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The Little Cabin

A hikers refuge

By K.C. KeatsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

As the rain danced on the metal roof giving a peaceful melody as the storm passed overhead. Thunder could be heard in the distance, growing closer and closer with every clap, with the lightning illuminating the sky with an eerie glow as the lake vanished into the darkness, only to appear once again as the lightning danced across the sky once again. The wind then picked up whistling through the leaves and branches of the surrounding forest as waves lapped against the shore trying eagerly to crawl upon the rocks, only to be dragged back again as the struggle continues through the darkness as the waves are pushed back again and again. As the wind picks up, a loud clap of thunder shakes the small cabin as it trembles in the wind, as if shivering from the onslaught of the weather outside, rain pelting against the two small windows looking like tears running across the panes. Thunder clapped as the sky lit up with a thunderous crash behind the small cabin, shaking it on its foundation, and flames could be seen swirling through the onslaught of the wind and rain as a tree was struck, only to be defeated and drowned by the downpour. Smoke came from the chimney of the small cabin as a flicker of light could be seen through the window. A tired, wet, and lonely hiker had stopped to get out of the storm as he tried to light a small fire to keep warm as the sky lit up with another clap of thunder shortly following. Tired and warm now from the small fire, the hiker slowly drifted off to sleep while mother nature battled outside the small cabin through the night.

Dawn slowly approaches and the storm passed as thunder could be heard in the far distance as the sky cleared. A small star peeks out from clouds as they drift aimlessly across the early morning sky as to say hello to the small cabin which still stood after the terrible night before it says goodbye as the crimson light cast its morning glow across the valley as the sun slowly rises from its night slumber to warm the land once again. Birds sing as a small puff of smoke came from the tiny cabin’s chimney once again as the lone hiker awakens getting ready for the day before he departs to leave the tiny cabin alone in the valley once again till the next visitor comes.

Before you know the summer has passed and many hikers had come and gone from the valley visiting the little cabin as the leaves upon the trees had changed too many colors making the tiny cabin feel happy until he remembered that this was the time of year that the evil people would come and kill and take away his friends. The little cabin didn’t like this but there was nothing he could do for it happened year after year since he was put there, his sole purpose was to keep these people dry and warm while they took away his friends. But, this time no one showed up except for the nice hikers looking for a place to stay, not one mean hunter showed up at all and this made the little cabin thrilled. As the years passed more and more hikers showed up to visit the little cabin, they had finally banned hunting in the little valley and turned it into a park so the small cabin would not have to worry about losing any of his furry friends again and still protect the lonely hikers from the storms.

short storyNature

About the Creator

K.C. Keats

K.C. is from a small community on the east coast of Newfoundland, Canada, and has been writing for over twenty years.

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