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By S.I.E.R.R.APublished 8 months ago 3 min read
World News
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Revelation is long considered the most controversial book in the Bible. In their cryptic language, many see a timeline for destruction at an unprecedented level. Some maintain that the timeline will end, abruptly and violently, in this century. We live in a world that is changing profoundly and rapidly, and facing threats that seem apocalyptic to us. We worry about global warming and overpopulation. It is only necessary to open the newspaper or turn on CNN to see the headlines that, in the eyes of some readers of the Apocalypse, will be sure proof that biblical prophecies are finally being fulfilled. Just think about how we've seen devastating hurricanes in recent years. We have seen devastating tornadoes. We have found earthquakes very high on the Richter scale. If you look at how quickly they are happening and how close they are coming, as we get closer to the end of the days, they will almost overlap on top of each other. The prophecy of Revelation suggests that as the seven seals of Revelation are broken one by one, we are approaching the end of the timeline. Some biblical experts maintain that the seals have already begun to break, setting the stage for a final cataclysm. If this is true, what could occur and when? Exactly where are we on the timeline? There will be terrible suffering, wars, diseases, a series of disasters, and catastrophes, that will affect the Earth, and the human beings living on the Earth, as the end of the world approaches. And in the end, we will witness the final destruction of the Earth on which mortal human beings live. But what forces will bring about this final destruction? How would we know that the most important seal of all, The seventh, has been broken? The Apocalypse says that the final punishment for humanity's wickedness will be announced by the sound of heavenly trumpets. You see seven angels, each with a trumpet. And they go out, and then the series of trumpet judgments begins. Some believe these trials will be natural disasters of unprecedented magnitude. They look to science for answers while theorizing that the cryptic text of Revelation may allude to physical forces on Earth or beyond. Some New Testament scholars say that this and biblical references to fire falling from heaven could be interpreted as asteroids. A collision between an asteroid and Earth may be the catastrophic event predicted in another verse of Revelation. The third angel sounded his trumpet and a great star, burning like a torch, fell from heaven. The star's name is Wormwood. Some believe that the author of Revelation, John, does not specify a star in this passage, but rather a comet or an asteroid. It is widely accepted that ancient observers could not have understood the difference between different types of celestial bodies. Although no star is named after Wormwood, There is strong scientific evidence that an asteroid impact could play a major role in the mass extinction of life on Earth. Astronomers now believe that all three generations of dinosaurs, Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous, became extinct, at least in part due to extraterrestrial collisions, giant comets, and asteroids that collided with Earth. If something that big happened, humanity would not survive. Today, a collision between Earth and an asteroid only a few kilometers in diameter can release as much energy as 1,000 nuclear weapons detonated simultaneously. And the third part of the son was wounded, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, so that the third part of them was darkened. If a large asteroid or comet were to hit Earth in our lifetime, it would send millions of tons of debris into our atmosphere for years. This would practically imprison us in a cloud of dust, isolated from the life-giving sun. Is this the scenario described in the Apocalypse? In any case, its author writes that more trumpets will sound and even greater anarchy will develop.


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Follower of Christ. MaMa.

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  • Dale Irvine7 months ago

    Дуже крута стаття, мене завжди дувує той факт, що інколи світові ЗМІ мовчать про ситуацію в Україні. Бо те що зараз відбувається не можливо замовчувати. Та наша країна на фоні всього цього за інформацією дуже авторитетних джерел та якісних новинних потралів стала 15 армією світу , що тільки наглядно демонструє всю ту міць та волю наших захистнів, котрі боронять нашу державу. Тому хотілося б, щоб світові новини більше звертали на це увагу, бо в історії світу, ще не було таких прицедентів.

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