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5 online side Hustles

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 9 min read

figure out how can I make some extra

cash I'm going to my job going to my

nine to five but at the end of the two

weeks or week or whenever you get paid

it's not enough yo we're gonna scratch

your head like did I just get scammed

like did my boss scam me I feel you I

feel your pain I've been there I've

worked nine to fives I've done what I

thought I needed to do to get a bag but

the bag wasn't big enough because I was

going out with some baddies and they

were like can we go here can we go there

can we eat this I was like hey baby

we could go there but you can't get that

we could go eat that but you can't eat

that or that or that or that I like how

it felt right so I wanted Financial

Freedom I started doing things like the

first online side Hustle YouTube videos

look I don't know if you guys are late

to the party but making YouTube videos

is very lucrative you can find any Niche

anything that you're good at anything

that you're passionate about and put

that into a YouTube format either

helping people you know self-improvement

finding something that you're already

good at doubling down on it giving

advice about it how to's are very

popular or maybe you're funny you know

like me I blew up doing comedy videos if

you didn't know I have a whole nother

Channel Mr guy joke check that out ah

Shameless plug

um yeah man do something that you're

good at and that people will resonate

with and gravitate towards you do this

now a lot of people are hesitant on

starting a YouTube channel just because

the simple fact that it does take time

it does take time to grow and you have

to be consistent but if you want

something you will go and you will make

it happen as long as you are consistent

I believe that anybody can grow on this

platform but missing I don't know

exactly how to make videos go on here on

YouTube where you're watching this and

look up how to make YouTube videos or

watch people that you already look up to

look at their format and just take that

make it your own obviously don't just

copy them because you have to be

original and have your own original

personality and information or whatever

it is that you're doing YouTube videos

about but look at how they format their

videos with the beginning middle and you

know the cliff hangers whatever it is

the style of editing that you like look

at that emulate that recreate that make

it your own and blow up also you can

make multiple YouTube channels you can

also it's a lot of also this means this

is a very profitable hustle you can even

make faceless videos I don't know if you

know but there's a whole genre on

YouTube to where there's just a bunch of

videos with just a voice and sometimes

there's not even a voice it's just music

you know there's a long relaxation

videos for hours on end guess what they

put ads on those videos you know when

you fall asleep yeah they putting ads on

those videos so if you make a bunch of

channels like that or just giving advice

but just voiceovers with visuals you

make five channels guess what boom

that's getting Revenue that's getting

Revenue that's getting Revenue that's

getting Revenue that's getting rabbit

note before you know it it adds up

you're making well over a thousand

dollars per day before I get into the

rest of the side hustles I want to say

shout out to the sponsor of this video

bow magnetic by Mystic cologne it has

arrived it is here and will be shipped

off to you immediately the best smelling

cologne for under a hundred dollars Link

in the description get them before

they're gone you won't work ready side

hustle number two learn a skill or trade

and put that online if you learn

something right because anything can be

learned an hour devoted a day to

anything in the next 30 days you'll be a

master at it you'll be damn near a

perfectionist you'll know everything

about that skill if you do that

preferably something that you're

passionate about because that way you'll

do it long term you could go online you

could go online and start selling your

knowledge start utilizing it start

helping people you can go on places like

Fiverr or upwork people will pay you to

do things that they're not good at or

don't want to take the time to learn to

do because guess what people have busy

lives people work all day yeah they

could learn it but they don't really

want to they would rather just hey you

to do it once you've mastered it once

you've learned the in and outs guess

what it becomes second nature I didn't

want to learn how to edit videos but

guess what I could do it like this it's

just something I do it's kind of like

breathing once you do something long

enough it becomes very easy let's say

you're good at photography or

videography if you're not you could

learn how to be good at it and then

guess what people always need that

there's always an event there's always

something going on there's always a

music video there's always something

that needs to be filmed and documented

people will pay you minimum five hundred

dollars you get five clients a week five

ten fifty twenty twenty five twenty five

hundred dollars a week just off of five

clients and that's at the bare minimum

your skills go up you learn more and

more about the craft you're charging a

thousand then boom you're making five

grand a week one client a day one

thousand dollars number three tutoring

or teaching you can online tutor doing

Zoom calls by just being knowledgeable

about a subject if you're smart in

school and you're like you know I could

be a teacher but I'm not really going to

be a teacher because it's a lot I don't

want to deal with all these kids in

classes guess what online you can teach

in the comfort of your own home and not

have to deal with all these people at

least in person you know what I'm saying

so find something that you're good at if

you're good at English great if you're

good at math great people always need

tutoring because look at how many

students there are in the world I'm sure

you can get five to ten students out of

the entire world that will be dedicated

to learning from you on a consistent

basis you charge them a good amount

because guess what you are helping them

get good grades which will help them

with their future which means if they're

not investing their parents are willing

to invest in what you can offer their

kid boom easy one thousand dollars a day

number four selling online course let's

say you're good at dating kind of like

me what did I do boom made an online

course attraction Made Easy Master Class

Link in the description whether you

think you got it made and you don't need

no help guess what things tend to fall

apart you're gonna need some help

sometime in some way because she might

run away so I made a course to let you

guys know how to handle breakups her

pulling away how to just approach a

woman all of that but if that's not your

thing and you're good at something else

find what you're good at find what

you're passionate about everyone's got a

passion everyone has something that

they're good at and that they can offer

the world and don't think that it's

oversaturated a lot of people don't want

to start something because they're like

you know what it's already there's

already too many people doing it well

guess what no one's done it like you you

haven't done it you have a different

unique outlook on that Niche and the

world will appreciate your insights

alright side Hustle number five this

one's a very good one and a much needed

one social media manager now social

media it's the biggest thing out right

now everyone's on it All Brands all

companies are utilizing social media but

the thing is not a lot of companies are

great at marketing they're not great at

promoting they don't really know how to

maneuver that area so what do they do

you know they might get an influencer

here or influencer there or they'll make

a terrible ad and think it's gonna work

but it doesn't so if you reach out to

brands on Instagram through DMs or if

they have an email in their bio boom

this is perfect you reach out saying hey

my name is Andy or whatever your name is

and say I specialize in marketing and

promotion and I feel like your brand has

a lot of potential and I can help

elevate your brand to that next level

and just tell them everything that you

are capable of doing whether it's

promotion how to Market different types

of strategies that you've thought about

maybe think about some stuff before you

reach out to them do your research on

the brand preferably a brand that you

actually like you know what I mean so

that your passion it about you know

helping them out and you can actually

make them grow but yeah a lot of these

Brands they don't know what to do they

try to hire some people and those people

don't work out so they're always looking

for new people and they will pay you

good money because big Brands you're

talking multi-million dollar companies

sometimes billion dollar companies they

need help they'll be willing to give you

at minimum a thousand dollars a day to

help Elevate their brand and make them

more money it's a win-win anyways those

are the five online hustles that can

help you make over a thousand dollars

per day all it takes is a little work

just in the beginning that's the most

amount of work you're gonna need to do I

mean obviously you're going to have to

do the work every day but as far as the

leg work and learning and the struggle

period setting everything up once you do

that it's smooth sailing so yeah try

these out let me know in the comments if

you've done any of these or if you plan

on doing these and if it's work for you

also if you like videos like these money

making advice smash that thumbs up

button and I will make plenty more that

is it for the video for today if you

guys liked it please do me a favor hit

that thumbs up button down below also

Down Below download attraction Made Easy

master class and until next time focus

on you

in the women will too

how to

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