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(What exactly is the matter in question? - An Opinionated Editorial)

By DhanyaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by on Unsplash

[Disclaimer — This is an imagination of the world back then, when USSR was ruling the world]

With the tensions going on with the communist regime, the communist and the capitalist, frequently, yet undoubtedly lock horns, ideologically. One intends to side with the peace-willing Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the other sides with the ruiner, the United States of America (USA). However, how is their intervention in the issues related to Latin America can be justified? With the rising pressure observed from both sides, it is very difficult to side with someone. Although, it is productive to always follow the path of the experienced and qualified, unlike the United States of America.

Immediately after President Allende came into power on the 3rd of November, 1970 on the principle of 'socialism’, the jealous-hearted United States tried to dig holes for the President in every way possible. The shivering capitalist country even limited aid to Chile fearing that Mr. Allende would create a communist government in Chile. From this, we can understand this cunning mind, the United States of America (USA) . The country has however should be made aware that, “Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top.”

After President Allende came into power, the US made good relations with him, and thereby Mr. Kissinger proved to be the major communist threat to the U.S hegemony in Latin America. Kissinger also bolstered and spoiled murderous military dictators who trampled on basic human rights. South American military dictators whom Kissinger favoured committed international terrorism in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Mr.Kissinger would accuses Carlos Prats’ actions to be "terrorism”, but supports the ones who does the same action that is being blamed. Is this not a contradiction? "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”

The incident of the Black Caravan would also prove to be a major example on this regard. The so-called caravan was a military death squad which roamed the country targeting left-wing opponents, i.e. the communists, Marxist and the socialists, in the months following Pinochet’s 1973 military coup. Why? Why have such hatred towards them? Aren’t they humans? Due to this, the Chile’s democratically elected President Salvador Allende, was overthrown. This clearly violates the Article 2, Article 3 and the Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of the Human rights.

So, who is the experienced? The one who violates the human rights but carefully escapes it or the one who moves towards accomplishing their goal without malpractices. The answer is pretty obvious but the countries that still support the United States of America are either not aware about their wrong doings or they are forced to join. Even after pouring down capitalism’s contractions, the US still plans to avoid all the accusations, rather proven facts and aims at destroying the communists. What did they do? All these examples, however, show the sick mentality of the United States of America.

As Karl Marx once said, "There can be no human emancipation under a system that inherently privileges one part of society (property holders) over another (those without the means of production).” Why support human rights violation when there is an alternate solution to avoid the same? Communism is a system of social organization that has never been truly tried and, these days, never truly explained. Yet it inspires fear in some, derision in others, and an almost universal unconcern for what it is actually intended to convey. So, why not give it a try? Why should we sob over a system which affects us? So, what exactly is the way forward? Undoubtedly, communism. May communism reign!

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