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Changing The Reset Password-The Final Chapter

Reset Your Password Challenge

By Marc OBrienPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Tensions started mounting in the southern comfort land and UGA X once known as ‘que’ sat back on his haunches giving an evil glare.

“What?” Miss Georgina questioned, “I won the prize on the game show, and I want more,”

News reports about the violent cyclones from Iowa made national headlines showing pictures describing the horned frogs fort worth protecting, seeing these disastrous images made UGA X put down his paws and stay home.

“Fine, be that way,” Miss Georgina received the message loud and clear, “Gifford, pack my overnight bag we need to get to the airport.”

“You have all your tickets? Ma’am,”


“Are they paid for?” Gifford inquired.

“Credit card went through, Gifford,” Miss Georgina clarified.

Finding a suitable pad station to work on ambush skills, Super Frog had time to think about this mission that seemed quite impossible. When his horned frog followers offered support he explained, “even though I may not win the game show with my new password, if we go over the allotted amount, we will be deemed special needs.”

“Super Frog, all you have to do is be entertaining,” the visiting supporters reassured, “everything else will fall into place.”

Hearing this sentiment made Super Frog smile and in one big gulp the King of the lake, the southern water snake ended up as the evening’s meal plan.

“It is really nice when the frozen pond is melted,” Super Frog told his comrades, climbing the hardwood planks catching sun.

Betty Lundon met Miss Georgina halfway between the terminal and baggage claim, “Didn’t UGA X make the trip?”

“He said registering for class, was a priority,” Miss Georgina answered, “did you get what I want?”

“Here it is,” Betty pulled a small blue protector from her purse, “Super Frog’s new password.”

“And this will entitle me to what?”

“His game show appearance fee,”

“Great I need the cash,” Miss Georgina stated, watching Gifford carrying the one travel suitcase.

“Do you have a couple dollars to tip the porter?” Gifford checked wearing his proper yellow jacket.

“Here,” Miss Georgina grabbed a twenty and hid the secret information in the woman’s private place.

Not even twenty-four hours lapsed, and Super Frog suited up, returning to his laptop but when inserting the password,

“What happened?” Super Frog murmured seeing something went wrong, “there is no balance in the account again!”

Trying to keep calm Super Frog marched down to Mr. Sofi’s office and sitting in her chair, the former intern executive assistant,

“Miss Lundon,” his big mouth opened, “once again there seems to be a theft, a stolen password,”

Closing the tempting tabloid tease periodical Betty looked up, “Mr. Super Frog, what did you want? You had a good season, many wins, that is,”

“Before one bad night and a gigantic cyclone hit,” Super Frog finished the sentence.

“We are dealing with a bulldog, SF,” Betty sensitively stated, reaching for the script, “look if you change your password one more time, it will be over,”

“Yes, and I will have enough finances to fix all the damage back home,”

“That is correct,”

Hopping out to the city street Super Frog felt energetic knowing the debts are paid off but when the Santa Ana winds kicked up, the Pac man, power player went airborne all the way to Dallas.

Resting on the hardwood the Misses approached him, “did you get what you wanted?”


“Good, now did you reset your password?”

“No, I changed my password, and everything went over, and I am expecting a check in the mail,”

“Honey, don’t worry about it,” the Misses reassured, “the state wildcats came by this week, we covered.”

“Did things go over?” Super Frog went looking for extra payment.

“Yup,” the Misses replied taking down another big predator, “that was good, now I won’t have to cook supper.”


About the Creator

Marc OBrien

Barry University graduate Marc O'Brien has returned to Florida after a 17 year author residency in Las Vegas. He will continue using fiction as a way to distribute information. Books include "The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle"

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