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90 Facts You Never Knew You Wanted to Know


By JUADPublished 4 days ago 31 min read
90 Facts You Never Knew You Wanted to Know
Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

most people are sure that humans only have five senses but that's not entirely true taste touch smell sight and hearing

aren't the only ones we have scientists claim that people have between 9 and 20

senses in total these include thermoception the sense of warmth

equilibrioception the sense of balance there's also the sense of time although

not everyone seems to have that last one we used to think that they were just eight different blood types but in

reality there are over 30 known blood group systems here on the bright side our favorite blood group is be positive

get it for every pound of fat you gain you generate one mile of new blood

vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to your body your stomach produces a new lining every 6 days to avoid digesting

itself nerve cells transmit 1,000 nerve impulses a second they travel between 1

and 268 m per hour our DNA contains 100,000 viruses scientists have

discovered one that goes back 100 million years your body emits visible

light you're the brightest at 400 p.m. and your glow is the least visible at 10:00 a.m. unfortunately this glowing is

1,000 times less intense than what your eyes can see sweat is mostly water mixed

with proteins sugars ammonia and a lot of other stuff it even contains tiny amounts of Trace metals like copper zinc

nickel iron and so on what makes sweat taste salty is the sodium it contains

plus the more salt you eat the saltier your sweat is your body's trying to get rid of the excess and the fastest way is

to sweat it out if you walked 2 mph you'd have to walk for 20 hours straight

to lose one lb and it would take you 518 days and 8 hours to circle the equator

ear wax isn't actually wax it contains fat skin cells sweat and dirt your brain

gets three times bigger over the first year of life and reaches its full maturity when you're 25 60% of it is fat

your brain generates around 23 watts of electrical power which is enough to run a small light

bulb humans can't really multitask your brain can't perform more than one action

at the same time it switches between them which doesn't save time as you might think but increases the

possibility you'll do something wrong and makes the process longer when you have an exam to take or you're at work

trying to focus on an important task try chewing gum research showed it can help

you stay concentrated for longer on tasks that require your full attention studies even say that it's a better test

Aid than caffeine there's nothing special in the gum but the AC of chewing wakes your brain up the effect doesn't

last long though just for 20 minutes minutes embryos develop fingerprints at 3 months your bones are four times

harder than concrete the strongest bone in your body is the femur it can support up to 30 times the weight of a grown-up

person even crazier is that our bones are made up of composite material meaning they're both hard and elastic at

the same time sunburn is the result of radiation exposure when your body's

natural defense mechanism gets overwhelmed trying to fight UV rays a toxic reaction occurs that results in

sunburn Goosebumps are an evolutionary reflex left over from our ancestors the

release of adrenaline made their hair stand up and they look scarier to approaching Predators your body produces

1 to three pints of saliva every day it helps you digest food and fights off

infections you also have a lot of bacteria in your mouth yeah that's right the average amount of bacteria in a

person's mouth is almost the same as the number of people living on Earth that's hard to digest each human has roughly

150,000 hairs on their head every strand grows around 1/ half an inch per month

if we added the growth from each hair it would measure the distance of 10 mi in just one year your hair is also a lot

stronger than you think a single strand can hold 3 oz which is the weight of an apple if we combine the strength of all

the hair on your head it could support the weight of two elephants heyy let's try it the beating sound Your Heart

Makes is the clap of valve leaflets opening and closing your heart doesn't replicate itself cells unless you have

an injury your corneas are the only part of your body that don't get blood they

get oxygen directly through the air when you're sitting or standing upright it's easier for you to recall some positive

memories that make you feel good some believe it's because sitting up with your back flat boosts blood flow and

your brain gets more oxygen which helps it function better the man who has the the deepest voice in the world and

that's definitely not me can produce sounds that humans including him can't hear at all but elephants can hear those

sounds veins look blue because light has to go through layers of skin and fat to

reach them your skin scatters a lot of the red portion of white light before it reflects the blood this leaves only the

blue light to bounce back to your eyes what about the urge to re-watch your favorite movies or listen to your

songs over and over you're not alone this habit has some benefits for your mental health this Behavior eases your

mind when people feel overwhelmed they'll have less self-control and be less motivated to complete hard tasks

you are drawn into the office's first season again because when you watch listen or do something familiar you

don't have to spend the effort to monitor what you're thinking so it's a good way to have a quick mental reset

here's another feeling imagine you're enjoying the Sun on set on a Terrace or at the top of the Eiffel Tower out of

nowhere your inner voice Whispers what if I jump this isn't coming from a darker State you know it's just sort of

a feeling that appears when you're high up there is a name for this the call of the Void or the high place phenomenon is

a relatively new research topic but more studies are on the way Jim car's great

performance in The Truman Show is surely remembered did you know that The Truman Show delusion is an act ual thing the

phenomenon is an issue related to cognitive neuropsychiatry people with this

delusion believe that they're being filmed and that the footage will be broadcasted for

entertainment there was a time when aluminum was more precious than gold I know it's hard to believe we now wrap

our sandwiches on this everyday item if we go back to the 19th century we would see aluminum as a hardto get element

because it was literally hard to obtain until innovators found a way to extracted on large industrial scales

then the rain of aluminum was over there are stories about the French ruler Napoleon theii having an aluminum

cutlery set that he served food to his special

guests we might as well talk about a time traveler party held in 2009 the

theoretical physicist Steven Hawking invited time travelers to hang out there was a huge Banner hung up with the words

welcome Time Travelers no one showed up but maybe Travelers had prior

engagements and that's why they didn't attend the party I swear I'm not crying because no

one showed up to that awesome party I was just cutting an onion why do we burst into tears when we chop onions

because of a particular enzyme is there a solution next time get some damp paper

towel and put it on The Cutting Board next to the onion the acidity that comes from the enzyme will go towards the wet

paper instead of your eyes the ancient Egyptian civil calendar was

quite similar to the one we use now they had 365 days divided into 12 months but

instead of spreading a 31st to some months they would add those extra days to the end of the

year now let's turn our cameras to the Animal Kingdom again is there a benefit

for zebras to have their fascinating pattern scientists asked this question too and experimented they dressed up

horses with zebra lookalike coats the coat was covering the whole body of the horses but their heads it turns out that

zebra patterns repel flies scientists observe that flies only go for the heads

of the animals and stay away from the horse [Music]

bodies ants are known as hardworking animals even in the Tails that's got a

legit reflection in real life they can carry up to 20 times more weight than their own body weight these insects have

other Noble qualities too if an ant gets seriously injured it'll refuse treatment from the colony's paramedic ant the ant

knows that it can't make it so instead of wasting the colony's resources this ant forces the paramedic ant to carry on

without it camels can survive around 15 days

without drinking water many people assume that they store water in their humps no humps are for food storage in

the form of fat the water is kept in their bloodstream speaking of camels in

some countries there's a tradition to hold camel Beauty contests for instance a contest was held in the 2022 World Cup

in Qatar as an [Music]

attraction you see a giant host fly in the house but it flees from your Ninja's hands you might think that nature will

take care of it in a couple of days but actually house flies can live for about a month or

two the next fact is about an emergency on the road detachable car headrests can

be used as an escape tool you can break the window with the headrests if you can't leave the car by the doors you

should wedge the headrest between the glass and the window sill aim a corner then you hit the headrest as hard as you

can to break the glass safely you might have to hit a couple of times but it eventually shatters don't give up after

one try are you a science fiction fan I have some good news for you then turns out

that flying cars may be closer to us than we think and it's not just because they look cool manufacturers are looking

into developing such vehicles for practical reasons too for starters our standard rows are getting pretty

congested as time goes by we'll need some other means of transportation in the future to be able to cope with a

large number of vehicles you can find loads of flying car Concepts online for

all preferences there's one that looks like a giant drone and another one like a mini airplane the simplest designs

just took a car and put Wings on it some cars will light up a snowflake

on the dashboard every now and then in case you're wondering it's a sensor and a pretty important one too it shows the

exterior ambient temperature it gets activated when there's a road warning due to a sharp drop in temperature it

may sometimes even come with an audio warning or a message on your dashboard to inform you that the roads may be

getting icy so you can either adapt the speed or change to the appropriate tires

if necessary cars these days aren't just adapted for the cold season they come

with cool features to help out during the summer months too I'm talking about those neat sun visors check your car to

see if it has this added bonus feature we know they twist to help the driver out even when they're not driving

directly toward sunlight some visors can also extend so they can provide shade to

a larger area if yours can't extend there's a simple solution buy a sun

visor extender you can even find them online they work by being attached to your existing sunvisors or the windows

for better shade coverage and visibility now your car might have another hidden

feature well it's technically not in the car but in its tires these days some

cars come equipped with foam fill tires they were created to fix the problem of

air filled ones that often went flat why well because foam fill tires have many

of the same benefits as air fill tires without the danger of leaks regular air

fill tires can sometimes lose air over time even if there hasn't been any damage in most cars with this feature

the tires are not completely filled with either foam or air they have a mix of

both a bonus of these modern tires is that

they make the cars quieter generally electric cars make less noise but because of that foam they end up being

as quiet as a cat some people like the fact that they're quiet While others prefer that classic screeching or

rumbling that Vehicles make but even people who like the sound of regular engines might like the quietness of

these new models because they are still very fast he hey I drive one and it's

fun you might have stumbled upon a button called AE it stands for automatic

emergency braking and it's a feature that uses sensors to detect if a collision is going to happen really soon

when activated it will automatically apply the brakes to try and prevent something bad from happening or make it

less severe there are two types of aeb one that only works at slow speeds and

one that works at all speeds if the car can't be stopped completely the AE

system will try to slow it down as much as possible to reduce the

impact many cars now have systems that can warn you if someone is walking in

front of you and can even automatically stop the vehicle to prevent an accident

these systems use special sensors that can also detect bicycles and animals

however a study found that these systems don't always work well especially at night

even if your car comes equipped with this added feature it's crucial to always pay attention while driving and

not rely solely on these systems a little thing called Lane

centering assist helps you stay in the middle of your lane when you're driving on the highway it's not a replacement

for paying attention to the road either but it can help guide you through gentle curves you'll still be in control of the

car and can turn the wheel if you want to go in a different direction some systems give you a lot of feedback While

others are more subtle Lane centering assist can't handle sharp turns and in

most cars doesn't work if you don't have the cruise control on what's also cool about this feature is that if it senses

you've removed your hands from the wheel it'll give you the warning to return to the correct driving

position a lot of accidents can happen when you're reversing your car like out of the supermarket parking lot Park

sensors can help prevent these things from happening by using radar or sound to detect things that the driver might

not see from his position these sensors will make a noise or show a warning on the car screen to let the driver know

something is there like another car or a person passing by if you're planning to have a road

trip you know how hard it is to adapt to various speed limits throughout the country traffic sign recognition is a

technology that can help with that it allows you to know what the speed limit is on the road you're driving on it uses

a camera to take pictures of traffic signs and display them on a screen in your car this can be helpful if the

signs are hard to see or if you miss them while driving some cars with this technology can even change their speed

automatically based on the signs they see is this safe to eat we sometimes see

strange dots on our potatoes and wonder if we should just throw them away here are 10 eat or toss

facts did you know that every year 119 billion pounds of food is wasted only in

the United States to put it in perspective this number means nearly 40%

of all food in America is wasted people throw away food if they don't have

confidence in the ingredients they're being cautious and it makes sense but what if the food is safe to eat and only

looks weird the first item on the list is beef when it comes to meat people naturally

get extra cautious imagine you buy some raw beef in the store later on you

realize it's got some brown spots if you toss it immediately hear me out this is

normal in fact you can see brown layers also inside the beef bright red color

equals fresh meat huh not necessarily when the meat is first cut it's maroon

if the meat is quickly vacuum packaged it will keep that shade but if the meat

is exposed to air for like 15 minutes then oxygen will cause a change in the look to Red the redness can turn brown

when the biochemical reaction starts this can take a few hours workers at the grocery stores grind the meat several

times a day to achieve that bright red color because they know consumers are cautious about Maroon looking beef if

the beef is wrapped in an oxygen permeable plastic it turns bright red after exposure to oxygen as long as the

meat meat smells and feels freshh and if it's been stored properly it should be safe to

eat have you ever come across dark lines under a shrimp shell this one has a

similar story to bee black lines on your shrimp's flesh are related to a natural phenomenon they gradually occur after

shrimps are taken from the water meat is exposed to oxygen and the Blackness gets more visible over time here also the

pattern of the animal itself can be a factor these black lines can be a naturally occurring discoloration on the

shrimp think of cats they also have different color patterns but they're the same in terms of species next time you

can conduct a mini experiment in your kitchen put a couple of shrimps side by side and observe the mild differences in

the shrimp's color patterns shrimp will have a distinct bad odor when it's no longer edible so if it smells and tastes

fresh don't toss it should you eat moldy yogurt that green substance on the

surface surface doesn't look appealing at all but if you scoop it out you seem to have clean yogurt underneath the

short answer is toss it the mold could be seen on the top only but it has probably gone deep not to mention that

it'll taste bad many molds are harmless but some produce toxic substances green

mold is a type of penicilium does this word sound familiar that's the same type

of mold used in the antibiotic penicillin don't get too excited eat

moldy yogurt won't magically cure bacterial infections it only spoils your dairy product in 2013 there was an

outbreak related to one line of yogurts the company handed the products to stores as usual after some time they

received customer complaints they said that the yogurt looked like yogurt soup and tasted really old turns out that a

type of fungus probably released some carbon dioxide it made the product fizzy and bloating

the company and another independent scientist both said that this fungus in question wasn't usually harmful to

people yet more than 200 people reported becoming affected by it so these sorts

of things can still happen you should trust your spidey sense if you've ever been lucky enough to see some mold in a

freshly opened package reach out to the manufacturer you'll potentially save others from facing the same scenery by

notifying the company about a systemic issue and preventing po potential future product waste plus the company probably

wants to make amends and either reimburse your sad yogurt with a happy one or better they'll give you coupons

for free products why do avocados sometimes have brown dots inside technically it's

edible but you might not want to eat it avocados are a source of many vitamins

like C E K and B6 as well as healthy stuff like magnesium potassium and more

the avoc avocado works hard to become such a health storage nutrients water and sugars wander around this fruit yes

technically avocado is classified as a fruit anyway avocados have their own

transport channels like veins these channels are normally invisible to us

until something goes out of the ordinary the avocado may be stored in twoo cold temperatures for a longer time than it

should as a result the tissue cells might be weakened and start to deteriorate experts say that after the

fruit is harvested if it stays in the refrigerator for a few weeks before you buy it vascular Browning can occur this

phenomenon becomes visible after you keep the avocado at room temperature for a few days don't be hard on yourself

it's not because of you so should you eat it or toss it you can eat the brown dotted avocados but you may want to

taste them first they might not taste good compared to a regular one if you look at it on the street

you'll think a fire hydrant is about 3 ft in height but the the actual size of the device used to provide water supply

to Firefighters all over the world is twice as large that is if you count the rest of the hydrant which is hiding

underground they're mostly red and it's not just a matter of Urban Design first of all they need to be a bright easily

noticeable colors so firefighters can spot them fast when they need to the choice of color depends on how much

water the hydrant can hold it can sometimes vary depending on the location but here's the breakdown a red fire

hydrant can Splash 500 gallons of water per minute while an orange one at least

1,000 gallons green ones mostly process 1500 gallons of water per minute and the most

plentiful ones colored blue can generally contain over 1,500 gallons hey bowling fans isn't it super

annoying when your bowling ball gets cracked turns out that most of them get damaged because of incorrect storage or

spikes in temperature now come on and face it since it's already cracked a bit AR you

curious what's actually inside the bowling ball cuz I sure am let's have a look they mostly make the inner core of

the ball of powdered metal oxides like calcium or iron oxide then mix them with

some resin and Catalyst to harden the whole mixture so that light bulb shape you now see inside of the ball is

actually its heaviest part it also influences how your bowling ball rotates when going down the

lane the same goes with spray paint cans when you shake it it makes a weird noise

but what is that thing in there it's called a PE and it's meant to hold the paint mixture in place and maintain its

shape they generally make it out of plastic metal or ceramic it basically acts as a whisk to make sure your paint

is well mixed together before you apply it to your surface of choice ever wondered how soda bottles keep that

refreshing Fizz for that long well they have a little plastic ring fastened to the lid they place it

there to keep the gas from escaping and making the soda go flat even if you shake it around in your bag the whole

day speaking of things we use on a hot summer's day wait wait don't put your baseball cap on just yet take a look at

it for a minute and you'll notice there's a small button on the very top is it functional or is it just there for

the sake of design way back when people started using Fabrics to cover their heads some say the button was actually

functional since it's on top of the cap where the fabric panels come together the top button helps keep the cap Crown

in one single piece now with recent Advan in Fabric and pattern design the

button is more of an aesthetic feature it's used to cover up the joint point of the fabric panels your cap might not

have a button at all but don't you think a cap actually looks better with one

cotton pads have two sides and if you take the time to look at them carefully they're actually different in texture

just in case you've ever wondered why the textured side is for applying makeup and the even side is for removing

it bookworms this one is for you dust Jack jackets that come with a lot of hard cover books are not just meant to

make your book look pretty they also double as a bookmark just fold the pages you've already read underneath the

inside of the jacket and voila next time you reach out for your favorite shirt take a look at the top

button hole it should be stitched horizontally and all the other ones are vertical turns out that the dress shirt

was designed this way since the first and the last buttons were the first ones to unbutton throughout the day they then

changed the direction of the button hole to to ensure the shirt would stay nice and fitted before you're ready to take it

off these days we have so many variations of this awesome dessert that it's hard to imagine we've ever lived

without it you can find different types of cookie dough ice cream or even chocolate chip cookie cake basically

everywhere but the famous cookie wasn't actually invented until 1930 The Story

Goes that a woman named Ruth Graves Wakefield Was preparing some chocolate cookies as she was waiting for some

guests to arrive she soon figured out she was out of Baker's chocolate a crucial ingredient for the classic

cookies to fix things up she chopped up a block of semi chocolate thinking it

would eventually spread out evenly throughout the batter given the heat of the oven things didn't necessarily go as

planned but hey it's great they didn't because this is how she invented This Modern dessert we now can't get enough

of and speaking of popular snacks the potato chip is even younger than the chocolate chip cookie well at least

historically there are many stories trying to explain how it was invented one of them goes like this a chef named

George crumb based in New York put the chips together in 1953 he decided to try a different

cooking solution when one of his customers didn't have nice things to say about his french fries he said they were

too thick and kind of mushy then crumb came up with potatoes that were thinly sliced and fried until brown people

absolutely loved the dish and they welcomed the first ever batch of chips with open arms

ice cream anyone if the story is true back in 1904 at the St Louis World's Fair one ice cream shop owner ran out of

cups to serve his dish so he fashioned a waffle into the shape of a cone and the

rest was history okay I'll admit it chewing gum like Treats have been around since the

ancient Greeks so this one isn't particularly a revolutionary Discovery but the actual gum we buy today wasn't

there until the late 1800s an American inv named Thomas Adams

wanted to mix together different chemicals to create rubber he tried and failed for that matter to play with

chickle for his experiment but ended up fashioning this neat treat they still use chickle to this day to produce most

chewing gums there are a lot of things you can put in your dishwasher apart from your dishes for example you can

clean such things as your Silicone oven mitt or the knobs of some kitchen appliances like your oven or stove some

kitchen sponges and reusable towels s may be safe to clean in the dishwasher as well speaking of kitchen cleaning

products there are a lot of things you can do with dish soap like deg grimming your patio furniture just add a bit of

dish detergent to some warm water and use the solution to wipe down your outdoor furniture with a piece of cloth

finally rinse it clean using your garden hose you can also use dish soap to get

rid of greasy stains on your clothes be it pasta sauce or salad dressings hey

sometimes times we miss our mouths so just apply a little dish detergent to the stain and then rinse with water use

non-colored soap for lighter clothes for more difficult stains let the dish soap sink in for a bit then throw the piece

of clothing in the washer as usual and think about maybe getting a bib if none

of the methods have helped you organize your closet and you're still overwhelmed with large piles of clothes there's a

simple way that might be effective it's called the onein one out rule

that means for every new piece of clothing you buy you need to get rid of one you already have that means you'll

always be decluttering your space to make it easier to find something in your closet good luck keep your most used

items at ey level this way they'll be easier to find and pull out when you're in a hurry those items that you tend to

use less often like your evening clothes for example can stay on the shelves above or below your eye

level you can make good use of Old Spice tins if you glue some powerful magnets

to the inside of the tins they can double as magnetic shelves you can use them for all sorts of everyday items

like kitchen pliers ice cream Scoops M or even Cutlery you can also place them

on any metallic surface like your refrigerator door they'll blend in nicely with your kitchen magnets hidden

in your laundry room there's a great tool for picking up head hair it sometimes works better than lint rollers

take a dryer sheet and using some elbow grease you'll get rid of that dog or cat

hair in no time it works on all sorts of surfaces but it's especially effective for upholstered

furniture now if you don't like it when a door starts squeaking whenever you enter a room get a bar of soap and rub

it straight on the hinges this will only help for a while though but it'll do the trick until you manage to get to a

hardware store and you know buy some oil hey have you ever noticed that in some

elevators there's a star next to the number of a specific floor no it's not to indicate where my office is it's

there to point out where the nearest exit is and it's not always on the first floor it's most likely located on the

floor closest to the street have you ever wondered why stop

signs are red well back in the day they didn't actually have any particular color at all before the 1920s they

didn't even have a standardized shade in 1922 though someone came up with the

Octagon but initially it was painted yellow all because the red coloring tended to fade out too quickly because

of sun exposure so yellow turned out to be the best option it took another 30

years for a fade resistant enamel paint to be invented we ended up changing the color of the stop sign back to Red after

all it's still the best color if you want something to be easily noticeable do you know there's a type of

rose that can grow taller than people according to the Guinness Book of World Records the tallest rose bush ever found

grew in Vienna Austria it was a staggering 28 1/2 ft tall yes it arose

to a great height in the same way we all have unique patterns on our fingerprints

no two tigers have the same set of Stripes it makes it easier for people working with this feline species to

distinguish one tiger from another I'll bet you didn't know the White House has its own flower shop hidden in the

basement of the building it's supposed to provide flower arrangements for all sorts of events that take place there

it's probably no surprise that pizza has become an American staple dish despite

its Italian origin people in the US love it so much that they buy 350 slices of

pizza every second in the states man I'm not getting my fair share to manage the

huge demand for the delicious dish around 177% of all restaurants in the US

are pizzer Ras finally there's a way to make lemon juice without the seeds getting into

your beverage try cutting the fruit in two and squeezing it with a pair of kitchen tongs the pointed end of the

lemon should be facing down the juice will flow down but the seeds will remain

inside the lemon ooh lemonade it goes well with

pizza seat belt on the passenger seats has a fabric Loop when put under a great

amount of pressure the stitches on the loop rip apart so the excess fabric can assist in cushioning the passengers the

extra few inches can make a great difference within a dire circumstance however there isn't one on

the driver's side as the driver is so close to the steering wheel it's safer for them not to have one seat belts were

originally invented in the mid 19th century though this technology wasn't brought into common practice until the

19 60s pre-collision sensory technology has assisted with developing the safety of

seat belts and other features to the next level effectively predicting a car's Collision the technology directs

the seat belts to automatically tighten aligning the airbags and ensuring the brakes will be pre-loaded to reduce

shock every year 6 million car accidents occur which explains why all cars still

must continue to develop safety features not only to alleviate accidents but to protect people more effectively within

their cars the materials that make up the body of cars only started getting replaced

within the last 25 years ranging from aluminum and magnesium Alloys to carbon

fiber composits these lighter materials not only enable a more fuel efficient Journey but they also ensure that when a

car is in an accident its build provides a crumple Zone as a car hits another

object the crumple Zone absorbs energy from the Collision although this would appear to cause more damage to the car

it helps prevent impact on the passengers front and rear bumpers are very underrated and due to their long

history of being used in cars you can't imagine a time we didn't use them they were invented in the late 1800s the

bumpers evolved over the years to the point we don't even realize we have them but they're there quietly waiting under

the outer covers consisting of compressible foam or plastic around a rigid reinforced bar all the windows of

your car are made of glass but the windshield is made of a shatterproof version It's laminated so whatever might

hit it you can be sure there won't be any shards of glass falling into the front seats normal glass was used up

until the 1950s as Vehicles became more prominent they made modifications to

ensure safety airbags seem like another common feature that has always been there in

fact they were originally invented in 1968 and were ahead of their time they

slowly gained popularity and through safety precautions for cars they eventually became mandatory for all cars

to have only in 1998 they have since developed from just being an airbag within the steering

wheel today depending on the vehicle they can be located throughout the car

ensuring all potential passengers will be protected crash sensors connected to an onboard computer detect when a

collision occurs and trigger the bags inflating within milliseconds and providing a cushioned safety within a

blink of an eye it can be difficult to predict the weather and even more so to

determine traction on the road in the late 1960s antiock braking systems ABS

were implemented in vehicles before that they had been used in many aircraft with

designs going as far back as 1908 they soon became a necessity for

all vehicles ensuring traction is maintained on slippery surfaces and that there is complete control when breaking

today ABS has advanced so much that the latest variations ensure further

detection when there are strong Crosswinds cruise control initially invented in 1948 has been in constant

development over many decades today adaptive cruise control ensures that

when the car is cruising at a constant speed and detects a slower car ahead it will then adjust the speed to match the

car in front other Advanced variants may also ensure the car will make a complete stop once

identifying that the car in front has done the same it's easy to forget to have your

high beams on when driving on the long and Lonesome Road for many hours automatic high beams are quickly

becoming more common high-tech camera modules can easily determine what type of light is

passing through and help ensure when the high beam will be necessary although versions of automatic high beams have

been around since the 1950s they counted on light sensitive sensors and were very

unreliable the new varieties can identify the sources of light whether it's from the Sun directly from a car's

light or even from the reflection on a sign ensuring you won't cause issues with other

drivers it's a pain in the neck to have to ensure there isn't anyone creeping into that semi-visible corner the blind

spot which causes around 400,000 accidents per year solar sensors within

rear bumpers of vehicles and blind spot monitoring systems watch and identify

adjacent Lanes they alert the driver that a vehicle may be in the lane beside them whether by flashing lights on the

dash or from beeping sounds this way they help to alleviate the many concerns

the blind spot causes 1.6 million Road accidents are caused by texting and driving and

fatigue normally causes up to 10% of all car accidents per year the driver attention monitor helps to alleviate

both statistics it works through sensors that monitor the car's movements and the

amount of steering corrections to ensure the driver is paying attention to the road when the system identifies that the

driver isn't completely awake or is slightly distracted with their phone it will prompt signals to suggest it's time

for a break tires are among the most critical components for your car with a

close relationship with whatever path you take many safety features rely on the tires themselves for their own

independent purposes that's why it's super important to ensure the tires are always in top condition tire pressure

monitoring systems check the air pressure of all four tires ensuring you're aware when they need their

pressure increased to avoid the risk of a blowout the constant evolution in

Technologies continues to ensure you stay safe on longer stretches of the road Lane departure warnings focus on

the lines on the road ensuring the car stays within whenever a car starts driving in over a line in the road

without signaling to do so the camera based feature identifies and signals to the driver the lane keeping assist

feature follows the same method of identifying when the car is intruding the bordering Lane when it gets too

close it will readjust the steering and Center The Car within its appropriate

Lane other features in more advanced cars have autonomous driving capabilities the autopilot systems have

taken cruise control to the next level not only does does it allow the vehicle to steer itself in the intended Lane

while maintaining a set speed but it also changes Lanes when required making the ride more and more efficient some

safety features are only just making a trend in car models worldwide for example night vision using thermographic

cameras to look out for pedestrians and animals nearby it goes within the infotainment screen facing frontwards.


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