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The Last Drop

A Journey Through a Water-Scarce World

By Sid RodriguesPublished about a year ago 2 min read
The Last Drop
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The scorching sun beat down mercilessly as I stepped out of my humble abode, bracing myself for yet another day in our water-scarce world. The once lush fields surrounding my village had transformed into cracked, arid landscapes, mirroring the despair etched on our faces.

Water had become a precious commodity, rationed and guarded with utmost care. Every drop counted, and survival depended on finding sources that had not yet run dry. Today, I embarked on a journey, a desperate search for that elixir of life.

With a worn-out canteen slung across my shoulder, I walked the dusty path, my footsteps leaving imprints on the parched ground. My heart pounded in my chest, both from the oppressive heat and the anticipation of what lay ahead.

The first leg of my journey led me to a nearby river, once teeming with life. Now reduced to a mere trickle, it served as a somber reminder of our planet's dwindling resources. I knelt by its edge, cupping my hands, hoping to gather enough water to quench my thirst. The droplets slipped through my fingers, a poignant reminder of our collective struggle.

As the sun climbed higher, I pressed on, my determination fueling each step. I heard whispers among the villagers about a hidden oasis deep within the barren desert. Legends spoke of its lush vegetation and abundant water, a haven untouched by the devastation of scarcity.

Guided by these whispers, I trekked through the unforgiving terrain, each gust of hot wind sapping my strength. Doubts crept into my mind—what if it was merely a fable, a mirage in the desert, teasing desperate souls like mine?

But then, as if in response to my wavering hope, a faint glimmer of green appeared on the horizon. With renewed vigor, I pressed forward until I stood at the threshold of an oasis. Tears welled in my eyes as I witnessed the beauty that had been lost to our world—swaying palm trees, vibrant flowers, and a crystal-clear pool of water reflecting the azure sky.

I dipped my hand into the pool, feeling the coolness wash over me. It was like an elixir rejuvenating my spirit. But this momentary respite was bittersweet, for I knew that I couldn't hoard this treasure for myself. The struggle was far from over.

With my canteen filled to the brim, I retraced my steps, heading back to my village. Along the way, I encountered fellow travelers, their eyes filled with desperation and longing. I shared the water from my canteen, giving them a taste of hope amidst our shared struggle.

As the day wore on, I returned home, exhausted but resolute. The taste of that oasis water lingered on my lips, reminding me of what we were fighting for. Together with my fellow villagers, we vowed to protect every precious drop and find sustainable solutions to sustain our community.

The day had been a grueling test of endurance, but it had also kindled a fire within us. We had witnessed the oasis, experienced its life-giving waters, and knew that our fight was not in vain.

As night fell and the stars illuminated the darkened sky, I closed my eyes, allowing a flicker of hope to take root in my heart. Our journey through the water-scarce world would be arduous, but we would persist, driven by the belief that even in the face of adversity, the last drop held the power to transform our lives.


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    SRWritten by Sid Rodrigues

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