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What If Megaladon Sharks Never Went Extinct?

Megaladon In The Ocean

By What IfPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

Do you want to go into the ocean.

He thought this animal might be hiding around.

Underneath you, it is two times bigger than something.

The T-Rex has very big jaws that can smash things easily.

Cars are vehicles that can carry several people.

One thing happening at a particular moment.

This really old animal is called a Megalodon.

If sharks never died out, they would still exist.

It could be bigger than expected.

How would it affect our lives and what changes would happen.

How we use our oceans and how much space they take up is important.

What danger would it bring to people and why.

The probability of these creatures appearing.

There are creatures that are hiding really far down in the ocean.

This means "what if" and here it is again.

What might occur if Megalodon sharks came back.

The animals or plants did not disappear over time.

People say they have seen Megalodon recently.

There are many things that have suddenly appeared all over the internet.

They say that these big sharks never

Some animals or plants have disappeared completely and don't exist anymore. They are called extinct.

Being hidden at the bottom of the ocean.

The Mariana Trench is a place you can't go deep into.

Go there and see it for yourself.

Scientists say that there is plenty of something.

Proof that proves these Internet stories are not true.

If Megalodon sharks were still alive, we would

You probably already know about it for sure.

The sea would be very unsafe.

This is how we find out about Megalodon sharks.

They haven't been keeping themselves hidden from us the entire time.

A place still exists in our oceans where things wander around.

They would be going to Mariana.

Trench megalodons were big sharks that lived in warm water.

Mammals that can survive in very cold temperatures.

The Mariana Trench is really deep.

They can't stay alive there, it's too difficult.

If these really big sharks are still around, then they get an added bonus.

Existed means something was present or real.

We would be looking for their very big signature.

Bite marks on big sea creatures.

We probably would have found it.

By now, we should have found at least one dead body or bones.

This has not happened and there are only a few things left from it.

We discovered some of these ancient scary animals.

Do they have teeth. We found many of them.

Megalodon teeth are easily found because they are big and they fell out of the shark's mouth a lot.

They found it because they made a lot.

This means the teeth that grow in when someone is young.

From the beginning until the end of their lives, people experience losing things or people they care about.

People usually brush their teeth every two weeks.

The teeth went down to the bottom.

The sea where they may probably be found.

Most megalodons would become fossils.

Sharks have around 40,000 teeth in their mouth.

We have a lot of time left in our life.

We haven't discovered something because we've never found it before.

They found a complete Megalodon shark in that place. It is still whole.

We don't know much about them. Here's more information about them.

What we have discovered up until now.

Megalodon sharks appeared on Earth some time ago.

16 million years ago, there were living things.

The biggest predator in the sea in terms of size.

These things can be found at a distance of 10 to 18 meters.

Big animals ate anything they could catch.

Fish can turn into dolphins and even whales.

Around 2 million years ago, they.

vanished completely

Scientists don't exactly know why.

One idea is that they died out.

because there is less food available.

More and more animals or people are trying to get the same type of food.

Another theory that is even more interesting is that.

Megalodons could not adjust to the changing environment.

The ocean is getting colder.

The animals they hunted started going to colder areas.

To get away from them no matter what the cause.

We cannot prevent them from becoming extinct.

Picture how unique our oceans would be.

If they had stayed alive, what would their situation be like today.

The scientists think that a Megalodon shark probably ate around.

Each day, 1,100 kilograms of food are needed.

We are still here and eating a lot.

If we continue to catch a lot of big fish, there might not be many left.

There are things left in the ocean for us to find.

There could be other problems as well, not just one.

We can see the fishing industry too.

Giant megalodons are following fishing boats.

Taking fish that someone else caught without permission.

Some killer whales live in the ocean.

The weather is getting warmer again and there used to be huge sharks called megalodons.

will be growing and having babies

Rewrite: This made more of the huge ones appear.

There are animals that live in water and breathe air, called mammals, which can make sounds to communicate with each other.

Difficulties for ships that travel by sea.

Some big boats and people who like going to the beach.

Megalodons had their babies in warm and shallow water.

The water is good for swimming at a nice beach.

This could be very risky for us.

What would a planet look like without any light.

Some animals died out and it could happen to more animals in the future.

Scientists can bring back extinct animals.

Discover, but we can talk about it another time.

What if.


About the Creator

What If

What If is a Webby Award-winning science web series that takes you on a journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities, some in distant corners of the universe, others right here on Earth.

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