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Books and Life

Human beings as higher animals, the necessary is that people have something that other animals do not have, that is wisdom, that is knowledge, knowledge is wealth, is the fundamental to live well.

By Vansciver BotrasPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Human beings as higher animals, the necessary is that people have something that other animals do not have, that is wisdom, that is knowledge, knowledge is wealth, is the fundamental to live well.

Gorky once said: "The book is the ladder of human progress" as a grassroots staff, knowledge in my mind is particularly important. A decision may change a person, a door technology may be able to feed a family, and a book may change a world, a society, as a society's spirit.

Reading to enjoy life, this statement, it is true, can naturally enjoy, increase their sense of humor, interpersonal skills, increase their own insight, their own cultivation, and their own things a deeper a rational understanding. Their own language organization ability, and so on. The book has a golden house, this is true, Gorky, Shakespeare, Lu Xun, Lev Tolstoy and so on, the saints are here it. In the book you can always talk to them as much as you want. This can allow me to let you benefit a lot.

I used to be really a person who didn't talk much, who couldn't socialize, who had a sense of humor really, don't talk about it! The whole person is cold. There is no anger to speak of. Such a person certainly can not adapt to society. Want to find the secret. Immediately turn over a thousand "chapters" like the forum, Douniang, Soso ask it, what, summed up a few very ordinary a word "reading" you may feel good speechless put, yes! At that time I also feel so speechless. The latter also figured out that these are the most basic common sense skills as human beings, how can there be a so-called fast method of murmuring, within a few days you can see the effect?

So slowly began to try and literary masters to talk, at first really feel, they are talking a mess of Martian language, can not read! I always feel that such a guy can also become a master of literature? Is it a mistake? I believe that you also have this kind of trouble, it's okay, more experience will be good. I remember the first time I read O. Henry's novel, O. Henry, as the world's great master of fiction, has a lot of books. When I first came to the bookstore, I didn't know which one to pick. My reading career began with this novelist, in which the encounters of the characters, the hardships of life, and the spirit of the characters in the face of difficulties, is certainly worth learning. There are also books that take the right view of friendship, love, are worth thinking about the column.

At first I was reading some literary works, to later look at some practical things that can be applied. For example, frying, cooking and other books, read some electrical repair

There are books about electricians and so on, their own to the work can also be used, but also to solve some unexpected things, to ensure that some losses. The book read more, really, you will find no language of their own, unconsciously in the mind a lot more words, sentences. You will find unknowingly growing, becoming connotative, will be more and more things. Others feel that you are becoming more and more powerful, simply since www.99zuowen.com己的人际关系, family relations will be unconsciously very harmonious. The whole world will light up a clear sky for you. Will i find the original knowledge to achieve hope, knowledge to achieve dreams, turned out to be very simple, not so inaccessible!

The soul of the book is the author, so I have had exchanges with many famous literary scholars, including mathematicians and so on, as if in the book I actually face these people, listen to their lectures and teachings, respect and listen to their reasoning in dealing with life, get along with people and face things harmoniously. And a group of masters of the world's top geniuses to make friends, did bring out this friend of mine will be how bad? Close to the vermilion, close to the ink, the black! The old Chinese language has long summed it up.

Some people may say that there is really no much time to read books, they come back from work every day very tired, they want to sleep, or play computer games, to lose a lifetime of fatigue. But I want to say that you can choose a good book to see, may be more real than your way to reduce stress, more good. Many things are we are too good at finding reasons, thus forgetting the essence of the problem. So, if you want, there are many ways! It's never too late to read, provided you seize the moment! Otherwise, you will fall behind, and it will be difficult to surpass.

Enjoy reading, reading the text, look at it when you are off work, and drink tea which is really healthy life reason. Reading can be used to pass the time, to help us pass the unwanted loneliness, unwanted solitude! Wouldn't a person feel happy without loneliness, without loneliness? Believe that books can give you a beautiful life and give you a good thing to have. Those verses, lyrics, masterpieces that have been passed down through the ages, they never expire! The only people who expire are those who don't understand them, those who can't see them.

160; Believe in your own most essential understanding of the book, in order to see it the most real thing, think a book is good, then go read that to experience it inside, inside the sense, skills, you will know, you need is what, need to have is what. What you learn will be the most suitable for you, will be your

Live and learn for tens of thousands of years of mankind, we know even less, leaving behind how much we will actually know, just, yes, just the things that may be one-sided to find the reasoner. I am not a literary mogul, nor a genius, I am just an electrician, perhaps what I know is not very one-sided, but only this article to arouse more people to read it.


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Vansciver Botras

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