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Top 10 Amazing and Interesting Facts of The World!

Fun Facts about the World That Will Wow You

By Paulla KantasakPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

The world is teeming with surprises and undiscovered information that remains largely unknown to us. With approximately 200 countries, billions of individuals, a diverse range of plant and animal species, and the hidden wonders of nature, there are countless captivating and enjoyable facts to explore. For those who have a penchant for discovering intriguing tidbits about the world, we present a compilation of the top ten astonishing facts.

1. Snowfall in the Sahara Desert

Believe it or not, snowfall in the Sahara Desert is one of the world's most fascinating phenomena. Despite being a hot desert with very little rainfall, snow has been recorded in this unlikely location. In 2018, the Sahara Desert was covered in a beautiful white blanket of snow, although it only lasted for a day. Snowfall has occurred multiple times in the desert over the past few decades, including as recently as January 2022. The first recorded snowfall was in 1979, when a brief snowstorm lasted for just thirty minutes. So, while snowfall in the Sahara may seem unusual, it is not unheard of.

2. The Fastest Gust of Wind

Prepare yourself for the most intense wind storm you can imagine. In 1996, a tropical cyclone named Olivia made landfall on Barrow Island, unleashing the fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth: a staggering 353 miles per hour. This exceeded the previous record of 231 miles per hour set in New Hampshire in 1934.

3. Inaccessible Coca-Cola

You may find it hard to believe, but there are actually two countries in the world where you cannot purchase Coca-Cola: North Korea and Cuba. Despite Coca-Cola being a globally popular beverage, these two countries have long-standing trade bans with the United States. North Korea has been under a trade ban since 1950, while Cuba has been under a trade ban since 1962. However, if you find yourself in North Korea, you can still try a locally produced dark-colored soda called Ryongjin Cola or "Coca Sparkling."

4. Sudan Boasts

More Pyramids Than Any Other Country When we think of pyramids, our minds immediately go to Egypt. But did you know that Sudan actually has more pyramids than Egypt? While Egypt is home to 138 pyramids, Sudan takes the lead with over 255. What's even more fascinating is that these pyramids were not built by the ancient Egyptians. Instead, they were constructed by the members of the kingdom of Kush, an ancient civilization that reigned over areas along the Nile river.

5. Experience the Magic of Rainbows in Hawaii

If you're a fan of enchanting rainbows and want to witness their beauty in all its glory, then Hawaii is the place to be. According to the American Meteorological Society, Hawaii tops the list for the best spots to witness breathtaking rainbows in 2021. Reports suggest that factors such as air pollution, pollen, and crashing waves contribute to Hawaii's dominance in this natural phenomenon.

6. Explore the Spectacular Liquid Rainbow

Continuing our exploration of fascinating world facts, let's shift our focus to the captivating watery rainbows. Yes, you read that right! There's a place in the world where you can marvel at your favorite rainbow in liquid form. It's none other than Caño Cristales, also known as the "River of Five Colors," "liquid rainbow," or "melted rainbow." Situated in Colombia's Serranía de la Macarena National Natural Park, this river showcases a multitude of rainbow hues beneath its crystal-clear waters. Although it may seem magical, the stunning array of colors is actually attributed to a weed called Macarenia clavigera, which is distinct from algae or moss. To witness this extraordinary sight, plan your visit between May and November when the river weed blooms in various hues.

7. Mapping the Ocean Floor with Whale Songs

One of the most intriguing facts in the world is that male Fin whales use deep, loud songs to attract female mates. These songs are considered the loudest among all marine life and can be heard up to 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) away. Interestingly, these songs can also be utilized to map the ocean floor through sound, as they can reach depths of 2.5 kilometers underwater and bounce back to provide accurate measurements.

8. The Changing Colors of Flowers

In this fascinating fact about the world, it is revealed that flowers have the ability to change colors. However, don't worry, your beloved red roses won't suddenly turn green. Due to the ozone layer's deterioration leading to increased UV radiation, flowers across the globe are experiencing alterations in their colors. Unfortunately, these changes are not visible to the naked eye. Additionally, the heightened UV radiation has resulted in increased UV pigmentation in flowers and has contributed to the degradation of pollen.

9. The Ancient Profession of Dentistry

Have you ever thought about the oldest profession in the world? Well, it might surprise you to discover that it is Dentistry. This intriguing fact, among the top 10 amazing facts of the world, dates back approximately 9,000 years. Evidence of teeth being drilled in skulls from 7,500 to 9,000 years ago has been found, indicating the practice of dentistry. The University of Bologna in Italy has confirmed that a decayed tooth in a jawbone was intentionally cleaned and treated using a tool.

10. The World's Population in Los Angeles

Were you aware that the global population recently surpassed 8 billion people? Now, imagine this: all of these individuals could fit inside the city of Los Angeles. Surprising, right? Studies have shown that if everyone stood shoulder to shoulder, the entire population could occupy the 500 square miles of Los Angeles.

Here are several intriguing facts about the world. However, this list is not exhaustive. To expand your understanding, continue exploring and acquiring new information. These facts about the world are truly captivating and have been accumulated over the course of our civilization's history. Familiarize yourself with them and become knowledgeable in trivia. Best of luck!

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    PKWritten by Paulla Kantasak

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