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13 Tips You Should Know To Survive Wild Animal Attacks

Survival tips against wild animal attacks

By Iqra MPublished about a year ago 6 min read
13 Tips You Should Know To Survive Wild Animal Attacks

Numerous wild animals can be fatal or dangerous to humans. Sharks only result in six fatalities a year, despite their notorious reputation being greatly overblown, according to statistics, which may make you feel afraid. There are 10 wolf-related fatalities each year, 22 lion-related fatalities each year, and more than 500 elephant-related fatalities each year.

In this terrifying competition, hippopotamuses also match them every year. Sharks are not as dangerous as crocodiles, which cause roughly 1000 fatalities annually. However, the victor in this situation is the snake, as 100,000 people perish at its fangs.

13 Ways That Will Save Your Life From Attacks Of Wild Animals

We've compiled 13 techniques that will save your life to help you be ready for any circumstance you might experience. Read this post, take notes, and remember to give us a thumbs up for caring about your safety if you have such an unpleasant encounter.

Number 13


The good news is that just 20 of the 150 shark species that exist on Earth attack people. Most of them just don't think of you as food, so what use are you if you're not anything tasty?

The bad news is that it will be difficult to escape if a shark becomes interested in you to avoid attracting sharks and stop blood or pee from entering the water. Sharks can detect things up too many kilometers away.

If you do come face to face with the predator, don't run away in a panic since it would make you appear to be a target. If you are being pursued, go carefully and aim at the eyes and gills, which are the most vulnerable areas.

Number 12


Unexpectedly, a kangaroo can be dangerous to a person. But only if you invade its domain and the animal senses danger as well. Practice the following to prevent a conflict:

Cough; keep your coughs low and brief. The kangaroo will likely not attack you since it will see it as an illness symptom.

Back off gradually so that you appear smaller and less menacing.

Running and turning away will only enrage the animal. Keep in mind that kangaroos are excellent jumpers and will catch up to you shortly.

Number 11


Whenever you come across a lion, always remember;

  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Don't look the other way
  • Avoid averting your gaze because doing so will give the predator time to strike.
  • Lift and jack up your arms to give the appearance that you are trying to seem more prominent.

The animal will try to avoid you if you appear large and intimidating. Make sounds and gestures while speaking to the lion in a loud, assured tone. Such behavior is unusual for a victim, thus by confusing the predator, it will think of you as an intrusive presence that it is best to avoid.

Number 10


Elephants are intelligent and generally sociable creatures, yet they have a history of attacking humans. This is especially true for female elephant moms who believe that you are hazardous to their offspring.

If you encounter an elephant, pay close attention to its body language. If its trunk and ears are arched, it's likely going to trample you.

Don't flee if the animal approaches; instead, look for a barrier between you and it, such as a stone or a tree.

Number 9


Due to their poor vision, rhinoceroses are easily alarmed and provoked to attack. These creatures are capable of traveling 37 miles per hour. Because of this, outrunning them is challenging but not impossible.

Hiding under the tree is the only option to get away from the rhinoceros. It is a significant barrier for the animal as well because it won't follow you through bushes or tall grass.

Number 8


Although the animals in this image appear cute, they can actually be very dangerous. Hippopotamuses can run at a pace of 18.5 mph despite their size.

They don't have flawless personalities, thus it's simple to enrage them. Try to avoid going into the bushes while it's hot outside. Because of the drought, the water table drops, and the hippos hide in the tall grass.

Try to climb a tree, rock, or steep hill and wait there until the animals leave you alone.

Number 7


Despite the common misconception that bulls don't react to red (or any other color), but rather to movement. For this reason, if a bull is charging at you, keep your head straight and continue to utilize your hat, t-shirt, or other readily available clothing as bait.

The bull will shift course and follow this object whenever it becomes near enough to fling it as far away from you as possible.

Number 6


Burns from jellyfish cause persistent discomfort. It's a common misconception that peeing on a damaged area can make the pain go away. Wash this area with salt water as soon as it has been burned.

After that, use a stick or a pair of tweezers to take the remaining jellyfish bits away because pure water will just make the issue worse. Apply antihistamine cream to the burn if you have some on hand.

Number 5


These creatures have the strongest jaws on earth. Breaking out won't be simple in this situation. if you were seized and struck in the eyes. These creatures' most vulnerable parts are their neck and eyes. Go target them to get the animal to release itself.

Make as much noise as you can and run in a zigzag if you see the predator creeping towards you on the ground. Running and yelling are the greatest options in this circumstance.

If you notice a crocodile while swimming, be calm and avoid making loud noises or shouting. It will attract unwanted attention, so try to swim away quietly.

Number 4


The majority of snakes are neither toxic nor harmful. 80% of bites to people occur when they attempt to catch this reptile. Stomp your feet if you see a snake pursuing you. The snake will become confused by vibrations and will leave you alone.

Do not attempt to suction the poison from the wound after being bitten, as depicted in movies. It is preferable to use running water to cleanse the bite, apply a tourniquet, and call for help.

Number 3


Although bears rarely attack people, it is still possible if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The following standards of behavior must be understood:

Don't run; doing so will make you appear like a target for attack. A wild animal will follow you at least instinctively, so give up trying to outrun a bear. With their hands covering their necks, they may plummet to the earth at a speed of 30 miles per hour and curl up into a ball.

Pretend to be dead; Acting as though you are dead will make you less of a threat. Don't get scared if the bear throws you about for a while. Even if it leaves you alone, continue to act dead because

Number 2


There's a good reason why gorillas are referred to as the lords of the forest. They are protectors of their land and family. If you act obediently, they won't attack you. Avoid towering over the gorilla and take a seat to appear less important.

If an attack or approach is imminent, try to speak quietly and avoid making eye contact. Gorillas who curl into a ball are often proud creatures who don't assault the weak and defenseless.

Number 1


Bees will defend their colony, and even if you are only passing by, they may sting you. If you're wearing a black t-shirt, you run a substantially higher risk of getting stung by bees since dark colors draw their attention.

If a hive of bees or just a few of them are pursuing you, seek refuge in a dim area. The insects will veer from your path if there is insufficient illumination.

Final Words

I sincerely hope you never have to swim away from a crocodile, flee from a rhinoceros, or come face to face with a roaring lion. You will be able to defend yourself in the woods though now.

We appreciate your likes, so please share this article with your friends and tell them to remain safe. More individuals will be able to view this message when they become available, which may end up saving someone's life.

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About the Creator

Iqra M

I as a passionate writer love the language of words. Words inspire, entertain, and educate. I capture essence of human experience in stories. Join me on this journey of discovery through written word!

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  • Roohenoorabout a year ago

    looking forward to your new post:)

  • Roohenoorabout a year ago

    "Great read! Your post provided valuable insights on the topic and presented the information clearly and concisely. Thanks for sharing!"

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