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Books That Seriously F*cked My Mind; Why You Should Read Them

about 3 books that shook my head and my reaction to these books were, 'What have I just read?'

By ZoahaibbPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Books That Seriously F*cked My Mind; Why You Should Read Them
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I have read a variety of books and enjoy reading almost every genre. However, there are some books that you do not enjoy, but these books shake your mind and take you to another world of possibilities.

Well, I'm talking about 3 books that shook my head and my reaction to these books was, 'What have I just read?'

And I'm sure you'll have the same reaction if you read them.

1. The Four Agreements:

Shall I say that what you believe is not true? What if I say your whole being is just an illusion? Chances are you'll throw a big tomato at me, right?

But what if someone proves that your beliefs and your entire journey so far are just an illusion?

Our race is very much influenced by the word 'Judgments'. You will open your Instagram and a group of people there will give you a lecture 'Why shouldn't you judge others?'

Well, the answer is in four agreements. The four covenants discuss how we create false beliefs, and how we judge ourselves first and then others.

image from google

As an example: According to The Four Agreements, we can never judge others without first examining ourselves, and the scenario begins like this: Suppose you believe that an intelligent student is the only one Which is good in class. Take the score. On the other hand, you score at least one percent. Now you decide what to look for and tactics to help ease the way. You feel very bad and sad about yourself but then you start playing ego game. Our sad minds try to find a comfortable place for you to judge other students and say, 'This guy is so stupid, he can't even write difficult words.

You judge them and feel better that you are at least better than anyone else. And in this way your sad mind takes the form of ego and begins to examine others. But it all started because your belief was wrong.

Let's take another example,

If I asked you what your definition of success is, what would you say? I bet you will either respond to the common beliefs that society has filled your mind or you will come up with a filtered definition of success because you have read somewhere that 'wearing a black suit is not necessary' 'Yes, and you have millions of dollars. . Bank balance to succeed.

If you don't take it aggressively and answer my question honestly, you will find out how our society has ruined our entire lives by filling our innocent minds with stupid definitions of everything.

“Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.”

The Four Pacts is the first book to be introduced.

How we form beliefs,

* How do we begin to believe in our beliefs more than our intellect?

Then how can you create new beliefs for yourself? The author has also suggested 4 new beliefs which we call agreement for a happy and successful life which are:

→ Be perfect with your words.

→ Don't speculate.

→ Always give your best.

→ Don't take anything personally.

(I didn’t create this post,)

"There may be many great ideas in your mind, but what makes the difference is action. Without acting on an idea, there will be no appearance, no result, and no reward."

2. Factfulness:

Can you help me to take a moment of my time, close my eyes and imagine all the beauty and resources that the universe has given us in abundance? Now tell me, what do you think we did with this beautiful world?

If you're like me, I guess your answer would be that we've ruined the world by making unnecessary inventions that pollute the environment, we've got poverty, gang rape, global warming and child abuse. Has ruined the universe. The gift of hard work, wars and much more. more than this.

While it is true that we have not missed an opportunity to destroy our beautiful planet, there is another side to this coin.

(This book owns by me :)

Factfulness, as the name implies, is a combination of research and global statistics that show how the world is really improving. Child labor, rape cases, poverty are declining and healthy lifestyles, child literacy and women's empowerment are on the rise.

This book is useful not only to tell you how the world is improving and how we are wrong about the world, but also why we need to look at the data before making any decision. Why is critical thinking and logical thinking dead these days and does realism help us in their development?

"When our minds are filled with fear, there is no room for facts."

3. Influence; The Psychology of Persuasion:

I was the most innocent person before reading this book but then I came to know how clever marketers, politicians and other people use psychological tactics to get us into a vicious circle.

Effect is a book about how we can use persuasive psychological tricks to persuade people and make them our puppets. Yes, I'm serious!

(finding a person who owns this post)

I don't think I can do justice to this book even if I say a thousand words. In fact, my brain is still traumatized by how I was being fooled.

"A well-known principle of human behavior is that when we ask someone to be kind to us, we will be more successful if we give a reason. People just like to have reasons for their actions.

If there is one book that you should read to save yourself from this cunning world, then its effect will be your companion. Also, if you are a marketer or a sales person, this book is a gold mine for you.

I have read these 3 books and I really like them. My mind is clearer now than ever. Go and grab one of these books to see how you think and see the world.

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Cheers \o/

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