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The special "equipment" that animals are born with

During the long evolution of animals, some parts of their bodies have evolved into special equipment with superior performance

By John LeePublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The special "equipment" that animals are born with
Photo by MARIOLA GROBELSKA on Unsplash

In order to survive better, in the long evolutionary process, some parts of the body have evolved into special equipment with superior performance by adapting to complex environmental conditions, which makes them appear to be particularly capable of hunting and defending themselves. In contrast, human made appliances are far from it in terms of sensitivity, accuracy and energy saving.

Swallow's Navigator

Swallows will not get lost in the annual process of moving south and returning north, no matter how long the journey is. It turns out that swallow blood contains a large amount of iron, which is magnetized by the geomagnetic effect and forms numerous micro magnetic needles. Like the directional compass of an airplane or a ship, it always points to the North Pole to guide the swallow.

At a certain temperature, the angle between the micro magnetic needle in swallow blood and the flight direction is different, which will cause different reactions in the body. In the warm spring, when swallows migrate northward along the micro magnetic needle, they will have a specific feeling in their bodies. With this feeling, they will instinctively think that the flight route is correct; If the heading deviates from the direction of the micro magnetic needle, it is an abnormal feeling. The swallow realizes that the flight route is wrong, and adjusts the heading in time to find the normal feeling, so as to ensure the northward migration.

The same is true. In the cool late autumn, swallows migrate to the micro magnetic needle in the reverse direction, which will create another specific feeling and determine the course with this feeling, so as to ensure the smooth southward migration.

"Pressure regulating valve" of giraffe

The giraffe has a very long neck. When it fully raises its head, it is about three people tall; The height difference between brain and heart is about two meters. In this way, when it frequently lowers its head and raises its head, the brain will inevitably have an accident under the violent impact of high and low blood pressure.

To ensure the safety of the brain, there is a blood flow regulating valve in the lower cerebral blood vessels of the giraffe. When the blood entering and leaving the brain passes through this valve, the blood pressure is adjusted and becomes relatively stable. When the giraffe lowers its head to drink, the valve automatically turns down to prevent the brain from suffering from high blood pressure and cerebral hemorrhage; When it feeds on leaves with its head held high, the valve opens automatically to ensure that enough blood is sent to the brain, so as to prevent the brain from dizziness due to instant hypoxia and even falling to the ground.

In addition, the blood flowing from the static blood vessel to the brain through this valve will have a certain "siphon" effect on the blood flowing from the driven blood vessel to the brain, so as to reduce the load borne by the heart during blood supply, thus reducing the possibility of myocardial strain.

Whale's "megaphone"

The sperm whale gets its name from its huge head. The front part of the whale's head is high and protruding, which looks like the forehead of Shou Xingye. The forehead of the sperm whale is full of things like bean curd brain. This is not its brain, but actually a large fat body, shaped like a convex lens, which can amplify the weak ultrasonic waves from around, equivalent to a sound reinforcement device.

We know that convex lens can converge light into a strong light point; In the same way, ultrasonic waves can also converge and become stronger after passing through lens shaped objects. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that the sperm whale, which uses sonar devices to detect the surrounding targets, relies on the lens shaped fat body on its forehead to gather and amplify the ultrasonic waves reflected from the underwater surroundings and pass them into the inner ear, so as to hear the weak sound more clearly. It is also used to judge the situation of obstacles in front, and determine the position, size and movement speed of prey and even enemies, so as to better deal with them.

Unicorn whale's "multi-purpose sword"

The narwhal, which lives in the waters near the Arctic Ocean, has a sword like horn on its head. An angle is actually a long tooth born in the upper jaw. It is 3 meters long, and some are almost as long as the body. The surface is distributed with spiral grooves, which looks like a drill bit.

It is preliminarily inferred that this kind of tusk has multiple functions: it can be used as a weapon for fighting and self-defence; It is also a predatory tool, used to pierce the body of prey; It can also be used to cut through the thin ice layer on the water surface, so as to stretch your head out of the water surface for breathing. Moreover, this special tooth form forms a streamline shape with the whole body, making it swim faster in the water. It is said that some small fish will swim around curiously when they see this strange horn, and eventually become the food of narwhal.

Some scientists believe that when the narwhal moves rapidly, the excess heat generated by its body will be emitted through its tusks; At the same time, the long teeth can also sense the acoustic signals transmitted from nearby areas, which can be used to detect the surrounding movement and the orientation of prey. It can be said that the tusk of narwhal is a widely used "sword".

"Mirror" of Jumping Spider

When male jumping spiders woo each other, they not only woo each other with gifts such as worms, but also win the love of female spiders with their passionate dancing.

The spider dances and dances. When the other party sees it, they open their hearts and enter the bridal chamber. However, if only male spiders are exposed to ultraviolet light, only female spiders are very active, while male spiders have no reaction to female spiders; If only female spiders are exposed to ultraviolet light, the male spiders show enthusiasm, while the female spiders react coldly to the male spiders.

It turns out that the vision of jumping spiders, like that of bees, is to watch everything outside by detecting the ultraviolet light reflected from the outside world. The hairs on their heads and legs are covered with a layer of scales. The fluorescent substances on the scales can reflect the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight. Usually, jumping spiders can see each other only by reflecting ultraviolet light from each other. Therefore, they can be seen by each other only when they are exposed to ultraviolet light; Otherwise, if one party cannot see the other, it will not show the behavior of mutual communication. On this basis, people invented money detectors and black light lamps to trap and kill pests.

Grizzly Bear's "Biological Clock"

Although grizzly bears have the habit of hibernation, they do not go into the cave to hibernate when they feel cold. Instead, the "biological clock" in their bodies grasps the time of hibernation on time.

Experts from Yellowstone Park in the United States confirmed the above statement by tracking grizzly bears for a long time. At the end of one autumn, when the north wind was howling and a storm was coming, people thought it was time for grizzly bears to enter the cave. However, they still wander around the forest to find food. Obviously, the time for hibernation has not really come yet. Sure enough, after a few days, the weather turned warm again.

The "biological clock" of a grizzly bear is actually some sensory cells in its body. These cells are very sensitive to climate characteristics such as temperature, pressure and light intensity during seasonal changes, so as to accurately distinguish abnormal cold weather and the real arrival of winter.

In early winter, the "biological clock" of grizzly bears sounded for the first time, so they began to yawn lazily to find a place for hibernation. After a period of time, the biological clock rang for the second time, and they walked in the forest, ready to enter the cave. Before long, when the biological clock rang for the last time, they went into the cave and slept through the harsh winter.

Spider's "Silk Factory"

If a triple or double spider silk is pulled around the earth, it will not break even though it is too thin to be seen by the naked eye. Spider silk not only has strong tensile strength, but also has high elasticity and strength. The bullet proof vest is made of it. When the bullet is hit on it at high speed, it will not only be impenetrable, but also bounce back. In addition, spider silk is also heat-resistant and cold resistant, with strong corrosion resistance, which is difficult to destroy under normal circumstances. So, how do spiders make things with such excellent performance?

Spiders bite worms and inject venom into them. After the body of the other party dissolves, they can ingest the venom and digest it in the body to convert it into protein components mainly composed of glycine, alanine and serine. When spiders spin silk, they discharge the mucus of this component out of the body and combine it with air to form spider silk composed of protein molecular chains. The irregular protein molecular chain makes spider silk have good elasticity; Regular protein molecular chains make spider silk have high strength, and spiders use this silk to weave unbreakable insect catching webs.


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    JLWritten by John Lee

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