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Are you planning to write an e-book & don't know how to start?

So, here is the 7 days plan!!!

By NewbieInForeignLandPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Are you looking to make money by writing an e-book? With the rise of digital publishing, creating an e-book has become an accessible and potentially lucrative option for writers. In this article, we’ll show you how to write an e-book in 7 days and make 5 figures from it.

Day 1: Choose your topic and target audience

The first step in writing an e-book is to choose a topic that you are knowledgeable about and passionate about. Your e-book should offer value to your target audience and solve a problem that they are experiencing. Use keyword research tools to find out what people are searching for in your niche and create a title that is both attention-grabbing and informative.

Day 2: Create an outline and start writing

Once you have chosen your topic, create an outline for your e-book. The outline should include chapter titles and subheadings that will guide your writing. Start writing your first draft, focusing on getting your ideas down on paper without worrying about perfection.

Day 3: Edit and revise your draft

After you have completed your first draft, take some time to step back and evaluate your work. Identify any gaps in your content, and revise your writing to ensure that your ideas flow logically and that your content is engaging and informative.

Day 4: Design your e-book

The design of your e-book is just as important as its content. Choose a font that is easy to read and use images and graphics to break up your text and make your e-book visually appealing. You can design your e-book using free tools like Canva or hire a professional designer to create a custom design.

Day 5: Format your e-book

Once your e-book is designed, format it for publication. Convert your e-book into a format that is compatible with popular e-readers like Kindle or Kobo. You can use free tools like Calibre or hire a professional formatter to ensure that your e-book is properly formatted for publishing.

Day 6: Publish and promote your e-book

Publish your e-book on a platform like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing or Barnes & Noble’s Nook Press. Use social media and email marketing to promote your e-book and attract potential readers. Encourage your readers to leave reviews and provide feedback, which can help increase your visibility and sales.

Day 7: Track your sales and adjust your marketing strategy

Once your e-book is published, track your sales and analyze your marketing strategy. Use the data to adjust your marketing efforts and optimize your e-book for increased sales. As you continue to write and publish e-books, you can refine your process and make even more money from your digital publishing efforts.

Here is the bonus plan for all newbies out there.

To further increase your chances of success with your e-book, here are some additional tips to consider:

Research your competition

Before starting to write your e-book, research your competition. Look for e-books that cover a similar topic to yours and examine their content, design, and marketing strategy. Identify what works and what doesn't and use this knowledge to make your e-book stand out.

Set a daily writing goal

To complete your e-book in just 7 days, you will need to be disciplined and committed. Set a daily writing goal and stick to it. For example, aim to write 1,000 words per day, which will enable you to write a 7,000-word e-book in just a week.

Get feedback from beta readers

Before publishing your e-book, get feedback from beta readers. These are people who will read your e-book and provide feedback on its content, design, and overall quality. Their input can help you identify any issues that need to be addressed before publication.

Choose the right pricing strategy

When it comes to pricing your e-book, there are a few strategies to consider. You can price your e-book low to attract more readers and build your audience, or you can price it higher to reflect its value. Consider offering a discount for a limited time to encourage sales.

Leverage your network

Use your existing network to promote your e-book. Share it on social media, send it to your email list, and ask friends and family to spread the word. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool and can help increase your e-book's visibility and sales.

By following these tips and putting in the time and effort, you can write an e-book in 7 days and make 5 figures from it. Remember to focus on creating high-quality content that offers value to your readers and promoting your e-book effectively to reach your target audience. Good luck!

In conclusion, writing and publishing an e-book can be a lucrative and rewarding way to make money as a writer. By following these steps and creating a high-quality e-book that offers value to your target audience, you can earn 5 figures from your digital publishing efforts. So, get started on your e-book today and start earning money from your writing!

If above article has given you some idea, so lets sharp your knowledge more with 7 Days mastery plan!!!


About the Creator


I am Newbie In Foreign Land, recently moved to United Kingdom from India. The main intention of creating this website is to share my personal happy, bizarre & mixed experience so far. So join me to explore this amazing country.

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