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The Cat

The Enigmatic History of Domestic Cats

By Isaac Ekow AnyidohoPublished 9 days ago 3 min read
                  The Cat
Photo by Luku Muffin on Unsplash

Biologists and archaeologists are currently delving into the mysteries surrounding the origins and development of domestic cats. By studying their historical background and genetic behavior, these experts gain valuable insights. Molecular genetics, in particular, sheds light on the transformation of these creatures from wild animals to beloved companions. The intelligence and unique characteristics of cats make them undeniably appealing as pets.

Unfortunately, many people tend to underestimate their intelligence and motivation. Nevertheless, cats remain popular due to their charm, independence, and low-maintenance nature. Interestingly, certain sounds have the power to trigger instinctive emotional reactions in cats, leading to caregiving behaviors. The orbitofrontal cortex, a region of the brain, responds to the cries of human babies even before conscious identification. Similarly, adult cats meowing can elicit a similar emotional response, suggesting an inherent caregiving instinct. Unlike dogs, cats have less expressive facial expressions due to differences in their facial muscles. Specifically, cats lack the muscle responsible for raising their inner eyebrows, which is crucial for conveying sad expressions. However, research indicates that cats can still communicate emotions through their facial expressions, although it is often misunderstood by humans. Furthermore, cats are more attuned to their owners' emotions compared to strangers. They are influenced by their owners' behavior, particularly in terms of providing food and care.

All felines, ranging from majestic lions to cuddly domestic cats, exhibit similar traits despite their varying sizes. The domestic cat, a descendant of Felis silvestris lybica, was the subject of a genetic study led by Carlos Driscoll. By comparing the DNA of wildcats and domestic cats, Driscoll aimed to identify the common ancestor. Archaeological findings in Cyprus provide evidence of early interactions between humans and Felis silvestris lybica. Mitochondrial DNA plays a crucial role in determining the age and evolutionary history of species. This type of DNA, inherited solely from the mother, remains unchanged except for occasional random mutations at a predictable rate, enabling scientists to estimate the age of specimens.

Approximately 10,000 years ago, domestic cats diverged from wildcats, a period that coincided with the emergence of agricultural societies in the Fertile Crescent. Cats possess exceptional hearing abilities and unique anatomical features that enhance their hunting prowess. Their ultrasonic hearing enables them to detect frequencies beyond the human range, while their specialized anatomy aids in tracking and capturing prey efficiently. Cats underwent a process of self-domestication, impacting their genetic makeup in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians held cats in high regard, appreciating their practical and spiritual qualities, particularly valuing their hunting instincts for safeguarding purposes. The worship of Bastet, the feline deity, rose to prominence 3,000 years ago in Egypt. Bastet, revered for her association with self-indulgence, beauty, love, and fertility, was venerated as a goddess. The popularity of Bastet led to a surge in cat sacrifices throughout ancient Egypt. The high demand for sacrificial cats resulted in the implementation of extensive breeding programs and the discovery of numerous cat mummies in tombs.

Egyptian cats, known for their unique genes, were spread globally through trade routes, particularly on ships. Cats were highly valued on vessels for their ability to safeguard grain and sailors, as well as to control rat populations. Vikings, in particular, favored orange Egyptian cats for their perceived good luck at sea. However, during the medieval period, cats were often associated with Satan and were systematically killed. Festivals were even held that revolved around the torture of cats in late medieval Europe. Cats were viewed as eerie creatures due to their predatory instincts and distinctive eyes. Cat breeding in the United States has resulted in a wide range of cat varieties. The introduction of popular breeds such as Maine coon and ragdoll can be attributed to breeding efforts in the U.S. It is important to note that the socialization window plays a crucial role in shaping cat behavior. To effectively manage feral cat populations, it is essential to prioritize neutering and spaying. These procedures not only help control the number of cats but also reduce the risk of disease transmission for both humans and pets.

The trap, neuter, release (TNR) method is commonly employed to address the issue of feral cats, particularly by ensuring that female cats cannot conceive immediately after giving birth. Training cats using target sticks and clickers is a popular method that relies on positive reinforcement. The clicker serves as a bridge to signal a reward for desired behavior. When it comes to training, food acts as the primary motivator for cats. It is worth noting that Asian leopard cats possess an active and intelligent nature, making them distinct from lap cats. In terms of personality and activity level, Asian leopard cats exhibit notable differences compared to other domestic cats. Interestingly, domestic cats and Asian leopard cats have a significant evolutionary gap of approximately six million years, similar to the gap between humans and chimpanzees.


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Isaac Ekow Anyidoho

A calm person with a cascading mind filled with ideas of my own and know that; I can make a difference with the support of people like you. Thank you.

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