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6 most important teachings of Louise Hay

Teachings of Louise Hay

By Danish GPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The foremost principle of a renowned self-help author and affirmation guru is centered around practicing self-love and extending it to others as well, believing that it holds the potential to heal the planet as a whole. In light of this, we have compiled her ten essential teachings on how to cultivate such a way of life.

6 most important teachings of Louise Hay:

1. Look in the mirror

Louise, a renowned self-help author, suggests using a mirror as the most efficient and swift method to overcome any barriers to self-love. According to her workbook "Love Yourself - Heal Your Life," no matter what issues people may face - be it health problems, financial struggles, unsatisfying relationships, or lack of creativity - the fundamental aspect to work on is cultivating self-love. Louise encourages individuals to gaze at themselves in the mirror daily and affirm, "I love you, I really love you," without any embarrassment. She further emphasizes that it's simply another way of acknowledging life's affection towards oneself.

2. Choose the thought of your heart

Louise was commonly referred to as the "queen of affirmations," having perceived the world as a reflection of one's state of mind. As expressed in her book "You Can Heal Your Life," she believed that thought was the only act we ever perform, and that it could be altered. Louise maintained that our experiences, including negative ones, are merely a consequence of our thoughts, even self-loathing, which is essentially just a thought we have about ourselves.

This is where positive affirmations come into play. Our thoughts and words have the power to shape our reality, and often, we tend to express ourselves in a pessimistic manner. By changing our thought patterns about ourselves and others, we can transform our experience of the world. Through the practice of positive first-person statements, we can affirm and manifest our desires in life. Therefore, we must learn to think and speak in patterns that are aligned with our choices.

3. Listen to your inner bell

Rephrased text: Louise was open about discussing her "inner bell," which she described as a form of spiritual guidance. In her book "The Power is Within You," she stated her belief that our minds are always connected to the One Infinite Mind, making absolute knowledge and wisdom accessible to us at all times. Louise held that we are connected to this Universal Power, which created us, through the spark of light in each of us, our Higher Self, or the Power within us.

Louise embraced the idea of leading a life guided by this inner voice and had faith in its wisdom. One of her preferred spiritual practices was to connect with her inner bell by sitting down, often in front of a mirror, and asking it, "What would you like me to do today?"

4. Forgive everyone for everything

When asked how she became the person she is, Louise Hay attributed it to the act of forgiving. She believed that if she had not forgiven those who had hurt her, she would not be where she is today. According to her, forgiveness is simply about releasing the past and is essential for freedom and creating a brighter future.

Louise had a straightforward definition of forgiveness and viewed it as a "magic ingredient" for transforming our lives and painting the future with vibrant, new colors. She believed that letting go of past grievances was a crucial step towards a fulfilling life, filled with love and happiness.

5. Be thankful for today

Louise Hay recognized that gratitude is a powerful affirmation. She believed that the more grateful we are, the more reasons we find to be grateful. Louise had maintained a gratitude journal for many years, in which she recorded her daily blessings.

In her book "Gratitude: A Way of Life," Louise shared her evening ritual of reflecting on the day before going to bed. She would bless each experience and express gratitude for it. Additionally, she forgave herself if she felt that she made a mistake, said something inappropriate, or made an unwise decision. By cultivating a sense of gratitude, Louise believed that we could live a more fulfilled and joyous life.

6. Take care of your body

According to Louise, one's true identity lies in their inner spirit and not the physical body. However, she believed that taking care of the body is an act of self-love. Louise advised people to forgive themselves for not taking care of their bodies in the past and start treating it with love and respect from that moment on.

One of her favorite affirmations was "I listen to the messages of my body with love." Every day, she set aside some time to quiet her mind, connect with her body, and ask her inner bell for guidance: "How can I love my body today?" By doing so, Louise emphasized the importance of nurturing the body with love and care as a way of cultivating a healthy relationship with oneself.

Life loves you was Louise’s typical affirmation. It is the thought of her heart that best represents her life and work.


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Danish G

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