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8 Usability Testing Methods That Work

Usability testing is performed to enhance the overall value of a product or application in terms of usability, user experience, reliability and performance aspects.

By Jessica WoodPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Usability testing is performed to enhance the overall value of a product or application in terms of usability, user experience, reliability and performance aspects. The users should be able to easily navigate and use the product without any difficulties whatsoever. The user-friendliness of a product or application is determined by usability testing. To further enhance the effectiveness of this testing method, there are a few usability testing methods that can boost the performance of the testing process. In this article, you will know about the eight specific usability testing methods.

What is Usability testing?

It is a testing method that ensures that a software product or application that is being tested is usable and has a great user experience. The user-friendliness of a product is evaluated through this testing method. Users are involved to test the product in a real-time environment and then providing their feedback, which will in turn help the team to make better decisions and make necessary corrections to enhance the product quality.

Following are the eight usability testing methods:

1. Moderated usability testing: A participant has a moderator, which acts as a guide during the testing process. The role of the moderator is to ask follow-up questions, streamline the session, provide specific instructions to users for carrying out the tasks and provide appropriate solutions as and when required. Moderated usability testing can be done either remotely or in-person. A proper questionnaire should be provided to the participants so that they can undertake the testing process smoothly.

2. Unmoderated usability testing: As the name says, in this method the testing process is carried out without a moderator. Right before the testing process, specific tasks and instructions are provided to the participants to carry out their activities accordingly.

3. Remote Usability testing: It is a testing method where the researcher and participant are located in different locations. In this method, participants use their own devices to complete the tasks in a natural environment. The sessions can be either unmoderated or moderated and can be conducted through a usability testing platform or over the phone.

4. Contextual inquiry: In this method, the people are observed in their natural contexts, such as their home or office to know what is their opinion and liking about a specific product or application. The way users perform their activities is observed by the researcher and then the questions are asked to understand the specific reasons behind those actions.

5. Lab usability testing: A set of tasks are completed by participants on a mobile device or a computer, under the supervision of the trained moderator. The moderator asks questions, observes their interactions and replies to their feedback. This testing method is conducted in a purpose-built laboratory. One of the main benefits of conducting lab usability testing is that it provides comprehensive information about the user’s experience and interaction with the product.

6. Guerrilla testing: It is a low-cost and quick way of testing the product through the medium of real users. There is no specific audience that is being targeted, rather random individuals are selected from public places and are asked to perform an easy test in return for a small gift. This testing method lasts for only a few minutes but revolves around tasks that can in turn help in improving the product or application’s efficiency.

7. Session recording: The user’s interaction with the site is properly analyzed using this testing method. The specific actions of the visitors/users visiting the site are recorded in specific software. Actions such as scrolling, clicks and mouse movement are observed and recorded. Session recording data helps in understanding the user’s most interesting features, where they stumble or leave and also discover their interaction problems.

8. Phone interview: In this method, the participants are asked by a moderator to complete specific tasks on their device and then provide their feedback. As the user’s interactions are recorded remotely, hence, the feedback is automatically collected. Phone interviews prove to be really useful when participants are located at different locations across the globe and their feedback needs to be obtained.

Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing usability testing for your specific project, then do get connected with a leading software testing services company that will provide you with methodical testing solutions that are in line with your project specific requirements.

About the author: I am a technical content writer focused on writing technology specific articles. I strive to provide well-researched information on the leading market savvy technologies.

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About the Creator

Jessica Wood

I am Jessica wood and I am a Software tester for over 9 years , blogger, technology geek, and I use software testing to explore and learn about my world.

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  • JoshAlejandro2 years ago

    I agree with the comments, the website must be built in a way that is friendly and intuitive for users who navigate the website, seeing the behavior of each of the users on your website can make you know what to improve and what not, what interests them and what not and what to give importance to and what not, there are many programs that you can use to record the behavior of your users

  • Teddy872 years ago

    Do you mean that we are talking about the topic of how to evaluate the site on how popular it is and how many users are interested in a particular site? I find the best way to track a particular user's session on this site.

  • Juli Agafonowa 2 years ago

    Recently my friends and I created an application and we needed moderated usability testing. Unfortunately, our system turned out to have a lot of bugs. We had to hire people who did this usability testing. They managed to correct our mistakes and thanks to them we understood that our application was not very easy to use. Thanks to them we started to improve our app again. Finally after the last test our app was ready for mass use. By the way thanks a lot for that . After all, they were the ones who did the moderated usability testing. I hope they will be useful to someone else. Good luck everyone!

  • mila hill2 years ago

    The one who developed the program must test it and hand over to the customer a ready-made and proven product that works. And if the time has come to update, then you can find a company that updates the product, and even then the updated one must be tested.

  • Gekk_2 years ago

    The site for users in the first place should be as convenient as possible. The website needs to be built in such a way that it is easy to navigate. To do this, you can order testing of viewing user behavior on the site.

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