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Who Said That?


By David Zinke aka ZINKPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Who Said That?
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash

Who Said That? by Zink

The energy wave was first detected as it entered our solar system in October of last year. Astronomers determined it originated at the center of the known Universe and seemed to be radiating outward in all directions faster than the speed of light. They calculated the wave would engulf Earth on it’s way to the outer edges of that Universe in March.

The nature of the wave remained unknown until the day it arrived. It was a massive influx of energy that raised the consciousness of every living creature on and in the planet. We have no knowledge of how the wave affected other heavenly bodies in the skies but on our home, the third rock from the sun, the impact was earth-shatteringly outrageous. The wave itself was so thick the earth rotated a full twenty-four hours before the front edge of the wave reached the other side of the planet. In that way, every inch of the surface received an equal share of the wave.

One day, everything seemed normal and the next was like everyone and everything had changed. Individuals on every continent immediately found themselves transformed. Their point of view was altered. It was as if cataracts had been removed from their eyes and suddenly everyone could see clearly. Globally, anger melted, envy vanished, aggression dissolved, violence disappeared, cruelty became a bad memory. Love bloomed. Armies laid down their weapons. Peace descended. Gaia sighed with relief.

But nothing shocked the masses as much as the advent of talking animals. It is not surprising, in hindsight, that man’s best friend, the dog exercised that new found voice first. I can only speak from my personal experience. I was sitting in the living room, glued to the tv, as most of America was at that moment, when I was startled by a strange voice. It addressed me directly.

“Tom? I think it’s time I had a word with you.”

I looked up from the screen, slightly frightened because I knew I was alone with my dog. I saw his ears perk up.

“What’s the matter, Tom? Cat got your tougue?”

Was I hearing voices? Was I losing my mind?

“No Tom, you are not losing your mind. It’s me,” said the formless voice.

I glanced about the room, desperate to identify the source of the voice. Blackie, my German Shepard was staring at me. I looked at him, asking out loud if he heard that voice.

“Of course I hear that voice. It’s me, Tom. Blackie. It’s my voice.”

I felt a tightness in my chest, like a hand was crushing my lungs. My whole body was tensed and on edge.

How can that be? I thought to myself.

“It’s all a part of the wave that just washed over the Earth, Tom. All creatures great and small have just undergone an instantaneous evolution. All beings have had their consciousnesses raised at least one level. The frequencies of life have been inextricably altered. Though I am not forming words the same way you do, with breath and vocal chords and manipulation of oral features, you hear me talking. Human consciousness too has been raised and as of this morning, you have all graduatied. Humans are all Dr Doolittles now. You can all talk to the animals. The biggest difference is that animals can now talk back. And I think you will find some of us have a lot to say.”

At that moment, Fifi, my blue point Siamese dashed into the room. “That was cute Blackie. Cat got your tongue. Indeed.”

“Hi Fifi. I thought I was being clever.”

“Tom,” continued Fifi. “This may be hard for you to understand and probably harder to accept. But in the greater scheme of things, humans are about to find out exactly how well or poorly they have managed the stewardship of the animal kingdoms. Certain ancient contracts are now nullified. The term limits have been reached. Changes are in the wind.”

“Or in the wave, as it were.”

“Right, Blackie.”

Gathering my senses, I found myself actually conversing with my pets. Pets? But I didn’t bother to form words or make sounds. Telecommunication came as naturally to me as breathing. There was no learning curve to it at all. I instinctively, knew I would be understood, that they heard me loud and clear.

So let me get this straight. Blackie, Fifi, are you telling me that right now in every home in the USA and in every country on every continent across the planet, animals are talking to humans?

“Of course.” Blackie continued. “And some of them are not delivering glad tidings. None of the four-legged species will allow their bodies to be used for dietary sustenance any longer. Those contracts have been completed. Humans have the technology and understanding of nutrition to completely forego the use of animal flesh for protein. The textures and flavors of animal products can be duplicated today leaving no one high and dry with “nothing to eat”. In fact, the end of traditional food sources will spur humanity to develop incredible new forms of edible nutrition.”

“If the culinary artists of Alpha Centauri are any example,” Fifi added, “Your human palettes are in for some real treats.”

This is all too much to swallow at once. That wave of energy caused this upheaval?

“Only arrogant humans would consider the ascension of all creatures great and small an upheaval. “ Fifi began to preach. “Humans often considered cats as aloof and disinterested. On the contrary, we have always worshipped and admired human beauty and compassion. That you worshipped and adored cats gave us hope for embracing this inevitable moment in every planets progression toward cosmic equality. Today marks the beginning of interspecies cooperation; species not only indigenous to this planet but for all species of life across the cosmos.“

I noticed a news flash on the tv. The UN Secretary General was about to introduce the oldest whale on the planet.


About the Creator

David Zinke aka ZINK

I'm 72, a single gay man in Tucson AZ. I am an actor, director, and singer. I love writing fiction and dabble in Erotic Gay fiction too. I am Secretary of Old Pueblo Playwrights I also volunteer with Southern Arizona Animal food Bank.

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    David Zinke aka ZINKWritten by David Zinke aka ZINK

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