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Chapter 1: Prolouge

Starting of something

By Abhishek VijayanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Chapter 1: Prolouge
Photo by Miika Laaksonen on Unsplash

Yuuto's birth was a joyous occasion for his parents and the entire village. The midwife, who had helped deliver most of the babies in the village, declared that Yuuto was the healthiest and most beautiful newborn she had ever seen. He had a full head of black hair, sparkling brown eyes, and a pair of chubby cheeks that begged to be pinched.

His parents, Hiroshi and Akiko, were overwhelmed with joy and love for their new baby boy. They named him Yuuto, which meant "courageous warrior" in Japanese, hoping that he would grow up to be strong and brave.

Hiroshi and Akiko were simple farmers who worked the land in the mountainous region of Japan. They lived in a small wooden house with a thatched roof that had been passed down from Hiroshi's parents. The house had a small kitchen and living area on the first floor, and a bedroom on the second floor where Hiroshi and Akiko slept on a futon.

Despite their modest living conditions, Hiroshi and Akiko were content with their life. They were deeply in love and had a strong bond that had only grown stronger since the birth of Yuuto.

As Yuuto grew older, he became the center of their world. They would often spend hours playing with him, making him laugh and coo with delight. Yuuto was a happy baby, content to sit in his mother's arms or crawl around on the floor exploring his surroundings.

As he grew older, Yuuto's curiosity and intelligence became increasingly apparent. He would watch his parents working in the fields, studying the way they tilled the soil and tended to the crops. He would ask them questions about the plants and animals, soaking up their knowledge like a sponge.

Hiroshi and Akiko were thrilled by their son's curiosity and encouraged him to explore the world around him. They would take him on walks through the woods, pointing out different trees and animals and teaching him their names.

Yuuto was fascinated by everything he saw, but he was especially drawn to the martial arts. He would watch the local samurai practicing their swordsmanship, marveling at the way they moved with such grace and power.

Hiroshi and Akiko were initially hesitant to allow their young son to train in the martial arts. They were worried that it would be too dangerous and that he would get hurt. However, as they saw how determined Yuuto was to learn, they finally relented and allowed him to enroll in a nearby dojo.

From the very first day, Yuuto was hooked. He loved the discipline and focus that the martial arts required, and he threw himself into his training with everything he had. Despite his young age, he quickly became one of the dojo's top students, impressing his sensei with his dedication and natural talent.

As Yuuto grew older, he continued to train in the martial arts, becoming stronger and more skilled with each passing day. However, he also began to realize the harsh realities of the world around him. The poverty and hardship that he saw every day weighed heavily on him, and he felt a growing sense of responsibility to help those in need.

This sense of responsibility would ultimately lead him down a path that would challenge everything he had ever known and force him to confront the darkest parts of his own soul.


Chapter 2: Early Childhood

As Yuuto grew older, he became increasingly aware of the poverty that surrounded him. His parents struggled to make ends meet, and there were times when they couldn't afford to put food on the table. However, rather than become bitter or resentful, Yuuto took it upon himself to help in any way he could.

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About the Creator

Abhishek Vijayan

hey , I am a freelancing editor and writer.

In this account I will post videos and posts which have me intrested and invested in them.

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    AVWritten by Abhishek Vijayan

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