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10 Tips to Get You Through Your Freshman Year of College


By Maya AnnPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

High School graduation season is approaching, and that means thousands of seniors across the country are preparing for college in the fall and a lot of them are first generation students looking for advice. Here’s a list of tips to get you through your freshman year of college.

1. Set Goals for Yourself Before the Year Starts.

Setting goals before setting out to reach any major milestone is important. Goals help you track progress. For most, college is a 4 year experience, so make goals for each year. After you’ve made goals for each year take it a step further and make goals for each semester. Goals can be long term or short term and some goals you may have for each semester of each year. An example of a every semester goal that would also be an every year goal would be “Get All A’s.” There are also goals that you can set that take four years to complete like graduate to “10% of my class.” Your goals should be a reflection of how you want your college experience to be.

2. Establish House Rules with Your Roommate.

For some, their first time sharing a bedroom is in college and most of the time it’s with a stranger. This can be a major adjustment for some, but there are definitely things you can do to ease this transition. Remember that everyone is not raised the same. Early on, establish house rules with your roommate and/or suitemates. House rules can include things like “we take turns cleaning the bathroom” or “no sharing food.” House rules can even be something like “the AC stays between 73 and 75.” Whatever you feel will make living with your roommate go smoothly, make it a rule! House rules should also include expectations for guests. The last thing you want is a roommate who has a guest that practically turns into another roommate!

3. Get Out and Make Friends!

Outside of your roommate you won’t make any friends sitting your room. Get out of your room and actually talk to people! Just like you there are hundreds maybe even thousands of other freshmen or newcomers that are in need of a friend or two. Keep in mind that everyone you meet won’t be your forever friend, but college is definitely the place where you can make life long friends. Joining clubs and participating in on campus activities is a good way to meet people with common interests.

4. Time Management is Your Friend.

While you are out making friends do not neglect your true best friend, time management! College is usually the first taste of freedom many teens and young adults get, but with freedom comes responsibility. Make sure you’re making time to study, do homework, be active on campus, have a social life, and have a healthy sleep schedule. It sounds like a lot because it is, but you will find a way to manage it. Your syllabi will help manage class work. Make sure before each semester you print your class schedule. Use a planner, reminders, and alarms to help keep track of everything you need to do throughout the day, week, and month! After you’ve done everything you have to do, go out and do whatever it is you want to do.

5. Don't Abuse Your Newfound Freedom.

You are an adult now—mistakes aren’t taken lightly in adulthood and some mistakes can follow you for the rest of your life. Have fun, but be smart. Don’t do anything too crazy just because you can.

6. Network—You'll be Around People From All Over!

A huge plus in college is there are so many people just like you who want to do what you want to do or are already doing it. Get with people that are into the things you’re into and collaborate, even if it’s just sharing ideas! Build relationships with people who are in or are going to be in your field! Those connections will come in handy after college and maybe even before.

7. Get to Know Your Professors.

Don’t just build relationships with other students, make sure you’re getting to know your professors! Go to office hours. Be vocal and active in class. Having a good relationship with your professors can be useful when it comes to recommendation letters or just getting some extra help with an assignment.

8. Transcripts NEVER Change.

Be mindful that your transcript is your transcript and it never changes. You don’t want a lot of low grades and dropped courses on your transcripts. Jobs, internships, and graduate schools look at transcripts. Even if you want to switch colleges they will look at those transcripts and they will always be accessible.

9. You'll Make Mistakes, Learn From Them.

You may fail a test or even a class. You may get a ticket or lose your dorm key a million times. Shake it off. Things happen, but they don’t have to keep happening. Be mindful of the mistakes you make (because you will make them) and make sure that they don’t become habit.

10. College is What You Make it, Make the Best of it.

This one is self explanatory. Know what you want and go for it. No one can make your dreams a reality but you.


About the Creator

Maya Ann

23, Black, Woman

Digital Content Creator

Twitter: @TheMayaAnn

IG: @TheMayaAnn

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    Maya AnnWritten by Maya Ann

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