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5 Engaging Ways to Present a Survey Analysis Report

The survey results report should be something straightforward that anybody can trade and make conclusions out of it.

By Hollie TaylorPublished about a year ago 6 min read

We all know that surveys cover a significant part of marketing and business development. Surveys are mainly conducted to acquire information from the target market, which the stakeholders then use to make decisions that impact the business's success.

After launching your survey and the results are now trickling in, it is time to sort out the results and extract meaning from the data collected.

Sorting out the daughter refers to the process of extracting meaningful information from the survey responses that you can use in making key decisions. At this point, you can use any of your preferred survey software to help you connect to that and analyze what matters to your business.

Once you have all the data at your disposal, you will have to present it to the business stakeholders, who will then use it in making decisions.

One of the major problems that many people tend to face is how to deliver the report to the business stakeholders or the managing director of the respective organization. It is essential to be mindful before submitting a survey report since it should incorporate all the details the stakeholders need to develop the business.

The survey results report should be something straightforward that anybody can trade and make conclusions out of it.

After you have separated your data and now have the meaningful information you need, it is time to find an appropriate approach to deliver your data to the respective audience. This article shares different approaches that you can utilize when you want to communicate the survey results report to the target audience.

How to Choose the Right Data to Share?

Before sharing your data, you need to understand the basics that will place you on the better side in order to communicate effectively. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of your target market in order to understand the appropriate methodology to use when delivering the report. Evaluate whether the target market is your peers, employer, client, and many more.

The nature of your target market will give you direction about the best context to apply when reporting. The kind of information you want to share with the audience varies depending on the nature of the survey. After collecting all this information and having everything at your fingertips, you can get started with delivering the survey results report.

Below are some engaging methods you can utilize when delivering your survey data report to your target market.


Infographics offer a nice blend of data when delivering your survey results report. This approach uses images to enhance the kind of message you intend to deliver to your target market.

However, the images are applied in a sparing manner to avoid distracting the reader from getting the right message. One of the best ways of using infographics is using silhouettes of people to present the population rather than using a bar graph to present the data.

This approach makes it easier for the readers to connect the statistics with the real figures of people within the region. You can as well use a word cloud to represent the data collected from open-ended survey questions.

When multiple people respond to a question using similar words, you can compose a word cloud that will help you analyze the data appropriately.

Infographics play a significant role, especially when you want your readers to connect with the nature of the survey and the data you have presented to them.


Spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel are not appealing, although they convey a clear message. They can greatly help when you want to organize large sets of data to eliminate confusion among your audience.

When creating a survey results report, you can use spreadsheets to organize the data to help you present it in a more transparent and precise manner. Even though an image can work well on a website, you may need to add more additional information that is missing.

When you want to add information in such scenarios, a spreadsheet is the most efficient way that can help you deliver the message and the data to your readers. When you want your target market to get a clear picture of the nature of the survey and the results you have generated, spreadsheets can help you get the job done.

What makes spreadsheets a better option is the fact that you can deliver all the necessary information at once without breaking it into different segments.

The interesting thing is that you can still escort your spreadsheet with compelling images or infographics that will add weight to the message you want to deliver. This will also make your survey results unique and attractive.

Charts and Graphs

If you are looking for a simple way to summarize your survey results within minutes, charts and graphs have your back. The best time to use charts and graphs is when you don't want your readers to ask questions and request explanations.

What makes charts a more effective approach is the fact that most of them are self-explanatory, and most readers are used to the data delivered in the form of charts and graphs.

The most common type of chart used when delivering results is the bar chart. This is the most effective and easy-to-create charting tool that you can easily adopt and deliver your survey results to your readers without wasting time.

Also, many people have skills that can enable them to translate a bar chart within seconds. When you want to show a breakup in your data, a pie chart is an ideal option to utilize during data presentation.

Keep in mind that different types of charts are used in different scenarios depending on the nature of the data and the goal you intend to attain.

Interactive Clickable Results

Displaying your survey results in an interactive clickable format is the best way to use when you want your readers to get room to explore the results and find out more information.

This method also allows you to organize your data and break it down into different segments depending on how you want your readers to extract the message. There are also interactive maps that support data display in a graphical format.

Using this method allows readers to explore data by clicking on certain regions where you have conducted a survey. This is mostly applied when you want to analyze the demographics of your target market based on gender, location, level of education, and many more.

Note that this is the best way to present data to your client or manager, depending on the nature of the survey.

Video and Animations

Researchers have revealed that people across the globe spend at least 100 minutes every day watching videos on different social platforms. This is why most marketers have greatly invested in this approach to ensure that the content reaches as many people as possible.

More than 88% of marketers are currently using videos and animations to achieve their daily goals since this has proved to be the most effective approach.

A video is one of the most powerful methods that you can use to pass your message to your target market. Using sounds and motions can easily attract your readers' attention, making it easier for you to deliver a message to the right people at the right time.

Most people tend to remember the content displayed in the form of videos since it sticks directly to the brain.

Final Takes

Most marketers and business owners tend to struggle when it comes to creating survey results. Even though this may appear as a simple task at the beginning, it involves a lot of complexities that will require you to go the extra mile in order to come up with something clear and concise.

When creating survey reports, do not forget that data visualization plays a central role in delivering complex data visually.

When you channel all your focus on data visualization, it will be easy for you to compose more precise survey results reports that anybody can read and understand. Keep in mind that the visuals are easier to understand and remember since they are directly transmitted to the brain.

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