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The End of an Era

Will the Sign Come in a Dream?

By Calista Marchand-NazzaroPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The End of an Era
Photo by prosha amiri on Unsplash

A young girl, somewhere around the age of ten, had a dream one night that would awaken her to the harsh reality of the world she was born into. Where exactly she was residing is unimportant in the grand scheme of things; she could be here or there, and it would happen just the same. It was a usual night, and she was dreaming a usual dream (if such a thing even exists). Whatever one of your classic dreams is, just imagine that is what she was seeing. The last bit of dream, just before she woke up, is the part she knew was different. She could feel the difference. It wasn’t really a dream, but it also was surely not physically happening. She now believes it was a spiritual meeting of sorts – that seems to be the only explanation that feels right.

In this vision, if we can agree to call it that, she was approached by Earth. Although the girl did not remember meeting her before, she immediately knew the identity of the one who was speaking to her – she could sense it. If you think about it, we all would. As we have all indeed encountered Earth. We know her in her traditional form, but we also know she can take many forms. She is the reason we are here, and we are all connected to her.

Earth spoke clearly and with a gentle tone. She spoke with care and with urgency. Earth spoke to be heard. She chose this girl as the receiver of her message. The reason is all her own. Perhaps she knew that this girl would understand that this is real. Perhaps it is because Earth is rather large, and this girl’s dreams happen to be big enough for her to enter them.

The girl absorbed the words, for she knew them to be important. She knew that these words would not fade like those uttered in the average dream. The weight of these words would stay with her; it would anchor her to reality, and it would make her own words stronger. Her words now carry this infinite weight. The weak cannot handle them. The strong feel them for what they are. They are heavy, for they speak of no light matter.

Earth informed the young girl that she is undergoing great change. She has been used and abused for far too long. She has been cut, burned, and poisoned. She has been rid of countless things that bring her joy and keep her healthy. She has had many of her friends taken away from her, from the tiniest dull insect to the largest most colorful bird. Her protective bubble has been damaged to the point that she must function differently. She can adapt, but she is sad for her friends, that she houses, who cannot. She has been mistreated by those to which she has been the most generous. She is hurt deeply, and now she needs time to heal. She has given and given and given in hopes that they would fix their mistakes. She has given many chances. She is patient and forgiving, for she is strong and resilient. However, even she cannot fix what has been broken by the people. Her climate has been set on a path that she did not choose. She came to tell the girl that the humans will not survive. It is simply a matter of time. It will not be long. She can feel it. She is saddened that the consequences are this severe. Those most to blame are really very few, but all did take part, and all are unfortunately destined to pay. Earth left the girl with the knowledge that when it is time, a green light will shine through the thick, dark air.

In a situation so dire, one would expect the girl to panic and lose hope, but she instead took the warning as a call for action. A fire was ignited inside of her. Her passion led her to make change, even if it bought only a little bit more time. Knowing that the green light will come did not make her give up, it motivated her to do as much as she possibly could with whatever time she had left. When the time comes that she sees the inevitable green light, she will at least be happy knowing that Earth will carry on.

short story

About the Creator

Calista Marchand-Nazzaro

Always learning and always evolving. I’m a creative, an idea person, a thinker, a dreamer, and working on being a doer. Many interests. Varied content. Food. Sustainability. Comedy. Poetry. Music.

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