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Why You Should Drink Carbonated Water

The Science Behind Carbonation: Exploring the Refreshing Effects

By thingsandstuffzyPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Why You Should Drink Carbonated Water
Photo by Serenity Mitchell on Unsplash


Carbonated water has gained popularity for its refreshing and invigorating qualities. The effervescence and bubbles in carbonated water are a result of dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which gives it a distinct fizzy texture. This presence of carbon dioxide is what sets carbonated water apart from regular water and contributes to its unique effects on our body and overall well-being.

One of the reasons why drinking carbonated water often makes us feel better than regular water is the sensation it provides. The effervescence and bubbles create a tingling and slightly acidic sensation on the tongue, which can be quite enjoyable for many people. This sensory experience can provide a sense of refreshment and satisfaction, making carbonated water a preferred choice for those seeking a more exciting alternative to plain water.

Carbonation and CO2:

When carbonating water, CO2 gas is added, making the water slightly acidic due to the formation of carbonic acid. Although it can also exist in the form of bicarbonates in water, the acidic nature remains consistent. Surprisingly, consuming carbonated water leads to increased hydration, improved digestion, and an overall sense of well-being. This observation may be attributed to the unique relationship between CO2 and our physiological processes.

The Bohr Effect and Oxygen Absorption:

One fascinating effect related to CO2 is the Bohr effect. It refers to the process by which oxygen is absorbed into cells and tissues, a mechanism that involves the presence of CO2. Contrary to common logic, oxygen uptake relies on the slight pH adjustment caused by CO2, making the environment slightly more acidic. Hyperventilation during panic attacks, which results in excess oxygen intake and insufficient CO2, disrupts this delicate balance and hinders proper breathing. However, by reintroducing CO2, such as through breathing into a paper bag, normal respiration is restored. The importance of CO2 becomes evident in maintaining the homeostasis of oxygen absorption.

Carbonated Spas and Therapeutic Benefits:

In Europe, carbonated spas or baths have gained popularity for their therapeutic effects on various circulatory issues, particularly peripheral vascular disorders. Carbonating the water in these spas increases microvascular circulation, making them beneficial for conditions like diabetic wounds and preventing amputations. Moreover, after experiencing a stroke and entering a hypoxic state, CO2 therapy helps oxygen permeate the cells effectively. Although research specifically on drinking carbonated water and its health benefits is limited, studies examining related aspects provide valuable insights into the potential advantages of CO2.

CO2 and Cancer Research:

CO2 exhibits significant potential as an anti-tumor agent, inhibiting metastasis and inducing apoptosis in cancer cells. Moreover, it interferes with a gene called h i f Dash Alpha, associated with the switch from normal cells to cancerous cells. Understanding the connection between CO2 and oxygen delivery to tissues becomes crucial here, as hypoxia can be caused not only by low oxygen levels but also by insufficient CO2. Therefore, CO2 plays a vital role in preventing and treating cancer, complementing the role of oxygen in our body.

Other CO2 Connections:

Beyond its health implications, CO2 manifests in interesting ways in our surroundings. After a thunderstorm, the air contains more CO2, making it easier to breathe. Breathing through the nose, as opposed to the mouth, during sleep and exercise allows for better oxygenation of tissues. Hot springs, renowned for their relaxation properties, also contain significant amounts of CO2, contributing to the overall experience. Furthermore, CO2 finds application in skincare products, promoting hydration, improved circulation, and reduced inflammation.


The inclusion of carbon dioxide in carbonated water reveals numerous potential health benefits. The intricate interplay between CO2 and our physiological processes, such as oxygen absorption, highlights its importance in maintaining overall well-being. While research specifically on drinking carbonated water is limited, parallel studies shed light on the potential advantages of CO2. So, if you're looking to experience enhanced hydration and a sense of relaxation


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