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"Walking in a circle" is a tribute to the environment.

Protect the environment from plastic

By testPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Many schools have opened one after another.

In order to further carry out epidemic prevention and control

Urban Market Regulatory Bureau and Civilization Office

Advocate the new fashion of civilized catering that "reduce crowds and pack as much as possible".

Advocate the New Fashion of Catering | People's Daily

All catering units need to respond.

Requirements of epidemic Prevention and Control team of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command Office

Limited opening up to "eat in the hall"

It is recommended to eat alone, sit in rows, and sit diagonally.

The "epidemic" seems to change people's consumption habits.

The psychological barrier to the virus

Sterilized tableware that will cause people to temporarily refuse to reuse

Therefore, the use of disposable tableware

As if there was a high-sounding reason

The heavy use of disposable tableware by people will be a heavy blow to the environment.

As the environmental guardian of the new era

After having the "right of choice"

Of course we won't put ourselves in a passive position.

We need to take the initiative.

Lead the new catering fashion of "walking around"!

As the saying goes, there is no one before and no one has come since.

Do you know

The ancients were in the vanguard of the new fashion of "walking around".

Wrap food in leaves | Vision China

Wrap food with natural materials such as bamboo, lotus leaves, banana leaves, etc.

It was the wisdom of the early people.

Basket | Vision China

receive soldiers with baskets of rice and vessels of congee

Is to put dry food in a pot and rice soup in a kettle.

When going far away, pots and pots have become a must for people.

Food box |

Food boxes are running in the streets.

The smell of the food drifted to every corner of the road

Aluminum lunch box | Oriental IC

The steaming aluminum lunch box in my memory

The food packed always looks very precious.

It's bumpy and potholed.

That's the time left.

Traces of our lives.

We stand on the shoulders of giants

We can also get out of our style in the new era.

Today's display is for everyone to show.

Lead the new food and beverage fashion of "walking around" together!

Come on, keep up.

Don't get lost!


Bring your own takeout lunch box

Bring your own takeout lunch box |

One's own lunch box

It is more suitable for the delicious food you have in mind.

Clean and recycle after enjoying it.

Our little move

Let the earth breathe a sigh of relief


Bring your own cup to walk the cup

Bring your own cup |

What is a walking cup?

Take your own cup and buy takeout drinks.

Reduce the use of disposable paper cups and plastic cups

To walk the cup is to clock in with environmental protection.

You can also enjoy some discounts from merchants.

Why not do it?


Make good use of beverage cup bags

Handheld cup cover | online shopping platform

Give yourself a drink cup

Configure a small pocket that you like.

Not only reduce the use of disposable plastic bags

You can still make a comeback when you go to the street.

This wave of operations can have


Skillfully using packing towels

Screenshot of Japanese Design Series Design Ah | Acfun

A plain piece of cloth

Under people's ingenuity

Become the spokesman of ever-changing environmental protection

Pack lunch boxes and wine bottles beautifully

It doesn't matter.

Why don't you try it, too?


Refuse free disposable products

Disposable tableware | Vision China

"this bag and cutlery are free of charge."

Reply coolly, "No, thank you."

When ordering food online

Move your fingers and poke "no cutlery".

This is the demeanor of the environmental guardian.


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