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What If Earth Orbited the Sun at the Speed of Light?

How fast would we go?

By Wayne Published 11 months ago 4 min read
What If Earth Orbited the Sun at the Speed of Light?
Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

Every year, the Earth completes one journey around the Sun, which means we're already moving at breakneck speed. However, we're about to increase that speed exponentially; let's transform the Earth into a planet-sized spacecraft and accelerate to the speed of light.

why would this make the planet so heavy?

what would happen to Earth if it started orbiting so fast and what would it be like to experience all this from down on the ground this is what if and here's what would happen if the Earth orbited the Sun at the speed of light okay nothing travels faster than light so brace yourself because light moves through space at a blistering 300 000 kilometers per second that means from the moment a particle of light leaves the sun hurtling directly toward you on Earth it takes just eight minutes before it hits you in the face or gently caresses your face yeah it only takes light eight minutes to travel 150 million kilometers and light reflecting off the moon only needs one second to reach your eyes now when it comes to an object cranking up to the speed of light things aren't just as simple as picking up the pace let's take our planet as it gets closer to the speed of light its mass increases until it becomes infinite and to move an infinitely massive object you're gonna need an infinite amount of energy and that's just impossible until now

Earth already orbits the Sun at 30 kilometers per second and while that's not slow at all compare it to the speed of light and it's not even a drop in the bucket if you want to be more precise Earth orbits this big scorching ball at only 0.01 of the speed of light so we've got a lot of ground to cover here but don't get ahead of yourself because even if we just increased Earth's orbital velocity to 42 kilometers per second we'd be in serious Danger that's because at this speed Earth would achieve its orbital escape velocity that means it would be traveling fast enough to escape the sun's gravitational pull we'd just be traveling out into space another cold Rogue planet with no star system to call home of course we'd cross the solar system before being ejected out of it for good after about three years of moving at this speed Earth would reach Neptune at that point we'd have already passed all the other planets in the outer solar system if we got really unlucky Earth might crash into the big ball of gas Jupiter along the way now for a moment that would be a pretty view as we approached but what a shame it wouldn't last long enough for you to enjoy because Earth colliding with Jupiter would have some lethal side effects but we wouldn't let your Epic Journey end so abruptly in this scenario Earth would keep hurtling through the solar system and beyond we'd keep speeding further and further out of our planetary Hometown and into the big unknown and without the sun's heat well Earth would slowly but surely become a cold and lifeless Rock okay well that didn't go as planned at all so how about we start over let's break the laws of physics and keep our planet in the sun's orbit as it reaches light speed

What would that be like? To accelerate the entire planet to such an incredible speed, we'd need a lot of energy. How much energy? More than you could possibly imagine. If you wanted to accelerate yourself to 90 percent of the speed of light, you'd need as much energy as the entire world consumes in five days. Where in the universe could we find enough energy to accelerate the entire planet? Your best bet would be to follow the lead of the black hole. Stars achieve their hypervelocity by orbiting a black hole that's colliding with another black hole. These two black holes begin a kind of dance, spinning faster and faster until they eventually let go, and this gravitational disruption causes the Stars to be ejected across the universe at these incredible speeds.

Now, experiencing light speed on Earth wouldn't be exactly like what you see in the movies when the Millennium Falcon or the USS Enterprise engage thrusters. For starters, you wouldn't see any more stars in the night sky due to the Doppler effect.

x-rays can cause many health problems and increase your risk of cancer, but today's atmosphere is thick enough to prevent most of this radiation from Stars from reaching us. Traveling at the speed of light could put our atmosphere to the test; we could lose our protective air shield, which would also mean that you wouldn't be able to breathe on Earth.

crashing into our atmosphere at such high velocities that it could burn it to oblivion, and I'm not convinced you'd relish being on Earth if it abruptly lost its atmosphere, but that's another what-if story.

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About the Creator


Am wayne, a writer from kenya specified in research and article writing. I love doing research on natural things, football updates and updating what going on in the world

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