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What if Earth was Sucked into a Black Hole?

I'm just asking...

By Myra Bozeman (Proud Man-Mom)Published 10 months ago 3 min read

What if Earth was Sucked into a Black Hole

Could a black hole devour us all one day? There are millions of them out there just waiting for us, and if we happen to accidentally create a black hole, well you better fasten your seat belts because things are really going to suck.

There are approximately 100 million of them out there in our galaxy that we know of they are remnants of supernovae which occur when stars 10 to 20 times larger than our sun collapse in on themselves stellar black holes are fairly common and are about 16 kilometers in diameter and then there's the much larger competition supermassive black holes these have a diameter roughly the size of our solar system and a mass greater than one million suns combined. One of them known as Sagittarius is right smack dab in the middle of our galaxy so how close would a black hole need to be to be a danger to us?

Well technically a black hole the size of a one millimeter pin could destroy us if it was close enough to earth due to its incredibly dense mass and extreme gravitational pull. Our survival all depends on whether we've surpassed the event horizon or not. You can think of this as the black hole's point of no return; anything beyond this point would have to travel faster than light to escape. Good luck with that. If earth got close enough the side nearest to the black hole would begin stretching toward it our atmosphere would start to be vacuumed up and then huge chunks of the earth would rip apart and follow suit. If Earth were to fall into the orbit of the black hole, we would experience tidal heating because the planet's strong uneven gravitational pull would continuously deform the planet, generating a tremendous amount of internal friction and heating the earth's core to disastrous levels, causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and deadly tsunamis.

If you were a superhero and decided to fight the black hole headfirst, your arms would be closer than your feet, causing your body to stretch out vertically and become more and more compressed. However, for a supermassive black hole, spaghettification can occur hundreds of kilometers distant from the event horizon.

Physicists believe that this would happen inside the event horizon due to its vastness, but that eventually, no matter what big it is, anything entering a black hole would be ripped into a string of individual atoms. This would happen to everyone, planets, stars, you name it. Unfortunately, our entire solar system would be doomed because the delicate balance of the sun and our many planets would collapse, potentially causing them to collide with one another.

To make matters worse, our asteroid belt would be sucked toward us; about 200 of the 552 894 asteroids we know of are more than 100 kilometers across, so if one hits us, we'd be dead before we turned into spaghetti. frankly i'm not sure which fate would be worse all of the matter in our solar system would join the accretion disk around the black hole as matter gets sucked into the black hole it generates massive amounts of radiation so even if we somehow survived all the asteroids we'd likely die from the radiation believe it or not astronomers have discovered rare circumbinary planets that orbit two stars while this may be a possibility with a black hole and our sun the extreme tidal forces would likely make our planet uninhabitable and worse yet we might get kicked out of orbit or swallowed by the sun or the black hole eventually. Sorry but there's not an outcome where we win here but and this is a big but, maybe we could find a way to protect ourselves in some hyper reinforced space shuttle if we somehow made it past the event horizon. We might be in for an even stranger time in physics as we know it. It would change things like gravity, the speed of light, even how atoms bind and react may be completely different. We don't know what would happen because we can't get any information out of a black hole. Would we be pushed into another dimension and wind up in a parallel universe, or are we already within a black hole? What we do know is that it's a different narrative.


About the Creator

Myra Bozeman (Proud Man-Mom)

Twenty-five years of invaluable experience in community college education and in local government as a board of education leader, is how my visionary leadership catalyzed positive transformations within the realm of education.

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