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Why Are We Here?

land + sea + we

By DolphingirlPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
gift of life

At some point in our lives we start questioning our role and purpose in life... hopefully with a child’s curiosity, taking us through our choices and adventures with a sense of wonder, excitement, and joy. Yet, there are times when we lose our way, situations flip upside down, our joy bubbles popped, and we begin forgetting our why.

Why be alive and why share? Why have hope and why even care? And why love? What I’ve been calling,“Our porpoise in life!”

The truth is, every thought, every feeling, and every action does matter. Especially when we’re feeling displaced, rejected, and not quite fitting in. These “moments in time” are not what they seem… they are calling us to lead, instead of follow, diving in, instead of giving up, being compassionate, instead of being judgmental.

That’s the superhero element lying dormant in all of us! Waiting to awake from a sleepless slumber that even our biology, chemistry, and cells are an essential part of.

What do you think gives us our connectivity to ourselves, each other, and to our precious planet, down to the breath we are breathing? Water, and more specifically, the sea.

The sea is part of our nature, and is the driving force behind the big “N.” It’s our nature with Nature that we are needing to return to, for in doing so, we can bring back the hope, happiness, and healing to our lives, as well as our planet’s future.

To begin with, have you ever have noticed that Nature with the big “N” always has the last word, and the first. In a sunset, and in a sunrise.

So let us talk and walk with Mother Nature herself.

How is that possible? Well, I believe hope, happiness, and healing are all action words. Meaning, they’re asking and needing us to do something with our love, even if it’s only 1 thing.

Love creates the flow of water dynamics, the “we” factor of community, family, tribe, and nation… and can often bring back the buoyancy to our lives. Connectivity made visible!

Here are a few ideas that were born from actively trying to protect the things I LOVE ~ family, friends, nonhuman animals, oceans, and our amazing planet over the past 25+ years of my life. You too can create conservation campaigns, like the "Be’ Kine Care Campaign” (, using your art, actions, and voice for activism, advocacy, and awareness = artivism.

Maybe you’re hesitant and on the fence… thinking your life doesn’t make a difference. Yet, if not now, when? If not you, who? Wherever you’re at in your life and whoever you are is a good place to start with being your own ‘aquatic’ superhero for our planet, which happily affects you and all those you love… creating beautiful ripples into waves.

What I like to call, flipper footprints in my “Dolphin Talk” lecture series!

“Dip your Toes” ~ things you can do at home in being connected with your environment and surroundings!

1. Replacing your cleaning products with biodegradable, yes the sprays and liquids you’re using for household needs, laundry, and the lawns, because EVERYTHING is returning back to the oceans. As we all might know, pollution STINKS!

2. Try buying a majority of your fruits and veggies locally, organic, and non-GMO.

3. Planting a garden, your seeds sprouting will be bringing new life, and naturally supporting the VERY important pollinators on our Earth.

4. Buying and using reusables by reducing your single-use plastic consumption of cups, containers, bags, and straws will help by stop the suffocating plastics permitting our oceans and killing the beautiful marine life we all love.

“Wade in the Water” ~ things you can do TODAY to be connected to the moment!

1. Breathing consciously either through an exercise or practice.

2. Doing something kind for your neighbor, without expecting anything back… waves of love.

3. Grounding ~ taking time to put your feet either in the grass, dirt, or water; helping you FEEL the Earth that’s supporting you every day, in every moment, whether you’re noticing it or not.

4. Attitude of Gratitude - saying aloud 3 things you’re grateful for.

“Dive Deep” ~ things you can do to be connected to your legacy!

1. Creating an awareness art project, film, or activity with your community about something that you’re passionate about.

2. Contacting your local radio station to do an interview.

3. Writing a book on a subject or story that will hopefully help or inspire others.


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"Sharing stories, science, art, and soul in promoting planetary care and peace!"

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    DolphingirlWritten by Dolphingirl

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