Obey them, answer when they call, be kind

to them, and always show love toward them.

Be kind to everyone.

It is wrong to hurt another person,

because everyone is special to God.

Husbands and wives must be loyal to each

other, showing love and kindness always.

Do not steal.

Respect the belongings of others.

Always tell the truth. Sometimes it’s hard,

but it’s always the right thing to do.

Be happy with what you have. Do not

wish for things that belong to other people.

Everything you have is a blessing from God.

The following story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental. The characters depicted in this story are not real and any similarities to actual people, animals, or creatures are unintentional. The story is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously or as factual. The author does not condone or promote any illegal, harmful or unethical behavior. The story may contain mild language, humor, or suspense that may not be suitable for all readers. Parental guidance is advised. The author and publisher are not responsible for any actions taken by readers based on the content of this story.

In today's world, it's essential to include disclaimers in children's stories. Disclaimers help to clarify the purpose of the story and protect both the author and publisher from any legal liability. Disclaimers are an integral part of children's literature, and they can serve multiple purposes.

Firstly, disclaimers can help to manage reader expectations. A disclaimer can inform the reader about the type of content they are about to read. For instance, if a story contains mild language or a scene that may be scary for some children, a disclaimer can prepare the reader for what's to come. It can also help parents to decide if the content is appropriate for their child.

Secondly, disclaimers can help to protect the author and publisher from legal liability. In today's litigious society, it's essential to take steps to minimize legal risks. Disclaimers can help to clarify that the story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. It can also help to clarify that the author and publisher are not responsible for any actions taken by readers based on the content of the story.

In conclusion, including a disclaimer in children's stories is an essential practice for authors and publishers. It helps to manage reader expectations and protect against legal liability. As a parent, it's important to read the disclaimer before allowing your child to read the story and ensure that the content is appropriate for their age and maturity level.

high schoolstudent

About the Creator

Creative Line

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