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Your Time Is Running Out

A letter to those men who don't and won't accept change.

By Julianne McKennaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Your Time Is Running Out
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

The outbreak of war in the Ukraine has given me pause for thought, in more ways than one. As a child, I saw the mental, emotional and physical scars that my Polish grandparents and relatives endured after surviving World War II. But this time around, as an adult, I am not living those traumas second hand, I am watching them unfold in real-time.

Today, in the 21st century, 77 years after WWII has ended, I am observing a man who is nothing more than a schoolyard bully trying to subdue and dominate a smaller classmate, just so he can try to steal his lunch money. And this has led me to question why this unacceptable patriarchal, power hungry, bullying behavior is still occurring in this day and age?

These actions may have been tolerated 80 years ago, but the world is no longer blind or ignorant, and it will not be condoned in this day and age. The firm grip of patriarchy began to weaken with the introduction of the internet, bringing with it knowledge, and the ability to question everything. What you do today is instantly witnessed by the entire world, and nothing can be hidden indefinitely.

Putin's grab for power is an attempt to return the Soviet Union to its former size and glory, however the world has changed and moved forward, and what he is striving to achieve is next to likely impossible, especially if we can all stand firm and united. Hopefully, his arrogance and ego will bring about his own downfall. He may have misjudged just how much the world will protect the underdog when they call for assistance.

By Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

This narrowness that old patriarchal men have in their thinking, is their ultimate Achille's heel, as the world is slowly awaking to a different view. No longer will humanity just stand by as you feed your ego and attempt to rule through fear. You will be called out for your actions.

We are over the old men who think they are entitled to create reasons for war and send innocent young people to do the dirty fighting for them. You did not carry these children in your womb for nine months, you did not nourish them with your body and keep them warm, just so some arrogant old man could say they are of no great value, that you owe your life to your country, and can be discarded on a battlefield.

I believe the time has come for women to take a stand and say we will not bear children anymore for you to send to fight in your asinine battles and wars. We live in the 21st century, where battles and wars are completely unnecessary in this day and age. There are so many other options readily available to resolve conflicts. How can we claim to be an intelligent species if we allow our children to participate in the futility and stupidity of war? We cannot.

I believe the time has come where women are slowly starting to gather their strength and take back their feminine power that the patriarchal system has worked so hard to consistently erode. Women have been without a voice for so very long, but that is changing, one day at a time. We need to do this for our daughters, the women who will shape the future of this planet.

By Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

We were fed the lie for many years that we had to be demure and dress modestly so as not to attract unwanted attention from men because they were unable to control their emotions (because of what we wore and how we behaved). And then we were told that those very same men, who could not control their emotions, were the best men to lead us in positions of power because they were logical thinkers, not emotional thinkers.

Do you see the irony of this? Do you see where we have been gas-lit by the patriarchal system for so many years? Why are we constantly told that men are not emotional, when anger is one of the biggest emotions and the one emotion that unites bullies, narcissists and abusers?

For all those men who think they are entitled to abuse women and children, be it mentally, emotionally, financially or physically, just remember you can no longer hide behind closed doors because the entire world is now watching. You are a coward, and you are no longer safe by claiming patriarchal rights. We will continue to fight to protect every victim until victims no longer have to live in fear.

For all those men who think they are entitled to belittle, gaslight, bully, and insult others, male or female, we are going to call you out. We are going to expose your insecure masculine ego, and shout it from the rooftops. The time has come for you to reeducate yourself about what is acceptable, and what is not.

For every man who puts power, greed and money before the health and survival of this planet, the blood of every human and species that suffers from those decisions, is on your hands. One day, you will be made accountable.

By Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Has the patriarchal system not realised that it can no longer hide? Have they not realised we are no longer blind to their lies? Have they not realised that women have had enough and we will slowly but surely take a stand. Have they not realised that their days are numbered and they are running out of time?

Or is it this very realisation that has made them so desperate?

This has been written for every single man who thinks they are justified in being bully’s, aggressive, vicious, rude, egotistical, narcissistic, arrogant, entitled, domineering, power-hungry, racist, sexist, and old school patriarchal thinkers because humanity wants you to know that your time is limited.

Those of us who are willing to move forward, to change, to grow, to become better people, to promote community and acceptance, over violence and divisiveness, have decided it is time to say NO MORE!

By Salman Hossain Saif on Unsplash

We are choosing to change the narrative by which we live our lives. It may have taken more than 80 years to reach this point, but imagine where we might be in another 80 years?

We no longer care for your fragile male egos, and we no longer care for your toxic masculinity. We are counting down the years, months, days and minutes until your patriarchal reign of terror ceases to exist.

It cannot come soon enough.


About the Creator

Julianne McKenna

I write because my heart tells me to, I read because I love stories that make my eclectic soul happy. I'm an artist, scrapbooker, book nerd, animal lover, traveller and free spirit. Twitter: @JulesMcKenna13 Instagram: @theblingprincess

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