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AWS data storage Amazon S3, Amazon RDS

AWS data storage Amazon S3, Amazon RDS

By datacademy aiPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Here are some commonly asked AWS Certification interview questions regarding the AWS data storage Amazon S3, Amazon RDS on AWS

1. What is Amazon S3 and what are its main features?

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object-based cloud storage service that offers unlimited capacity and high durability. It offers a number of features such as high scalability, data availability, and secure data storage.

2. What are the different storage classes available in Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 offers four storage classes: S3 Standard, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 One Zone, and S3 Glacier. Each of these classes is designed for specific use cases, with different levels of performance, availability, and durability.

3. How does Amazon S3 provide high durability and availability of data?

Amazon S3 provides high durability by automatically replicating data across multiple availability zones within a region. This ensures that even if one data center goes offline, your data is still available.

4. What is Amazon RDS and what are its main features?

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a managed relational database service that provides automatic database management and supports popular database engines such as Amazon Aurora, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and more. RDS offers features such as automatic backup and recovery, database scaling, and multi-AZ deployment.

5. What are the different database engines supported by Amazon RDS?

Amazon RDS supports several database engines, including Amazon Aurora, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Oracle.

6. How does Amazon RDS ensure high availability of databases?

Amazon RDS ensures high availability of databases by providing automatic failover to a standby instance in the event of a primary instance failure. The service also supports multi-AZ deployment, which allows you to run database instances in multiple availability zones for added redundancy.

7. What is Amazon DynamoDB and what are its main features?

Amazon DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. It offers features such as automatic and on-demand backups, in-memory caching, and support for both document and key-value data models.

8. What are the different data models supported by Amazon DynamoDB?

Amazon DynamoDB supports two data models: document and key-value. You can use the document model to store complex data structures, and the key-value model to store simple data structures.

9. What is Amazon Redshift and what are its main features?

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that makes it easy to analyze data using SQL and business intelligence tools. It offers features such as fast querying performance, flexible data ingestion, and automatic data compression.

10. What is Amazon EBS and what are its main features?

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a persistent block-level storage service that is designed to be used with Amazon EC2 instances. It offers features such as high I/O performance, low latency, and support for both magnetic and solid-state storage.

11. What are the different types of EBS volumes available in Amazon Web Services?

Amazon Web Services offers several types of EBS volumes, including magnetic volumes, general purpose SSD volumes, provisioned IOPS SSD volumes, and throughput optimized HDD volumes.

12. What is Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration and how does it work?

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration is a feature that uses Amazon CloudFront’s globally distributed edge locations to accelerate data transfers over the public Internet to Amazon S3. It works by uploading data to a nearby CloudFront edge location, which then transfers the data to S3 over an optimized network path.

13. What is Amazon S3 Select and how does it work?

Amazon S3 Select is a feature that allows you to retrieve only the data you need from an S3 object, rather than retrieving the entire object. It works by filtering and transforming data in place, without having to retrieve the entire object and then perform filtering and transformation.

14. What is Amazon S3 Inventory and what are its main features?

Amazon S3 Inventory is a feature that provides you with a report of the contents of your S3 buckets, including the metadata and access control lists (ACLs) for each object. You can use S3 Inventory to verify the integrity of your data, monitor data changes, and simplify compliance reporting.

15. What is Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication and how does it work?

Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication is a feature that automatically replicates data from one S3 bucket to another, in a different region. It works by continuously monitoring the source bucket for changes, and then replicating the changes to the destination bucket.

16. What is Amazon S3 Versioning and how does it work?

Amazon S3 Versioning is a feature that allows you to preserve, retrieve, and restore multiple versions of an S3 object. It works by automatically storing multiple versions of an object in the same bucket, allowing you to access previous versions of an object at any time.

17. What is Amazon RDS Read Replicas and how does it work?

Amazon RDS Read Replicas is a feature that allows you to scale the read performance of your database by creating a read-only copy of your database in another region. It works by automatically replicating changes from the primary database to the read replica, allowing you to offload read operations to the read replica and improve the performance of your database.

18. What is Amazon RDS Multi-AZ and how does it work?

Amazon RDS Multi-AZ is a feature that provides high availability and failover support for your database instances. It works by maintaining a standby instance in a different availability zone, and automatically failing over to the standby instance in the event of a primary instance failure.

19. What is Amazon RDS Backup and how does it work?

Amazon RDS Backup is a feature that allows you to easily backup your RDS instances and restore them in case of a failure. It works by automatically creating and maintaining snapshots of your RDS instances, which can then be used to restore your data in the event of a failure.

20. What is Amazon RDS Automated Patching and how does it work?

Amazon RDS Automated Patching is a feature that automates the process of applying patches to your RDS instances. It works by automatically applying security and maintenance patches to your RDS instances during your specified maintenance window, without requiring any manual intervention.

21. What is Amazon RDS Monitoring and how does it work?

Amazon RDS Monitoring is a feature that provides real-time performance metrics for your RDS instances. It works by collecting performance data from your RDS instances and presenting it in a dashboard, allowing you to monitor the performance of your database instances in real-time.

22. What is Amazon RDS Maintenance and how does it work?

Amazon RDS Maintenance is a feature that provides automated maintenance for your RDS instances. It works by performing routine maintenance tasks, such as software updates and backups, without requiring any manual intervention.

23. What is Amazon DynamoDB Global Tables and how does it work?

Amazon DynamoDB Global Tables is a feature that allows you to replicate your DynamoDB tables across multiple regions, providing low-latency access to your data for your users, no matter where they are located. It works by automatically replicating data changes from your primary table to all of your replica tables, ensuring that all tables are consistent and up-to-date.

24. What is Amazon DynamoDB On-Demand Backup and how does it work?

Amazon DynamoDB On-Demand Backup is a feature that allows you to create and restore backups of your DynamoDB tables. It works by creating a backup of your table at a specified time, which can then be restored in case of a failure.

25. What is Amazon DynamoDB Auto Scaling and how does it work?

Amazon DynamoDB Auto Scaling is a feature that automatically adjusts the capacity of your DynamoDB tables in response to changing traffic patterns. It works by monitoring your table’s usage and automatically scaling the read and write capacity of your table to meet your application’s needs.

26. What is Amazon DynamoDB Streams and how does it work?

Amazon DynamoDB Streams is a feature that allows you to capture and process changes to your DynamoDB tables. It works by sending a stream of change events to a separate stream, which can then be processed by other services, such as AWS Lambda or Amazon Kinesis.

27. What is Amazon EBS and how does it work?

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a block-level storage service for use with Amazon EC2 instances. It works by providing raw block-level storage that can be attached to an EC2 instance, allowing you to store data on the instance’s file system.

28. What is Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) and how does it work?

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a fully-managed, scalable, and highly available file storage service for use with Amazon EC2 instances. It works by providing a network file system that can be accessed by multiple EC2 instances, allowing you to store and share files between instances.

29. What is Amazon Glacier and how does it work?

Amazon Glacier is an extremely low-cost, long-term storage service for data that is infrequently accessed. It works by automatically archiving data to low-cost, durable storage, allowing you to store large amounts of data for a very low cost.

30. What is Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration and how does it work?

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration is a feature that allows you to upload large files to S3 more quickly. It works by using Amazon CloudFront’s globally distributed edge locations to accelerate uploads to S3, reducing the time it takes to upload large files.

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