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12 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches Permanently

Things to do to avoid Cockroaches

By love okerePublished about a year ago 5 min read

Cockroaches are not only unsanitary but also incredibly annoying pests that are unwelcome guests in any home. While many people resort to using smelly and expensive pesticides available on the market, these chemicals can be just as harmful to humans and pets as they are to roaches. Instead, it is worth considering the use of natural and safer alternatives to keep roaches out of your house for good.

Before embarking on any roach-fighting methods, it is essential to understand where and why infestations occur. Typically, roach infestations begin in the kitchen, particularly in those dark and hard-to-clean spaces behind and under cabinets and appliances. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your kitchen thoroughly clean before and after cooking, ensuring that no food is left out on the counters or spilled in the cabinets. Roaches are particularly attracted to garbage, meat, cheese, sugary foods, and grease. By keeping these items out of their reach, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of roach infestations in the first place.

If roaches do make an unwelcome appearance, there are several natural methods you can try to repel them. One effective approach is the use of bay leaves. Roaches are repulsed by the smell of bay leaves, which are commonly found in most grocery stores. Tuck them or leave a clump in those hard-to-clean places, although be aware that this method may require a significant amount of bay leaves and patience. Nevertheless, it is a natural and pleasant-smelling way to send roaches packing.

There are also various spices with strong odors that repel roaches. Garlic or cayenne powder can be sprinkled in and around their favorite hangout spots. You can even mix the two together for a super pungent roach repellent. Another natural ingredient that works wonders against roaches is lemons. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly over surfaces. You can also create a spray by mixing lemon juice with water to target those hard-to-reach areas. Not only does lemon juice effectively repel roaches, but it also leaves your kitchen smelling fresh and serves as a natural disinfectant, crucial in combating the dangerous bacteria and viruses roaches can carry.

Vinegar with peppermint oil is another powerful combination that roaches cannot stand. Fill a medium-sized spray bottle mostly with vinegar and add enough drops of peppermint essential oil for the smell to be noticeable. Give it a good shake and start spraying. Target your kitchen and bathroom, focusing on corners, nooks, and crannies where roaches like to hide. By using this natural spray regularly, you can keep roaches at bay.

Neem oil is a versatile natural remedy that repels many insects and pests, including roaches. It contains a chemical that is poisonous to these pests. While neem oil can be found in many sprays and lotions, using pure neem oil will provide the best results. It may require a little extra expense, but it is still cheaper than hiring an exterminator. You can mix neem oil with water to create a spray solution or sprinkle the powdered form in areas where roaches are prevalent.

A soap solution that contains borax is also effective in repelling roaches. Borax is a natural antiseptic and cleaner commonly found in powdered laundry detergents and disinfecting hand soaps. By mixing the soap with hot water and spreading it thickly on your kitchen counters and near any infestation points, you can deter roaches. They breathe through the pores of their shells and skin, so when they come into contact with the soap solution, the borax effectively gets the job done.

In addition to these natural remedies, there are homemade roach traps that can be created using

ingredients commonly found in your kitchen. These traps can be strategically placed in areas where roaches are suspected to be coming from. One such trap is the baking soda and sugar trap. Take the smallest dish you can find, such as the lid to a gallon of milk or juice, and mix baking soda and sugar in a one-to-one ratio. Place another equally small container filled with water near the dish. The sweet sugary smell attracts roaches, and when they consume the powder mixture and drink water, it reacts with the baking soda to cause internal distress.

The duct tape trap is another effective method. Cut a sizable strip of duct tape, around the length of your forearm, and fold down each end to make it easy to pick up and dispose of later. Place a bait, such as a small hunk of cheese or a dollop of peanut butter with some sugar on top, in the middle of the strip. Roaches will be attracted to the bait and become stuck to the sticky tape.

For the slippery jar trap, you'll need an empty pickle jar or a similar-sized container. Ensure it is completely clean and dry, then place bait at the bottom, such as cheese, sugary peanut butter, or pan grease. Spread petroleum jelly all over the inside of the jar, especially around the mouth. Roaches will climb into the jar to reach the bait but will be unable to climb back up the slippery surface to escape.

The coffee trap is yet another effective homemade method. Take a clean and dry glass jar and a small styrofoam or plastic cup. Fill the cup with wet coffee grounds, ensuring it is small enough to fit easily inside the jar but sturdy enough to remain unaffected by water. Place the cup of wet coffee grounds inside the jar and fill the rest of the jar with water, stopping slightly below the surface of the bait cup. Roaches will be drawn to the smell of coffee and climb into the jar after the grounds. However, they will be unable to escape due to their limited swimming abilities.

It is important to recognize when a roach infestation is beyond your control. While roaches may seem like introverts, hiding in isolated spots, they are actually quite social creatures. If you spot one or two roaches, chances are there are many more where they came from. They may have entire colonies in the walls, roof tiles, sewage systems, under bathtubs, and other dark and unreachable places. Additionally, roaches are nocturnal and do most of their scavenging while you're asleep. If you encounter them during the day, it likely indicates a major problem.

If you have tried these natural remedies over time but have not seen any significant improvement, it may be high time to call a professional pest control service. They have the expertise and resources to tackle severe roach infestations effectively.

In conclusion, cockroaches are unhygienic and bothersome pests that can be effectively controlled using natural methods. By keeping your home clean, using natural repellents like bay leaves, spices, lemon juice, vinegar with peppermint oil, neem oil, and soap solutions, you can significantly reduce roach infestations. Homemade traps, such as the baking soda and sugar trap, duct tape trap, slippery jar trap, and coffee trap, can also be useful in capturing and eliminating roaches. However, if the infestation persists despite these efforts, seeking professional assistance is advisable. Remember, a roach-free home not only promotes cleanliness but also contributes to a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

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