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We all make a difference.

By: Kehinde Oguntoyinbo

By Kehinde OguntoyinboPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
By : Kehinde Oguntoyinbo

It is sometimes hard for me to believe that with billions of people in the world I can some how make a difference , but we do. With every single one of us implementing minor changes in our lives regardless of how little it is , it can significantly have an impact on our planet. I have always grown up with a strong connection to the earth. I first grew up in Nigeria before moving to New York. I spent a lot of time out doors and in the natural world talking to plants and trees. As a kid with a very vivid imagination , I was extremely fascinated by animals and would observe them a lot growing up. I remember getting annoyed with my friends for littering when I taught they could have easily thrown their trash out in the garbage or recycle , or for attempting a vegan/vegetarian diet in high school with little to no knowledge about the life style . This pull and connection that I have with the earth has led me to be more couscous about by carbon footprint on the planet has an adult now.

Growing up in New York , I hated the amount of trash that would pile up on the days it was time of them to be picked up. They made the environment smell bad and caused the streets to look cluttered in my opinion. I also did not like how the amount of pollution would affect the quality of air we get to breath in. Regardless I still love New York because it is a very complex city with different layers and elements to it . I later on moved to Toronto for University where I got to learn a lot more about climate change with the course I took and how we as humans are greatly impacting the earth In a negative way. I noticed living here compared to New York , we have to pay for plastic bags when shopping which caused me start bringing my own reusable shopping bags to grocery stores and help me reduce my carbon foot print on the planet by using less plastic bags. I later on went vegan after learning more about the life style and it has allowed me to cut down my carbon foot print as well after learning about the amount of waste the dairy and meat industry produces wax have year on the planet and also was not a fan of the treatment animals received b the meat and dairy industry. I am aware that not everyone has the luxury to switch to a vegan or vegetarian diet but cutting down on the animal/dairy product can help reduce our carbon foot print on planet as well as improve our overall health. I also now use reusable water bottles rather than purchasing plastic bottle because of how time it takes for plastic to decompose. I also use medal straws rather plastic ones which help save the turtles as well as composting my food after cooking and not ordering food out so much because of how wasteful that could be to be more cautious about my carbon foot print here on our beautiful planet.

Some of the last changes I have implemented in my lifestyle to help with my carbon foot print on the planet is my consumption of fast fashion the. I now enjoy shopping for second hand clothing as well as supporting more ethical sustainable brands. I leaned about how wasteful the fashion industry can be and how poorly they treat their workers paying them very cheap labor so they can produce in expensive clothing for cheep prices. One great thing about living in the city is being able to walk to grocery stores or using the public transportation like train or buss which helps the environment and our planet as a whole.

One of the main reasons I am very passionate about my carbon foot print is that I want my children to be welcomed into a healthy beautiful world. All of us have the power to implement change by being the change we want to see in our world and regardless of how small you might think your efforts are it’s still better than nothing. I’m aware that I still have more room for improvement but as of right now I’m doing the best that I can and that is what really matters. I hope that I was able to enlighten in anyway I possible can on this matter that I hold close to my heart and with that being said. Thank you for reading and let’s help mama Gaia Win so that our kids have a awesome planet to live in.


About the Creator

Kehinde Oguntoyinbo

Hello , my name is Kehinde Oguntoyinbo and writing is a creative outlet for me besides my other hobbies. I love writing music , writing in my journal and now writing on this site. Hope you all enjoy the content I put out here. Thanks.

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