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Why Are Insects in Australia So Big?


By Prisseva JimmyPublished about a year ago 6 min read

• have you ever noticed how insects seem to get bigger in certain parts of the world take Australia and the Amazon rainforest for example they're notorious for having some of the largest and creepiest crawlies around what's the deal with

• these hot spots of insect activity warmth plays a part in insect growth but it's not the only Factor at play you won't get bugs that large out in the desert for instance despite the Heat the real secret lies in their access to

• water in tropical and subtropical environments there's usually plenty of moisture to go around which means a year-round supply of delicious snacks speaking of snacks that's where things get interesting the warm wet environment

• creates the perfect conditions for an all-you-can-eat insect Buffet which allows insects to grow and Thrive over time this is true for rats too just look at the giant rodents that live in cities where they can Feast on all kinds of garbage and scraps

• for bugs the perfect gem is usually found near the equator in places like Central and Southern America parts of Africa and Asia and Northern Australia have a look at this one it's special not because of its large size humans rarely see this insect it's

• a wood moth and was spotted at a school in Australia the school is close to a rainforest it holds a record for being the heaviest moth in the world it had a wingspan measuring up to nine inches in Australia there are about 60 species

• of wood moth yet many aren't as big as the giant wood moth the students get to face many animals on campus such as Bush turkeys koalas and snakes but according to the principle seeing a wood moth was a brand new thing

• when we start talking about insects in Australia it's also hard not to mention spiders they are impressively big again it's all thanks to the warm climate and abundance of food sources in the Australian bushlands like most cold-blooded animals

• spiders tend to grow bigger in warmer places the Australian climate especially in the Northern and Central Parts is hot and humid making it the perfect environment for spiders to grow and thrive spiders are also sensitive to temperature so warmer climates provide

• them with longer periods to grow before reproduction Australia's vast bushlands provide more insects for spiders to prey on making them bigger and stronger from the crab spider to the Australian bird eating spider in the Huntsman although

• they may look scary most of them are not dangerous to humans now we can take a deep relaxing breath so how do Australians handle big spiders without going crazy I mean we are talking about a country that is home to about 10 species of spiders

• Australians treat spiders with respect despite the cases of spider bites they acknowledge that these creatures are not here to scare people they're an Irreplaceable component of the ecosystem when they face a spider at home they call the experts if there's no one brave

• enough to capture the spider and take it outside here are some weird looking animals from Australia I must admit some look creepy and some look cool this one here is a hot pink slug it has a striking bright

• pink coloration which is believed to be an adaptation to their environment this creature is among the rare and endangered species you can find it only in a single place Mount kaputra National Park it's near an isolated Forest on an old volcano

• insects are part of everyday life in certain parts of this country a person was mowing the lawn and a surprise was waiting for them they discovered this 14-inch tall insect and this person was kind enough to fill the bird bath on a hot day

• then they noticed that birds didn't go near the bath they wondered why and checked it out well hello there next up we have this giant insect and it's still alive why is it such a shocking thing because

• um it was declared extinct nearly a century ago I guess it's back from the other side it's the Lord Howe Island stick insects aka the tree lobsters these giant bugs measuring about six inches used to call this place their home sweet home but black rats had other plans

• these rodents invaded the island gobbling up everything in their path including the poor stick insects by 1920 the bugs were officially declared extinct but as fate would have it they made a comeback more than 40 years later

• on Ball's pyramid a volcanic sea stack located 12 miles away but here's the twist the new and improved stick insects looks slightly different from their ancestors leaving scientists scratching their heads wondering if they were the real deal after some scientific sleuthing and DNA

• testing the verdict is in they're the same species with less than one percent genetic difference these plant-eating Critters are ready to make a triumphant return to their Homeland we're about to take the creepy crawlies to a whole new level in Australia

• there's a centipede that'll make you want to crawl out of your skin I must also say these animals are nocturnal too can you imagine waking up with one of these six inch long centipedes crawling across your foot have you ever seen an insect that looks like it came straight out of a science

• fiction movie well let me introduce you to the Australian walking stick if we showed you a picture of this creepy crawler you'd probably think we had some mad Photoshop skills but no the stick insect is as real as they come it's hard to believe such a bizarre

• looking creature could actually exist in nature this just goes to show how incredible and mind-boggling nature can be picture this you're wandering through your garden minding your own business when suddenly you walk face first into a sticky web

• before you have a chance to freak out you see the culprit a garden orb weaver spider these nocturnal creatures might look scary with their large hairy bodies and red Brown to yellow markings but luckily they're harmless to humans in fact

• having them around can be a good thing since they help to reduce insect pests like mosquitoes their webs are truly a Marvel of nature strong and nearly invisible with a large capture area for prey and if you accidentally break their web don't worry they'll usually get the hint and move

• somewhere else so go ahead and enjoy your garden but watch out for those sneaky Garden orb weavers check out this Hefty Aussie Critter the burrowing cockroach unlike those pesky flying roaches these fellas are wingless

• and not considered a nuisance they've got a vital role to play in the ecosystem munching on fallen leaves and recycling other organic matter you might find them chilling out in a cozy burrow in fact they're the only known cockroach with a permanent

• Subterranean Abode these crawlies are practically celebrities in Brisbane where they're even kept as pets our next subject is the Hercules moth this little thing can only be found chilling in New Guinea and Northern

• Australia now let's talk about why the Hercules moth is so impressive for starters it's massive it boasts a wingspan of 11 inches making it the biggest moth in all of Australia not only that but its wings have a surface area making it the largest of any insect

• alive talk about impressive when it comes to appearances the Hercules moth is mostly golden brown and white with see-through spots on each of its four wing sections the coloring and patterns don't differ too much between males and females but

• the males have longer skinnier tails on their wings the thing about these types of animals is that you never know where they'll fly will they land on your shoulder or the tree next to you have you ever encountered a giant insect if yes what did you do tell us your

• story that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like


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Prisseva Jimmy

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    Prisseva JimmyWritten by Prisseva Jimmy

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